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I woke up the next day feeling depressed. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I decided to eat something, because that is what my mom would've wanted me to do.

After breakfast I went upstairs and grabbed my laptop and the box. I sat down on my bed and turned on the laptop. I opened google and searched for DiNozzo MetroPD. I looked between the pictures and had soon enough found a news article about a case he had solved.

'Last friday night Paul Kimberly was arrested, by Metro PD detective Anthony DiNozzo, for rape, murder...'And the list went on and on.

So his name is Anthony DiNozzo huh?

I typed the name into the google search machine and found many things. First a man who looked older, but a lot like my dad.

Could he be my grandfather?

There were things about him meeting with rich people and such...

Anyways, soon enough a found an article with the picture of a man with the same looks like that man on the picture in the box, but just a little older. There was something about a serial killer being caught in DC and that the crime was solved by something called NCIS.

What the hell is NCIS?

I decided to look it up and saw they solved crimes for the Navy and that they were stationed all around the world. Like in LA, Rota in Spain, New Orleans, DC...

I opened Facebook and decided to look up my dad. I soon enough found him and decided to look at his friends.

Hmm let's see, Ziva David who looks likes she is from Israel or something, Timothy McGee some kind of computer geek from MIT, some Goth named Abby, that older DiNozzo guy.

He really has a mixed group of friends hasn't he?

"Karen, can you come down for a second?" I turned of my laptop and went downstairs to my aunt. "Yeah?"

"We, uhh, need to plan the funeral." She teared up a little and I did the same. "Alright...."


One week later

The funeral was horrible. Everyone cried, as did I. You see, my mother had a lot of friends, she always helped everyone.

I also had to do a speech, which somewhere halfway I completely broke down. And now everyone is worrying about me.


Look people, I am not the one whp died, I don't need the damn attention.

Anyway, we just arrived back 'home'. I could never call my aunts place home. Which is why I have been planning to go away.

My mom has left me a huge amount of money and I want to go look for my dad.

I already have a fake ID, that says I am 18.

Don't ask how I got it.

And I ordered a plane ticket online.

"Sweetie, there is mail for you!" My aunt called upstairs.

Ah there it is.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed the envelope out of my aunts hands. "They just spelled your name wrong..." She told me and I nod.

The only difference in my name is that I am now, Caren Kranston.

"Thanks." I mumbled, running up the stairs. I sat down on my bed and opened it. It was a ticket for tomorrow morning.

Leaving here wouldn't be easy, but I will be having a new adventure.

-time skip-

It is now 2 AM and the whole house is quite. I wrote a note for the family that I was leaving and why.

I had packed everything and I had called a cab.

I went downstairs, quitely, and walked out of the house, closing and locking the door behind me.

The cab arrived after a couple of minutes and I got in. I told the cabbie to go to the airport and he did.

-Time Skip, yes another one-

The plane landed in DC and I got out. I got my suitcase and went outside. I called a cab and waited.

As soon as it arrived I got in and told him to drive to NCIS. He looked at me like I was some kind of idiot, but looked it up on his navigation system. He turned it on and drove of to the building.

We arrived and I paid the man. I got out with my suitcase and looked up at the building. I was suddenly feeling really nervous.

What if he doesn't like me?

I walked into the building and looked around. All people in suits, right. Some people stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable. I sighed and walked up to the receptionist. The woman gave me a fake smile and asked me, "How can I help you?"

"I-I uh..." I cleared my throat and continued. "My name is Karen DiNozzo and I am here to see my dad." The woman looked at me shocked and said, "One second." She grabbed a phone and pressed a button. "Director Vance..." She started.


Leon Vance'sPOV

I had just talked to DiNozzo in MTAC considering he is on a solo mission in Europe.

Anyways I sat back down in my chair in my office, leaned back and relaxed, but it didn't last long.

My desk phone and off I sight in annoyance. "What?" I said picking up the phone. "Director Vance..." I recognized the voice as Victoria, the receptionist from downstairs. "Yes?" I sighed. I heard her clear het throat, "There is a girl here, claiming to be Karen DiNozzo."

"What?!" I exclaimed, "Is this a prank?"

"No sir, she is a teenage girl and she looked pretty serious and tired."

"Send her to my office and call agent Gibbs too!"

"Yes sir." I heard her say and she hung up.

5 minutes later there was a knock on the door and my assistant walked in with a girl, who looked around 16 or 17, by her side. "Sir." My assistent mumbled and closed the door behind the girl.

I stood up from my chair and walked over to her. "Hello Karen, I am Leon Vance, Director of NCIS. What can I do for you?"

"W-well I am Karen Cran- I mean DiNozzo, and I am here to see my dad." The girl looked nervous, like she wasn't sure if she even wanted to be here. "Do you have any prove that Agent DiNozzo is your dad?" She grabbed something out of her pocket and handed it to me. I looked at it and saw it was a picture. I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "It is my uh m-mother," she teard up a little, "and she told me that the man next to her was my dad. I have a box with stuff he gave to her and such in my suitcase, but I still had that in my pockett."

I nod slowly and was about to say something else, but was cut of by the door opening. Gibbs walked in and said, "Why am I here Leon, I am busy." He just then noticed that Karen was here. "Who is she?" He asked me pointing at her.

"Karen meet Agent Gibbs, Agent Gibbs meet Karen DiNozzo."

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