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"Hello again. Maddox."

The voice on the other end of the phone is cold. Cutting and cruel in a way that tells me, without another word, that it's one of the Spades calling me. For what reason - and to what end - I can't be sure but it won't be good. Not when we've spent weeks trying to find Lo. Searching every remote area we can find that's within a hundred-mile radius of either Ayrith or Mountain View. Just like the twins and Riv had suggested. Though we have yet to make it to the carnival ground they'd initially mentioned. Needing more time and to look further, deeper, before reaching there in our efforts.

"Hello?" I try asking the same question again, even as my phone buzzes on the table. A message flashed across the screen. Something that wouldn't have been out of the ordinary - or odd - if not for the same noise happening to every person in the room. Everyone in our friendship group looked confused. However, I can't spare the luxury of looking at the message since I know one of them will have it handled. Instead, I focus on the person whose calling. Needing to know is was calling and why.

"Can I ask who this is? Since you sure as hell, aren't Connor. I'd recognize that voice from a mile away."

The voice laughs, a cold and cruel sound that scares me more than I'd like to admit. "Oh Maddox, so cavalier. A lot like you're doomed girlfriend in that department. Now tell me. Why oh why would your phone number be in her phone under a codename? I mean given your relationship status that is.'' The voice seems to enjoy mocking me, riling me up, but I try to keep it together. I try to keep a handle on my spinning emotions I can hear them keep talking. "Tell me, why would the most vital female Spade member outside of the Morovoz-Castillo daughters have an Angel's number in her phone? Are you up to something?"

I sigh, trying to keep my anger dialled down enough that whoever was tasked with tracing the call can do so. But it's hard. Especially when he mentions Lo and whatever predicament she's trapped in. Swallowing I try to keep it under control enough that I can try to get answers out of the person I'm talking to. Before they hang up or I lose my temper and something happens.

"Why do you care?" I ask eventually when I have my temper handled enough to try. "Why do you care and why ask pointless questions you already seem to know the answer to? I'm no fool, whoever you are. I know you know. You know about me and Lo. So why not ask what you want to know and stop beating around the bush?" I wait with my hands clasped on the table, hoping I haven't pissed off whoever is on the other end. Needing to know more before this is over and all for nothing. "Hello?"

"You want answers," The voice cackles, sounding absurdly happy at how lost we are. "You want answers and to know where she is, don't you?" The voice chuckles and I take a deep breath. Trying as hard as I can to keep my temper under control. Even as the voice keeps taunting. "Oh, Maddox you ask for answers when you already know who I am.'' The voice seems gleefully delighted and I sigh, trying to keep a handle on my emotions. Needing this trace to work so we can try and help Lo. Save her. "You already know who I am and you're right. I'm not Connor. He was delegated to look after your girlfriend. With a few friends mind you but still. She's under close watch. Rumour has it she also seems to think you're coming to save her. It's a shame she's wrong."

The voice's words rub me the wrong way. My anger sparked at their assumption that I'd leave Lo. That we all would leave one or our own in the enemy's hands. Alone. Taking a few deep breaths I face the silent phone. Weighing my words carefully I think before I speak. To get the most information and spare my beloved, darling angel from the most pain. Needing her safe and back with us above all else.

"What makes you so sure of that?" I broach carefully, trying to figure out what they mean. "Hello? What makes you so sure we haven't abandoned her? Something we haven't mind you. Yet you...you seem to have us all figured out. How do you do that?"

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