Shadow Night Shock

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I lost her. One minute I can see her the next I've fucking lost her to Connor in the crowd. Her panicked eyes screamed at me more than her voice ever could.

"LO!" I shout foolishly into the noise but between the streaming and special effects, it's lost. Cursing under my breath my phone goes off again but I ignore it, figuring it's one of the guys asking me about where I am. Ignoring it I run back the way I came with Lo as fast as I can. Looking for her. "LO! LO!"

"MADS!" The last time I called I heard her reply. "MADS PLEASE HELP ME! CONNOR STOP, STOP PLEASE LET ME GO! LET ME GO! MADS, MADS! MADS PLEASE! NO STOP! MADS, PLEASE!" She tries again but I lose her under the noise. Running faster than before as I found her, collapsed and curled in a ball where her asshole of a boyfriend stood over her, knuckles seeming to shine with something under the lowlights of the haunted house props.

"Let her go," I seethe, voice low but enough to be heard by Connor given how he looks from Lo to me. The other person looked up to show me bruises. Fucking bruises on her skin and pain in her eyes. Blood too. "Let her go or I swear to god I'll make you."

"Fighting for the wrong person there, Maddox. She's not one of your pathetic bunch. Leave her be."

"Not a chance in hell asshole. She said she wanted to come with me. Let. Her. Go." I say each word slowly but Connor ignores me. Well ignores me enough that Lo can try to move given I can't see his buddies with him for a few seconds until a gun sounds and rips through my upper back and shoulders. "Shit,"

Connor's grin widens when I say that. A malicious edge to the expression. "Yeah, that's right Angel. Shit. You better run or we'll kill you. Don't think we won't." Connor tries to sound menacing but gets stopped when Lo manages to move enough to try and knock his legs out from under him. "You vicious little bitch, come back. Come back or we'll make you and then you'll be sorry."

Again the gun goes off, hitting me somewhere else when Lo flinches. Wincing I keep upright somehow and she keeps moving toward me. Blood stained her clothes and skin. More injuries I can and can't see. Though she's left alone now. Or had been until we locked eyes and one of the others picked her up and trapped her. Another trying the same with me.

"Just give up Reyes, you've lost. Leave and we'll be merciful. Keep you alive." Connor comes between us. Pushing Lo and trying to get at me if not for me evading at the last minute. Though not without a few cuts from the knife Connor had. "Take her and leave him. Let his people find him and he can explain why he's consorting with a Spade."

"Fuck you, Connor," I growl, spitting blood on the floor from the punch across the face I'd had. Lo's terrified eyes find mine as she pushes against the people holding her. "Fuck you to hell," Shoving the person holding me so they crash into a partition and partially knock it down, running across the room I pull Lo with me both of us running as more gunshots are fired. People screaming and blood dripping on the walls. Splashed On the floors to create a real macabre house of horrors. "Come on Lo, we need to go."

"Go? Go where? We're trapped. They have the building surrounded Mads. Don't you get it? This is it." Lo sounds tired but also afraid "Where do we go?"

"We get out. Out of here. Out of town for a few days until it dies down and we can talk to someone. Someone who can help. With all this." I run a shaky hand through my hair, forgetting about the blood, and she stagers again. Something that worries me since I'm not strong enough to carry her. "COME ON!"

I shout over the music as we run the rest of the way through the haunted house, more gunshots and daggers following our progress until we burst out of the noisy, hot, stuffy pop-up buildings and into the crisp cold air. Outside. Lo trips again, this time falling and hitting her head for a third time. Luckily not blacking out but seems shakier when she does so. Not ideal given what we have to do but I can't leave her. Won't leave her.

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