Getting "Accidentally" Hurt In More Than One Way

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*1 year after the privious chapter*

Scar is currently being escorted by Wels to Cub's office for medical treatment after his last injury which was breaking his leg, doing something very stupid. Today he may have pushed his leg a bit far and hurt it. But Scar didn't mind, he loved seeing Cub.

"Go on in Scar, Cub will escort you back." Wels says as he walks back to his station.
Scar walks into the room and leans on the door with a grin, he is totally not trying to hide the fact that he hurt himself again. He hears boots hit the tile, each footstep gets louder and louder until Cub is standing right there.
Cub is average height, he has fluffy black hair and 'from Scar's description' beautiful green eyes.

"What did you do this time?" Cub asks in a scolding but fond tone.
"Well..." Scar rubs the back of his head awkwardly.
"Come on, I'll take care of it. Don't strain yourself" Cub chuckles gently as he walks towards Scar and helps him lay down in a medical bed.
Cub runs a bandage around Scar's leg and sighs.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Cub frowns.
"Um, yeah I may have stretched my leg out a bit to far." Scar chuckles sheepishly.
Cub furrows his eyebrows slightly.
"But you're okay now, no problems." Cub smiles.
Scar beams at him, even though Cub is mad at him. Cub always seems to understand Scar, just as much as he understands Cub.
Cub goes to leave but stops, turning around to face Scar once more.

"I love you." Cub suddenly says. It took Scar awhile to process what Cub said before he finally spoke back to him.
"Huh?" Scar asks dumbly.
Cub's cheeks become pink.
"I said I'm selling you to the zoo." Cub responds trying to cover up what he said.
Scar grins.
"If you do that you know they would put me with the pandas." Scar chuckles and Cub sighs in relief that Scar didn't hear him correctly.
"I know they would Scar." Cub grins back.
They stay smiling at one another for quite some time.
"How about I get you some cookies, from my office?" Cub offers.
Scar nods happily.
Cub leaves Scar alone to rest and returns with a tray with cookies and a cup of tea. He puts it down on Scar's desk next to a couple of books. He then walks up behind Scar and begins massaging his shoulders.
Scar sighs blissfully and relaxes into Cub's hands, feeling his tension slowly seep out.
Scar eats a few cookies and drinks some tea until he finally falls asleep due to Cub's comforting massages.

As soon as Scar falls asleep, Cub caresses Scar's cheek softly. He feels the warmth coming off of him, a smile creeps across his lips, glad to see Scar so relaxed. The way his chest rises and falls when he breathes in and out is calming and soothing. Cub wants him to be able to rest easy at night. He doesn't want Scar suffering anymore. Cub kisses Scar's forehead.
"Goodnight Love."
With his heart aching and a bittersweet smile on his face, Cub heads back to his office where Gem is waiting for him.

"Why don't you just tell him that you love him?" Gem raises an eyebrow at Cub.
"Gem it's not easy to accept that your in love with a criminal" Cub hides his face.
Gem snickers.
"Cub. Scar is barely a criminal anymore."
Gem smiles.
"I know, but he still deserves someone who will give them the world for them, especially after what he went through."
Gem's eyes widen in realization. She knows exactly what Cub means.

"Love is a hard road sometimes, but one thing I learned was that sometimes the path ahead isn't straight, and that you have to stop walking down the wrong one to find the right one. One step forward and two steps backwards. That's the beauty of love Cub. If you ever have any questions, you can talk to me okay? No matter what happens." Gem says as she squeezes Cub's hand.
Cub smiles sadly. He nods silently. Gem then gives him one final look and walks away, leaving Cub alone in his office.
The morning comes and Scar awakes groggy.
"Oh Scar! You awake?" Cub smiles as he places a breakfast platter down for Scar.
"Morning." Scar mumbles as he takes a plate from the platter.
"Have a good sleep?" Cub asks.
"Mhmm." Scar nods.
Cub sits down next to Scar on his chair.
"Hey... Can I ask you something?" Cub asks timidly.
Scar looks up confused and nods, wondering why he's being asked all these questions early in the morning.
"...Can I kiss you..?" Cub stutters.
Scar almost chokes on the piece of toast he just placed in his mouth.
He coughs, clearing his throat several times before nodding. He smiles as warmth fills his body and turns his head to meet Cub's gaze. Cub grabs Scar's hand tightly and brings it to his lips, kissing the top of his knuckles while whispering sweet words of affection and love to Scar. Scar feels happy and excited, he doesn't understand why Cub is acting like this.
"Cub, why are you doing this?" Scar whispers quietly.
Cub looks up at him with sadness in his eyes.
"Because I love you Scar...I've loved you for years.." Cub admits.
Scar blushes red.
"Just kiss me already" Scar blurts out and points to his lips.
Cub's breath hitches in surprise as he looks down at their hands, Scar holding onto his hand tightly.
"Okay, um..." Cub murmurs leans up a bit. He rests his forehead on Scar's, closing his eyes. He inhales deeply before he presses his lips against Scar's. Scar lets out a quiet gasp when he feels Cub moving closer. He wraps his arms around Cub and deepens the kiss. Cub moves one hand to hold onto Scar's shoulder and intertwines their fingers together, deepening the kiss.

Grian peaks his head into the room. "Scar? I came to ch-" Grian cuts himself off as he sees Cub and Scar kissing. Grian drops his bag.
"O-Oh.." Grian mutters and looks down. He grabs his bag and leaves.

Cub pulls away from Scar and blushes. Scar hugs Cub.
Cub giggles shyly, hiding his face in Scar's chest. He loves when Scar hugs makes him feel safe. Like everything is going to be alright. They stay hugging for a little while longer before both of them pull away. Their faces are flushed.
"That was nice." Cub comments.
"Yeah it was." Scar replies quietly as he leans up and presses his lips against Cub's once more. Cub closes his eyes and enjoys Scar's gentle lips against his own. This time when Scar pulls back, he smiles at Cub and kisses his nose.
"I love you." Scar tells Cub.
Cub's eyes widen.
"I love you too Scar." He smiles softly.


Grian hurries down the hall, trying not to cry. He doesn't understand why he felt this way, maybe it's because the way he saw Scar and Cub kissing broke his heart. Maybe it was because Scar looked so happy, so happy with Cub.
Grian doesn't notice how tears started falling down his face until they hit the floor. He wipes them away furiously, hoping that no one saw them fall.

Grian feels a hand on his back. Grian flinches and turns to see Ex, standing there.
"What are you crying about now? Stupid midget." Ex crosses his arms.
Grian looks up at him. He sniffles and glares at him angrily.
"You should really try to stop being such an a-hole Ex! How would you feel if you saw your crush of 4 years kissing someone else? Huh?! How would you feel!?" Grian yells.
Ex stares at Grian coldly.
"I'm sorry to break it to ya...but thats a childish thing to cry about." Ex shrugs.

Grian starts crying again.
"Shut it." Ex scowls.
"No, frick you!" Grian shouts and punches Ex in the face.
"Ow ow!" Ex holds his cheek and steps back slightly.
Grian hiccups, wiping tears from his eyes.
Ex angrily glares down at Grian until he sees the heart-shattering expression on his face. Ex's eyes soften as he looks at how hard Grian is crying.
Ex grabs Grian by the shoulder and pulls him into a tight comforting hug.
"If you keep crying, you are never going to get over him." Ex scoffs slightly.
"But.." Grian sniffles.
"Look, I'm not going to comfort you as a mother would do to their child, but you need to realize sometimes people love other people. You can't always get what you want." Ex explains.
Grian sniffles again and rubs under his eye, which is beginning to hurt more and more.
"Besides, it's better to move on than to suffer from feelings like this forever." Ex continues as he gently runs his hand through Grian's hair.
Grian nods silently. He can feel himself relaxing and breathing normally. He has to admit it does feel nice to have someone to hold him close and comfort him. Grian looks up at Ex with teary eyes.
"Thank you." Grian mumbles.
"Of course." Ex replies. "If you mention this to anyone, I'm bashing your head in. Got it?" Ex threatens.
"Got it." Grian chuckles weakly.
Ex lets go of Grian.
"You should get back to your cell before you get swept up by a guard," Ex suggests as he turns and starts walking towards his cell.
Grian smiles softly and heads back to his cell.



We all need a passive-aggressive Ex in our lives.

Hermit Prison AU *Original Idea/content*Where stories live. Discover now