The decision

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Grian, walking out of the cell, had Scar worried. If Grian was upset, Scar would be told immediately, but this time, Grian just left. There wasn’t even a glance at Scar. So naturally, Scar went to find Grian after Cub left.

"Grian??" Scar called out as he walked down the hall of the prison. As Scar was looking, he bumped into someone.
It was Ex, he looked angry.
"Oh hey Ex, how are y-" Scar gets cut off by Ex punching him in the stomach. Scar takes several steps back before he hits the wall behind him and starts sliding to the floor. Scar clutches his stomach in pain while glaring up at Ex. “What the frick is your problem!?” Scar manages to spit out before Ex kicks him.
"Stupid heartbreaker." Ex scowls as he kicks Scar again. Scar coughs and cries out for help. Footsteps are heard from down the hall. Ex pushes Scar into the wall, turns and leaves.
X comes down the hall.
"Scar! Are you ok?!" X runs over and pulls Scar into a hug, Scar is sobbing.
"Who hurt you?" X whispers.
"E-Ex.." Scar whimpers as X glares down the hall.


"Stooppp!!" Grian whines playfully as he tries to grab his book from Ex.
Ex is holding Grian's book above his head, laughing. "Nope."
"Whaaaaaaaat?! Why not!" Grian groans dramatically. He puts one hand on his forehead and sighs like a damsel in distress.
Ex just laughs louder and walks away with Grian's book held high above him. Grian chases after Ex and jumps onto him. Ex shouts in surprise as they both end up on the floor. Grian grabs his book and giggles. "You didn't expect that~," Grian sings happily. Ex gives him a fake death glare as he sits up and looks around. Grian laughs as he climbs onto Ex's lap and sits with crossed legs, his hands on Ex's shoulders. Ex's cheeks flush red, but he doesn't push Grian off. "I outsmarted you again!" Grian brags. Ex rolls his eyes fondly and smiles. "Yeah, yeah."
They sit there for a bit longer, neither of them saying anything. The silence gets cut off by three sets of footsteps down the hall.
Grian stands up and helps. Ex up. They turn and see X, Wels, and Scar. X and Wels give each other a look before rushing towards Grian and Ex. Grian waves at them cheerily as they approach. Ex glares at them. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Grian asks innocently.
The others ignore him as X grabs Ex's arm.
"What the hell?!" Ex yells.
X's grip tightens, and Ex cries out in pain, X lets go immediately. "Ex w-"
Grian pushes X away from Ex gently and turns his attention to Ex.
"Are you ok!?" Grian's voice is full of concern. Ex holds his arm and glares at X.
"I'm fine, G." Ex whispers. "Go to your cell..I'll meet you there." Ex glares at X again. Grian nods and heads back to his cell, Scar and Wels follow.

This leaves X and Ex alone. X sighs deeply and crosses his arms over his chest.
"So..." X begins slowly.
"So...?" Ex responds impatiently. X frowns and looks at Ex.
"Why did you hurt Scar? What did he ever d-"
"He made my friend cry."  Ex says coldly, cutting X off. X looks confused. "Grian. He made my Grian cry X. Why the frick do you think I wanted to punch Scar when I saw him!" Ex storms past X, who stops to stare in disbelief, then continues to storm to his cell. X follows after him in shock.
"That gives you no right to punch him!!" X yells.
Ex glares at him over his shoulder. "Well, it sure as hell gives me the right to beat the frick out of him if he hurts the person I love!" And with that, Ex slams his cell door shut. X stands in shock in the hallway.

"You love Grian?" X says loud enough so Ex could hear. Ex huffs and keeps walking towards his cell.
"Of course I love him idiot." Ex snarls. "Grian is the best thing that's happened to me. I need to protect him.. he's fragile. " Ex opens the door. "You're an idiot." Ex scoffs at X. Then X is slammed against the wall. "If you ever hurt him.."Ex growls. "..I might have to expose your secret to Mr. Bossman." Ex cackles and pushes X away and slams his door.
X backs up and leaves.


Grian didn't want to be followed. "Go away!" Grian looks back at Wels and Scar.
"Grian, you have to talk to me!" Scar begs.
"There is nothing to talk about. Leave me alone." Grian snaps. Scar frowns. Grian storms into Joe's office.
Joe looks up at Grian.
"Grian? Do you need something? I'm in a therapy session with Stress." Joe asks.
Stress looks at Grian. "Ello, luv!" Stress smiles at Grian.
Grian just breaks down crying.
Stress gets up and hugs Grian. "Grian, don't cry!" Stress frowns. Grian continues sobbing.
After a minute or two, Stress releases Grian. "Did something happen?" She asks. Grian wipes his tears as Joe hugs them. Stress frowns more. "Is something wrong?" Grian sniffles. "I want to go home." He mumbles. Joe rubs his back soothingly. Stress sighs. "You know... we can't G...If you do, you would be killed.." Grian stiffens slightly. Stress looks worried. "...and I don't want any of us to be killed, Grian. We all care about you, we'd miss you if we were gone." Stress strokes Grian's hair comfortingly. Grian shakes his head and hugs Stress tighter. "Don't worry, Grian."


It's been 2 days since the incident. Grian has not spoken to Scar or Ex since. He keeps avoiding Scar and hasn't seen Ex. He is sitting with Pearl and Impulse. The two are joking around about soup....for some reason. Grian shakes his head and smiles at the nonsense his friends are talking about.
Pearl wraps an arm around Grian and starts singing about soup. Impulse joins. Grian's smile widens. His friends are great company. But they're exhausting sometimes.
Grian gets lost in thought and misses something his friend said. "Grian?" Impulse repeats questioningly. Grian shakes his head. "Soup?" Impulse raises an eyebrow with a cheeky grin on his face. Grian stares at Impulse and then burts out laughing, Pearl and Impulse follow in suit. Impulse hugs Grian and Pearl. Grian smiles. He loves his friends. Impulse picks Grian up and spins him. Grian starts laughing. It's been a while since Grian laughed this much. This laugh is genuine, not forced. Grian feels happy again.
Grian looks over and sees Scar staring at him.

"Can we talk...please?" Scar mouths.

Grian sighs. "Impulse, can you put me down, please?" Grian chuckles. Impulse puts Grian down, and Grian immediately walks over to Scar.

"What do you want, Scar?" Grian asks.
Scar sighs and looks down.
"Are you still mad at me?" Scar asks quietly. Grian stares at him, his eyebrows furrowed together. Grian's gaze softens when he sees the slight tremble in his lips.
"I don't know... what I did wrong.." Scar whispers. Grian reaches up and takes Scar's face in his hands.
"Please tell me how I can make it up to you?" Scar pleads.
Grian hugs Scar. "You're an idiot sometimes," Grian mutters. "I forgive you." He adds quietly.
Scar smiles slightly, he pulls away, and rests his forehead on Grian's.

"Let's go chat somewhere else so we can talk," Scar says.

"Sur-" Grian gets cut off.

"Grian! Can we talk?" Ex asks as he walks over.

Ex and Scar glare at each other.


It's time for you to pick!!!

Go with Scar... or Go with Ex? You get to choose the ending of this chapter. There will be consequences to your choice

Hermit Prison AU *Original Idea/content*Where stories live. Discover now