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"Let's go chat somewhere else so we can talk," Scar says.

"Sur-" Grian gets cut off.

"Grian! Can we talk?" Ex asks as he walks over.

Ex and Scar glare at each other.

Grian looks in between the two and sees Cub a few feet behind Scar. He sighs and turns his head to Ex. "Yeah. We can talk." Grian says as he walks to Ex. "Sorry, Scar. We can chat later." Grian says as he walks off. "C'mon Ex."
Ex grins at Scar and winks. He turns and follows Grian.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Grian asks.
Ex looks around, making sure no one is around. "Well..uh," Ex hands Grian a bunch of flowers that he was holding behind his back.
Grian takes the flowers. His eyes widen as he realizes the flowers are for him. He holds them closer to his chest. "Why do you have these?" Grian asks with a smile.
Ex blushes. "Well, I uh got them from the prison garden. Stress helped me pick them out." Ex grins softly.
"They are beautiful Ex. Like...really pretty." Grian smells the flowers. "Mhh. They smell good." Grian looks up at Ex, who is fiddling with something in his hand.
"What's that?" Grian tilts his head.
"Oh. Just...a gift!" Ex answers nervously and hands it to Grian.
Grian looks at it, and it's a necklace made out of shiny rocks and gems.
"The stones and gems were also in the garden." Ex looks at the floor.
"It's beautiful, Ex." Grian sighs happily as he puts the necklace on. Ex steps closer to Grian. "It's not sitting right- let me help you fix it." Ex straightens out the necklace. When he is done, he looks up and realizes their faces are so close that their noses are almost touching.
His breath hitches, but he keeps eye contact with Grian. He reaches up a hand and touches Grian's cheek, then brushes back a strand of hair away from his face. Ex is about to lean in until someone pulls him back away from Grian.
Ex tries to yank his arm away. In the process, he turns his head to see Xisuma.
"I have to talk with Grian." X says as he lets go of Ex. "Grian, follow me." X says as he walks down the hall.
Grian looks at Ex for a second nervously, then follows X.


The two have been walking in silence for a good 5 minutes.
Finally, X breaks the silence. "Do you love Ex?"
Grian stops dead in his tracks and X halts, turning and looking at Grian. "I don't know." Grian says softly.
"He loves you." X points out. "He doesn't just like you. He adores you, Grian. You are his life.." X mumbles. "You have to tell me if you love him...I don't want his heart broken..please Grian." X looks at Grian.
"X...I'm sorry, I don't know!! My heart still hurts from Scar dating Cub!!! I don't think I can move on that fast! Ex is a great friend!! I-I don't know how to feel!!!" Grian explains as he tears up. "But...if he loves me and I say no...he will be upset or...mad at me and he will never talk to me again!" Grian whimpers as he starts crying.
X's eyes widen. "Grian.." X pulls Grian close and hugs him. "Hey..I'm sorry, Grian. I didn't mean..to make you uncomfortable. I don't want...your heart to be more broken than it already is.." X whispers.
Grian cries into X's shoulder and grips onto him tightly. "Just please...let me decide what my heart wants...please.."
X sighs. "Alright."


Of course, he followed them. Ex followed X and Grian, he heard the whole conversation. He has never heard X so concerned with his mental health...in years. But Grian...
Ex sighs. He knows he shouldn't rush Grian into a relationship after he was heartbroken. Ex sighs softly once again and goes back to his cell.

***(Ren Time >:>)

Ren is currently playing with his tail. He growls in defeat when he can't get it. Ren looks out of his cell window. The moon is high in the sky. That wouldn't have bothered him normally, but it was a full moon, and he could turn into full werewolf at any time.
He wasn't sure if he should wake Doc up or tie himself to his bed. He paced around the room when he started to notice himself transforming. "D-Doc!" Ren shouted softly. Doc opens his eyes and looks over. "R-" Doc stops talking when he sees a huge werewolf staring right at him with angry red eyes. The werewolf is taller than he is.
"R-Ren..?" Doc whispers as the werewolf growls. Doc stands up and carefully backs away. The werewolf charges at Doc, but he dodges. "Ren! Hey, listen, it's ok!!! It's me!" Doc puts his hands up in front of him. The werewolf snarls and lunges forward. Doc leaps backward, narrowly missing being bitten by the giant wolf. He grabs the wolf by his tail, the wolf whimpers and whines.
Doc frowns, he doesn't want to hurt Ren, but he has to help him stop. Doc reaches his hand up and pets Ren.
"Shh...its ok Ren...relax" Doc whispers, trying to calm the rampaging werewolf. Ren leans his head against Docs hand. "There there, Ren.."
After a while, Ren calms down, and Doc sighs in relief. Ren slowly changes back to his hybrid form. "Ren, are you ok?" Doc asks worriedly. Ren nods and sits back down next to the wall.
Doc moves closer to Ren, and Ren backs away.
"I-I don't want to hurt you, Doc.." Ren mumbles. "I'm sorry." He looks up at Doc with sad eyes. Doc pulls Ren into a hug, and he rubs Ren's back. "I know, Ren....I know...." Doc murmurs. After a while, Ren falls asleep leaning heavily against Doc's shoulder. Doc gently picks Ren up in his arms and carries him to his bed.
"Sleep well, Ren.." Doc whispers as he brushes a strand of hair out of Ren's face.


The next morning was awkward. Doc didn't leave before Ren got up today, which was unusual. Doc stayed at Ren's side most of the day, Doc even invited Ren to sit with him at lunch with Etho, Bdubs, and Beef. Ren sat down reluctantly but sat next to Doc at lunch.
Doc slowly wrapped an arm around Ren's waist, pulling him closer.
Ren blushes, but it doesn't seem to cross Doc's mind what he is doing.
His friends all grinned at Ren knowingly. Ren didn't pay much attention to any of the conversations until Doc removed his arm from around Ren's waist.
Then he looked up at Doc and raised an eyebrow.
Ren blushes and turns away.
Doc pets Ren's head and smiles.
Ren instinctively leans into Doc's hand.
Etho and Beef both grin and chuckle.
Then, continue to talk as Doc pets Ren's head.


When they get back to their cell, Ren is cleaning fur from off the floor.
Doc wraps an arm around Ren's waist from behind, making Ren squeal in surprise.
"Sorry," Doc grins. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay, Doc. You didn't scare me. " Ren clearly lies.
Doc laughs. "Sure, I didn't." Doc pets Ren. "How are you feeling?"
"A little better now," Ren responds softly.
"Good." Doc nods. "If you're up for it. Want to go to the garden? It's our free time." Doc says as he steps back from Ren.
"Sure, Doc." Ren grins happily. Doc smiles widely and takes Ren's hand. "Come on~" He smiles warmly at Ren.
They walk through the halls together. Doc's hand is holding Ren's. It doesn't take long before the two reach the garden.
"Woah..." Ren breathes out. The garden is filled with trees.  They were big, tall trees too. There was a bench, a table, chairs, and flowers in pots placed here and there. It was so pretty.
"Yeah." Doc nods and looks at the flower pots. "This place really reminds me of you." Doc mumbles softly.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Ren tilts his head.
"Overly pretty," Doc says as he picks a flower and tucks it in Ren's hair.
Ren blushes a lot, and his cheeks start to burn. "You think...I'm pretty?" Ren asks as quietly.
Doc gives Ren's hand a squeeze, causing Ren to look up. "Yes." Doc states simply. "Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong." Doc smiles shyly as he cups Ren's face with his hand. "I think you know where I am going with this Ren.." Doc whispers.
"W...what?" Ren stammers, he feels a lump in his throat.
"I think you're gorgeous...and I would really like to kiss you right now." Doc smirks.
Ren feels his heartbeat quicken. He gulps hard as he looks into Doc's eyes. "Okay." He whispers. Doc smiles and closes the gap between them and presses their lips together gently. Ren subconsciously grips Doc's shoulders and pulls him closer. Doc's hands go down to rest on Ren's hips. He feels the blush spread across his face as he deepens the kiss. Ren's knees go weak, and he sinks into the kiss as he wraps his arms around Doc's neck. Their chests press together as they deepen the kiss further. Doc keeps one hand firmly on Ren's hip while the other runs fingers through Ren's hair.
The two break apart from the kiss, panting and smiling. "Wow..." Ren murmurs and rests his forehead against Doc's.
"You alright?" Doc asks breathlessly and lightly chuckles.
"mhm." Ren hums.
Doc grabs Ren's hands. "Ren will..you be my boyfriend?" Doc asks softly.
Ren beams brightly as he nods. "Yes, Doc, I'll be your boyfriend." Ren answers as he leans forward and kisses Doc's cheek.
Doc blushes and smiles.
"Are you down for cuddles, my dude?" Ren grins.
"Of course Ren," Doc leads Ren back to their cell to cuddle all night.


Rendoc for the soul :3

Hermit Prison AU *Original Idea/content*Where stories live. Discover now