Therapy and Father Figure

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Grian is lying in bed looking anywhere but Scar as he enters their cell.
“Hey Grian, what’re you doing?” Scar asks as he takes Grian by surprise. Grian jumps and squeaks. Scar grins at him, making Grian feel all weird inside. Scar plops down next to Grian with a laugh. “Relax Grian, it's just me!" Scar grins more. Grian's heart hurts, even looking st Scar. He looks really happy. Grian can't help but smile fondly. He can't help it. Scar makes him feel so happy.
"Oh, oh!!! I have something to tell you!!" Scar beams. "Me and Cub are boyfriends!!" Scar gushes. Grian's smile saddens.
"That's great, Scar...I'm proud of you," Grian whispers. The sadness in his voice is noticeable and almost palpable. Scar frowns as Grian begins to sniffle.
"What's wrong?" He asks softly.
"Nothing....It's's nothing..." Grian mumbled. He couldn't look Scar in the eye. Scar reaches for his hand but stops halfway through when Grian jerks back slightly and curls up into a ball. Scar frowns, concerned. He sighs and decides to give Grian some space.
"Sleep well, G." Scar whispers as he goes over to his bed and lays down. Grian doesn't respond to that. He just turns his head away from Scar. Grian closes his eyes and tries not to cry. He falls asleep 5 minutes later.


Grian wakes up early the next morning to a gentle nudge on his shoulder. He rolls over quickly, expecting Scar to be checking on him, but he sees Wels.

"Hey, Grian. It's your therapy session with Joe today." Wels whispers. Grian nods mutely as he rubs his eyes. He gets up, fixes his hair, and heads straight to Joe. Wels escorts him, of course. Joe smiles at him as Grian sits down across from him.

"Howdy Grian!" Joe grins. Grian forces a weak smile back.
"Hey Joe," Grian responds quietly, avoiding eye contact. His face pales as Joe moves closer to him. Joe places a hand on his arm, Grian flinches at Joe's touch, causing Joe to withdraw his hand quickly. Joe frowns, concerned now. "Grian? Is everything alright?" Joe asks, then sighs. "Remember you don't have to tell me what you don't want to. But this session is all about you." Joe smiles softly. Grian blinks, taken aback. Joe gives him an encouraging smile. "Okay." Grian says quietly. Joe smiles wider and nods. Joe leans forward and grins at Grian. Grian's heart skips as Joe's hand finds its way to his hair, Joe brushes a strand of hair out of Grian's face.
"I just noticed how long your hair is," Joe mentions. Grian shrugs nervously, tucking a piece behind his ear. Joe grins at him once more. "I'm gonna ask some questions, answer them if you want. But you don't have to." Joe says as he grabs his notebook. Grian swallows hard and nods slowly. He stares down at his hands as Joe writes down his questions.  "So. How has your mental health been?" Joe asks. Grian thinks for a second, then answers.
"Honestly? It's not so good." He admits. Joe hums sympathetically. "I get nightmares often. Insomnia is pretty bad." Grian says quietly, biting his lip. "My anxiety is also pretty bad right now.. I don't know what to do with myself..." Joe's hand twitches, but he keeps writing down what Grian is saying. Grian glances up from Joe's notebook when he hears Joe speak. "Did anything happen recently? Are there any new triggers that would lead you to thinking these things?" Joe asks. Grian pauses for a moment before nodding slowly.
" dating Cub now." Grian mutters.
Joe's eyes soften. He knew Grian loved Scar. Joe stands up and walks over to Grian. He gives him a tight hug. He squeezes Grian tighter than usual. He knows Grian struggles with depression and anxiety, and he wants to reassure Grian he isn't alone.  After a few seconds, Grian returns the embrace and starts sobbing into Joe's shoulder. "Sshh, it's okay, just breathe, Grian. You're okay." Joe murmurs. Grian clings to Joe desperately, tears soaking his shirt. Joe runs a soothing hand up and down Grian's back.

Wels peaks his head in, and his gaze softens when he sees Grian sobbing into Joe's shoulder. Wels steps in carefully and then pulls Grian into a warm hug. Grian immediately latches onto him, clinging on tightly as he shakes. "It's fine, Grian. I got you." Wels soothes. Grian continues sobbing. Wels strokes Grian's hair and holds Grian close. Joe hugs them both carefully. Once his tears subsided, Wels pulled away and smiled at Grian. He ruffled his hair affectionately, Grian smiled softly and wiped his eyes as Wels backed up slightly. Joe pulls Grian into a hug as Wels goes back to his post outside the room.

"Are you feeling better?" Joe whispers carefully. Grian nods silently.
"Thank you.." Grian whispered into his shoulder. Joe nodded and squeezed him harder before releasing him.
"No problem, anytime, G." Joe smiles at him. "Let's continue." Joe says.


When Grian gets back to his cell, he sees Scar and Cub. He freezes. Cub looks at Grian.
"Oh hey! I heard it was your therapy day today - how did i -" Cub gets cut short by Grian walking out of the cell.

He walks down the hall with his head down. He's lucky is free time for the prisoners. As he walks, he bumps straight into someone and falls to the ground.
The person he bumped into turned around and looked down at him.

"Grian?" A familiar voice that could only be X's called out. "Are you alright?" X asks as he pulls Grian up and off the floor. Grian flinches a bit at X's sudden action. He nods slowly. He looks up at X, who is looking at him with concern. He looks up into X's bright purple eyes.
X frowns and ruffles Grian's hair gently.
"Remember, I'm always her-"
Grian chuckles. "Yes, I know you're always here, dad," Grian laughs, but X freezes.
" just dad?!" X asks with a shocked expression on his face.
Grian's face goes red in embarrassment.
"Oh- Oh god, im so sor-" Grian gets cut off by X, pulling him into a tight hug.
"This is the best day of my life!!" X grins. "You can call me dad anytime you want! I'm glad you see me as a figure that you look up to!" X gushes happily. Grian giggles and hugs X tightly.
"Thanks dad". Grian whispers. X smiles brightly.


"I'm so happy!!" X exclaims to Wels who just chuckles.
"And why's that?" Wels grins.
"Grian called me dad!" X yells happily. Wels chuckles once again.
"You really are going for that father figure, aren't you?" Wels teases as he ruffles X's hair. X sticks his tongue out childishly and sticks his hands in his pockets. Wels watches him fondly.
"Ya know. I remember when Grian first came here." Wels says.
"The meanest yet silliest prisoner ever." X laughs. "He was a handful." X grins.
"That is one way to describe him." Wels agrees."Another way could be 'a parents' worst nightmare.'" Wels jokes. X giggles and nudges Wels.
"Oh, come on! We all love Grian!" X protests.
Wels laughs and throws an arm around X's shoulders. X beams up at him.
"Of course we do. We are the most loving prison guards ever." Wels laughs.


I think this chapter stole my soul :) We love soul stealing

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