Chapter 2 - Time Flies, or Rather, Floats.

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*Sebastian POV*

I hear someone try to open the door to the restroom I'm cleaning.

"Sorry, closed for cleaning, give me a couple minutes please!" I inform the patron. She ensures me it's no problem, but she sounds like she's upset. I decide to clean up even faster and figure I'll shine up the details later on. Clearly this woman needs a little privacy. I gather my things and open the door to let her know it's ready. She looks over at me, we make eye contact, and both seem to be frozen. I'd be surprised if the whole restaurant wasn't startled by my jaw nearly hitting the floor.

"Sebastian! I did not expect you to be here! I-um, excuse me a moment, but don't leave, please!"

I technically would be done working by now, so I take off my apron and walk over to the bar.

"Raven. You won't believe who's here."

"Y/N. I already spoke with her! I'm getting her drink ready now," she smiles slyly, "I was relieved that she wanted to freshen up in the restroom and didn't want to immediately leave. I knew she'd be just the cheer-up you need."

"I don't even know what to say

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"I don't even know what to say. Had I expected to see such an old...friend...I'd have made myself more presentable. You are right, though, I could use a distraction after losing Anne."

My dear twin sister Anne succumbed to her long time curse just a couple of weeks ago. I never did give up trying to cure her, but felt lucky enough that she finally forgave me and moved into a room here at the Inn where I could help care for her. I'm relieved I was fortunate enough to spend this past few years with her. I hope Y/N doesn't ask about her right away, as it appears she's already got enough sadness on her hands at the moment.

She's still just as breathtaking as I remember her to be, her hair quite a bit longer than she used to keep it, her eyes still have that nearly glowing shine to them. Her figure is just as curvaceous yet toned as I'd expect it to be. I haven't been with another woman since her. I've had a few ask, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I never expected her to do the same, especially since it's been over 10 years since we last saw each other. I can't wait to find out how things-other than whatever just upset her-are going for her. I bet she's quite successful. Very few people have the drive and the wit that it takes to succeed quite like she does.

I see her leave the restroom and start to walk over this way. My heart is beating like crazy and I already feel my ears turning red from nerves. Here I am, 26 years old, looking much more disheveled than I'd prefer when seeing an old flame, feeling as nervous as a schoolboy asking his crush to the Yule Ball.

"Long time no see, Y/N" I manage to spit out, "How've you been?"

"Before today, quite well for the most part. Sorry I wasn't more graceful with my reappearance."

"Not your fault, I'm glad life's treating you well up until this point. Things are rather uneventful for me as well, and as you can see I wound up back here a few years ago."

I was working at Hogwarts not long after finishing school there as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Knowing my history, I was easily appointed to the job and served with honor. However, when I received an owl from Anne about forgiving me, I took time off to see her. Then, she agreed to stay with me to keep her comfortable and her spirits up. She had grown much weaker to the point she was very frail, and I had a sinking feeling, correctly so, that her time was limited.

"Oh? What were you doing before returning? And what brought you back?"

Damn. I was hoping she wouldn't ask so soon. "I was teaching DATDA at Hogwarts but returned to help care for Anne a few years ago. She finally forgave me."

"That's wonderful, Sebastian. How is she doing now?"

I winced at what I had to tell her next. "Sadly, Anne passed away a couple of weeks ago. I unfortunately never did find a cure for her curse. I miss her dearly, but I am glad she's no longer suffering. I still wish it were me who had been cursed instead. I wish I could have taken it from her." I feel those damned tears make their way to my eyes. After all this time, this girl manages to allow me to be vulnerable. I don't know how she does it. She sees me getting upset and reaches her hand to put over mine.

"I'm so sorry. You did everything you could, and I'm sure you made her last years as joyful and comfortable as you could. At least she was not alone."

"I know. It still just stings. Enough of my sad story-what's going on with you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"What you witnessed the aftermath of was me finding my now former boyfriend of three years here on a date with another witch. Now that my heads cleared a bit more, it's kind of a relief."

Ugh. I cringe at the thought of her being with someone else, and at the thought of some loser thinking he can play around on her and get away with it. How could anyone want anyone else when they had her? Hell, I didn't even have her anymore and I still couldn't bear to be with anyone else. I remind myself again that I could have never expected to *not* find someone else after all these years. Although if we had found each other again sooner, she wouldn't have had this pain. I cannot imagine ever hurting her that way. Who am I kidding? Just because I'm seeing her right now doesn't mean she's back in my life! Slow down, Sebastian. It's been a decade, not a few months.

"So... how about you? Any luck in your love life these days?" she asks, looking down at her drink to avoid eye contact as she asks.

"Not at all. I haven't had the time. Whether it was teaching at the school or taking care of Anne, I've simply been too busy." I half lied. That's not why I haven't been dating, but I don't want to come off crazy or make her feel guilty for being with someone else. I look over at her face. I do see a small hint of a smile and her cheeks turn a little pink. I've always loved making her blush, although I didn't mean to this time.

"I hope you didn't feel lonely. It sounds like you've been in good company with Anne, Emilia, and Raven, though."

"That I have. I think they're wanting to close up shop, though, do you need to return home right away?"

"Not anymore. I own a Herbology market, but it is not open for the next two days. My best friend, Phoenix, closed up for me tonight."

"She sounds like a good friend. A Herbology market? That sounds intriguing. Care to take a walk around with me, for old time's sake?"

"Most definitely. I'd be happy to. However, is there a room here I can stay for the night? I'm honestly pretty exhausted. We could take that walk in the morning, perhaps?"

"I'm afraid the rooms are all spoken for, but you'd be welcome to stay in mine, if you'd like." She looks a bit surprised. "I mean, I have a sofa I can sleep on so you can use the bed. Sorry, that came off a bit strong now that I think about it."

She lets out a little laugh, "alright, Sebastian. I'll take you up on that."

I show her the way up to my room, and grab some soft clothes to change into she can sleep in. "Sorry, I know these will be too large, but I think you'd be more comfortable in them."

"Thank you, you are right, they will be more comfortable. Is there a restroom nearby I can change in?"

"Of course. It's the next room to the right." While she's getting herself ready, I make sure to change the linens for her so she has a fresh bed to lay in. I grab a spare blanket from the closet and get comfortable on the sofa.


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