Chapter 17 - Butterflies

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With a long stretch, I wake up on what I believe will be the most blissful day of my life. Last night was the first night in quite a while that I slept alone. Between the excitement for the day to come and how much I missed Sebastian's warm embrace, I feel like I barely slept a wink. Raven has created a full bridal suite for me to sleep in, along with a large, beautifully lit room with multiple dressing tables and vanities for us to get ourselves ready for the day. I pick up the silky robe that was hanging by my bed and put it on. I hear a soft tap on the door and open it to answer. It's Raven and Phoenix, carrying a tray of sweet rolls and another of champagne. (Author's note-it's the year 1901, remember, so nobody knew mothers should not consume alcohol during pregnancy. :))

I grab a sweet roll and a glass of champagne, grateful for the chance to calm my nerves. I know I have nothing to truly be worried about, but I feel plenty nervous anyway. I'm to go from Miss Y/N to Mrs. Sallow in just a few hours. My mum slips into the room carrying a small box. 

"Y/N, may we have a few moments alone, please? I have something for you." she asks quietly. 

"Of course, mummy."

We step out into the hall and find a cushioned bench to have a seat on. Mum opens the box to show me a beautiful bracelet. It is a dainty silver chain adorned with small pearls and diamonds. 

"It belonged to your great-grandmother. I've been looking forward to giving it to you since you were young and had left for your first year at Hogwarts. She would have been so proud of you, Y/N. She also would have been pleased to see you're marrying a wizard, so our bloodline may have magic flowing through it once more. It has her initials etched into this small charm, and I hope you add yours to it as well to pass on to your future daughter."

I look at the charm to view the faint initials etched into it. N.J. Natalia James, my great-grandmothers name, has always been beautiful to me. I close the box and ask my mom if she'll help me put it on after I have my gown on and I'm otherwise done up for the wedding. She tears up as she nods her head, telling me she'd be honored. 


It's almost time. Natty and Raven are fussing around me, moving their hands through my hair to ensure not a single curl is out of place. Natty carefully paints what she calls "mascara" onto my lashes, telling me they are meant to make my eyelashes appear darker and fuller. She pats a bit of rouge on my cheeks, and a deep red rouge onto my lips. 

"Are you ready to see yourself?" she asks me excitedly.

Before I could answer, she turns me around to face the mirror. I'm stunned by what I see. It's certainly myself looking back at me, but a more glamorous, bright looking version of me. My long hair flows in curls delicately down to my waist, and a shiny silver and green hairclip holds some of my hair to the side and out of my face.

"Everyone is here! are we about ready, Y/N?"

My heart flutters at Emilia's question. I think I'm ready, but there's just two things: my dress and my bracelet.

"Give us about one minute and we will be ready to make our way down!" Raven replies for me, noticing my nervous silence.

Natty walks up in front of me, smiles, and waves her wand in swirls in front of my body. Before my very eyes, the most beautiful dress I've ever seen appears, fitting perfectly to my figure and flowing beautifully down to a medium length train. She holds out her hand, prompting Raven to place a forest green, wide, silky ribbon in her hand. She wraps the ribbon around my waist from behind me, tying it in a delicate bow. She fastens the ribbon securely with a pin and places the train of my dress on the ribbon to keep me from dragging it on my way down.

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