Chapter 27 - The Gaunts

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2 weeks later

" do I look?"

I turn my head to take another look at my gorgeous best friend, Phoenix. Natty has outdone herself once again. Her dress is simple-but not plain. It's a bright white with purple accents to match her hair and her favorite lipstick. She's always been effortlessly breathtaking.

"Perfect, as always. You know, you could wear a potato sack and Ominis would still think you're the most beautiful woman on the planet. And no, that's not a blind joke." I tease. "It's time, though, are you ready?"

"More than ready."

Phoenix doesn't have a father figure in her life, and she lost her mother when she was a teenager. Not only am I lucky enough to be her Matron of Honor, but I also get to walk her down the aisle.

We reach the end and I pull her into a tight hug and kiss her on the cheek before handing her off to Ominis. They chose Sirona Ryan to officiate their wedding, which Sirona couldn't be more honored to do. She's always held a soft spot for Ominis-even more so than she held for me or Sebastian. It's a small, intimate ceremony with a few of our closest friends to witness and celebrate the occasion.

Sebastian and I are the only two members of their wedding party. There were only four guests other than us and Sirona- Emilia and Raven, and Natty and Garreth. We plan on just having a small dinner together afterwards, and Raven has arranged for them to borrow the beach house that Sebastian and I honeymooned at.

The small group of people went quiet for a moment as we all watch Ominis reach his hand up to his bride's face. I study his face as he takes a deep breath in to concentrate, and his furrowed brow softens and the corners of his mouth turns up into a smile, with a gentle tear rolling down his cheek.

"Absolutely beautiful bride, just as I thought."

Ominis seems to have really mastered his ability to 'see' people, both their present and their future. In this moment, he must have chosen to see her present so he could view his flawless bride before their vows. 

Sirona begins her speech for the ceremony:

"Today, our nearest and dearest friends are brought together to celebrate a unique, strong, and hopeful union brought together by either fate or dumb luck. Ominis and Phoenix met while planning the wedding of their two closest friends. They say that love finds you at a time that you least expect it. I would like to ask the couple to join hands and begin their vows to one another."

"Ominis. I knew from the moment you greeted me at the castle that you were someone special to me. I don't open up to a lot of people, but from our very first late-night conversation the day we met, I felt both comfortable and heard every time we spoke. I remember thinking it was almost outrageous how shy and nervous you were for our first date. I was already crazy about you, but I think deep down, you knew that. You're everything I ever held out for in a man and more. Thank you for loving me, for trusting me, and for truly seeing me for the person I am. My biggest wish for our future is that we continue to help each other grow-and that you never lose that fantastic glow in your eyes." Phoenix managed to spill out her vows without crying. That doesn't surprise me, she handles her emotions quite well.

"My Phoenix. I haven't always been a man of many words, but somehow, you've managed to pull any words you've ever felt I needed to say out of my mind. Words I've never muttered to anyone-not my closest friends, not even myself. I remember the first time I heard your voice. Sitting in that Room, skimming a book with my wand in near silence. 'It's nice to see such a kind looking face when I've no idea where I'm supposed to be.' I've been described in numerous ways throughout my life, but not once has someone ever taken one look at me to describe me as kind. The way I heard you walk right up to me and plop into the seat right by me on the couch-rarely am I approached so effortlessly. As I quickly started to fall in love with you, I felt selfish. How could I expect a woman to care for me in such a way? As our conversations grew, and I mustered up the courage to ask you on a date, that selfish feeling faded. I felt less and less scared to love you as the days went on. You reminded me that what makes us different is not bad, not taboo, not a burden. You let me take care of you. All I wish for is to take care of you and spend every moment making you feel as loved and cherished as you've made me feel since the second you greeted me." Ominis, try as he might, was not successful in keeping his emotions at bay when he said his vows. It makes me sad to think of him ever feeling like any type of burden-he's anything but! However, his feelings are his own, and I accept that.

Sirona wipes a tear from her eye. "Very well then, Mr. Gaunt, would you like to kiss your new wife?"

"You're damn right." he mumbles before clasping her face in his hands. They share a long, sweet kiss, smiling the entire time. I wipe a tear from my own eye and look over at Sebastian, who's also trying to disguise his joyous tears.

"shut up." he mouths at me with a grin. 


We had a private, but certainly not quiet dinner together, and now we are all resting on the lounge furniture in the late evening hours.

"So, two baby showers or one?" Emelie pipes up.

"One." Phoenix and I say in unison.

"I told you they need to do everything together, mate." Sebastian mumbles while leaning his head towards Ominis. 

Ominis chuckles and takes a sip of his drink. "Can't really complain, can we? Things are peaceful, this is all we ever wanted."

"I suppose you're right." Sebastian returns. He's looking over at Phoenix and I, curled up on the smaller sofa together. My legs are resting over hers and my arms are draped effortlessly around her shoulders. "We're just lucky they didn't decide to run off together" he adds with a laugh.

I laugh and roll my eyes. He knows Phoenix is more than my friend. She's my soulmate just as much as he is. Just a different kind of soul sister. He lost his twin but gained two fantastic sisters through it all-Emelie and Raven. We all wish Anne were here to witness all of this. 

A/N: The story is coming so close to the end! I'm so sad and have grown so attached to these characters! The next chapter will be the last, with a few time jumps and perspectives from Y/N, Sebastian, Ominis, and even Phoenix...there will be an epilogue to follow!

However, don't think the Sallows are done telling their story...we all live forever in one way or another, some things are passed down generation by generation. Be on the lookout for Easter eggs, parallels, or possibly a couple of cameos...

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