Chapter 19 - Wherever I Am

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(Author's note: I thought we would sneak in another quick chapter to catch up with Mr. Gaunt. Let's take a tiny jump back in time to the night of the wedding, when everyone went home, shall we? What kind of trouble could he possibly get in? Read on to find out 😏)
*Ominus POV*
After everyone else went to bed, Phoenix and I stayed up talking in the living area for a couple of hours. It's probably only been about 5 minutes since she went to her room to turn in for the night, but it feels like an hour because I'm feeling frozen solid on what to do next. It isn't the first time we've stayed up to chat, but it is the first time I've heard her go to her room and not close the door. Did she forget? Or is she expecting me to follow her? What on earth do I do? If Sebastian were here he'd be practically pushing me off the sofa and into her doorway. I can practically hear him egging me on. Fine. I'll just go tap on her door to say goodnight and if she'd like her door closed.

I find my way to her door and give it a soft tap. "Phoenix? I was going to turn in for the night but noticed your door didn't close. Would you like for me to close it?" I stand there and wait for a response.

"Honestly, I'm not particularly tired, but I didn't want to keep you up." She informs me. I'm not sure what to do with that information.

"If you're bored, there's actually something I wanted to try if you want to come over to my room" I blurt out like an idiot. Bloody hell, she must think I'm such a creep. "I don't mean like-well um, never mind."

"Ominus, I would love to come hang out in your room with you. And try whatever it is you do mean." She says with a laugh. "I'm sure it's much neater than mine. I'd hate for you to trip just walking over to the bed." The bed? What does she think I'm going to try?!

We step over to my room and I instinctively close the door. I'm not really helping my concern about being a creep, but I do appreciate my privacy. I can hear the shuffle of Phoenix climbing right onto my bed. I guess that's where we'll spend our time.

"So...what is it you wanted to try?" she asks.
"You know how I have had these visions? Well, they usually happen when someone touches me skin to skin, such as holding my hand. When we held hands on the way to Hogsmeade, I had nothing happen."

She pauses, probably thinking I sound insane. "Does...that mean I don't have a future? What does that mean? Should I worry?"

I chuckle in an attempt to ease her anxiety. "No, not at all. I told Sebastian about it and we experimented something. We theorized I can choose whether or not I have a vision, and I may have blocked it when we touched to not be distracted on our date."

"Interesting..." she says curiously. "So, are you going to try to see my future now? Are you testing to see that I'm not just a fluke?"

"Sort of." I laugh. "I'm going to willingly touch your hands with intention to see a vision. If I do, I'll have you touch me without warning me you're going to while I'm blocking them out. Make enough sense?"

"You touch my hand, look at the future, and I surprise touch you to see if you can block it. Got it."

"Perfect. Let's give it a go." I reach for her hands and as soon as we touch, the vision starts clearer than I've ever experienced.

In the vision, it looks sunny with abundant blue skies. Phoenix is absolutely breathtaking as she turns around to look at me as she leads me by hand through this vast field of flowers of sorts. Tall flowers. Sunflowers? I think those are sunflowers. I know what a daisy looks like, and they sort of look like giant daisies. She says something in the vision, but I don't hear it. It's just the faint sound of her voice. She's smiling and looking back at me frequently. She look's excited to bring me somewhere. I could be here forever admiring this beautiful woman. God, I wish I could see all the time.

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