Chapter 6 - Heart Grows Fonder

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*Sebastian POV*
In the morning, my eyes blink open and I become aware of my surroundings in a groggy haze. A few more blinks and I lean up to rest my head on my hand, leaning on my elbow for support. Very few times in my lifetime have I ever considered myself a lucky man if I were to reflect on the amount of pain and tragedy my story entails. These past couple of days, however, have made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Especially right now-with the most gorgeous woman I've ever met curled up in front of me, most likely stealing my warmth.
I take a moment to admire her as she sleeps. Her hair a bit messy, the sun peeking in through the window just right on her face, the blanket just barely covering her chest...alright chill out Sebastian. Time and place. Is there ever a bad time? There I go again. Sigh. I suppose I should wake her up if I want to spend enough time with her before she returns home. I lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead.
"Morning, beautiful."
She turns up to look at me, smiles a sleepy smile, and stretches.
"Good morning, handsome. Did you sleep well?"
"I've never slept better, honestly," I answer.
"Me either. It's nice to have a heater with me in the bed. I'm going to miss that."
"I see how it is, is that what I am now? Your heater?"
"...maybe" she responds, giggling.
I can't help it. I have to. I pull her in to kiss her, bringing her body against mine. After just a few seconds, her hand begins to wander, I see we're doing this again.
By the time we've both decided we're more than satisfied, it's pretty late in the morning. We both get dressed and make our way downstairs.
"Ah, look who's finally awake!" Emilia greets us jokingly.
"From the sounds of it, they've been awake for well over an hour" Raven chimes in. "I'm surprised they were even awake when they were. They were up late. Very. Late." She looks at me while raising an eyebrow.

I look over to see poor Y/N glowing red in the cheeks. "Alright Raven, enough banter. Apparently I need to find out how to enchant my walls for a bit of privacy. Y/N is going home this afternoon, so we're going to go out and make the best of the next few hours."
We packed as much quality time in as we could over the past few hours, from touring the area to find the unicorns, playing with and feeding the puffskeins, to befriending a few of the hippogriffs that wander the property. Now it is the time we've both been dreading. Time for my love to go home. I walk her to Feldcroft to the floo station.
"My city is called Lumos Valley. Remember that so you can get there quickly by floo. Send me an owl if you plan on coming-which better be soon. I've been spoiled by being with you the past couple of days, and now I'll have nobody around all the time but my plants. Mandrakes are not great for conversation." she says to me once we arrive. She rambles a little when she's nervous. I'm sure she's curious about what state her home is in after kicking out her shitty ex boyfriend.

"I'll be over before you know it, my love. I can't wait to see how far you've come. I'm so grateful to have you back in my life. You are well worth the wait."
"I love you, Sebastian."
"And I love you. See you soon."
One last long kiss, and in a poof she's gone. I'm alone once more.
I arrive back in Lumos Valley, and begin walking through the market square on my way to my home. With perfect timing, I happen to see Phoenix. I tell her I have SO much to tell her and invite her to come over with me so I can do so privately. Naturally she comes right along. I unlock my home and walk in to be greeted by all of my sweet plant friends. I take a deep breath, embracing the sweet and earthy scent of my store. I did miss home a little. Phoenix and I run up the stairs to the living quarters and make ourselves comfortable on my sofa.
"Well, obviously my gut instinct was correct. Alexander was in that pub trying to suck some other witches face off."
"What a foul pile of garbage that man is!" Phoenix interrupts.
"Don't worry, I'm just getting to the good part. Guess who was there. Guess who I just spent the last two nights with."
Her eyes widen. "WHO?"
"Sebastian Sallow. My first, and really only, love I told you about. We met at Hogwarts."
Phoenix swoons. "No way! That's amazing!" she changes her expression to a sly one. "Two nights in a row, huh? Do tell."
"Nothing happened the first night. We stayed up for a bit to catch up on each others lives, and he respectfully chose to sleep on the sofa so I could have the bed. The next morning he accidentally walked on me getting dressed, but obviously we moved on from that pretty quickly."
"Ha! Accidentally walked in on you? Do you truly believe it was an accident?"
"I do, actually. He's the type who would find it extremely disrespectful to invade a woman's privacy like that. Respect is very important to him. He even checks in on me before actually starting sex. We'd be stark naked, literally on top of each other, and he'll ask me if I'm sure."
"Wow, that's a lot of self discipline and respect. In my experience, men tend to just ram it in before your body is even properly prepared."
"Ugh, that's the worst. It's how Alexander was. There was never any passion, just me laying like a dead fish and only going until he finishes. Sebastian, on the other hand, seems to refuse to finish before me. He got me there not just once, but twice last night. Then again this morning."
"I think you may have hit the jackpot on this one, Y/N. Can you think of a single flaw?"
"I could if I thought hard enough, but we all have them. Nothing that would make me love him any less."

"Are you joking? I make ONE mistake and you were in another man's bed that same night?" an angry looking Alexander appears in the doorway of my living quarters. "If I had known you were such a whore, I'd have left you years ago."
Both Phoenix and I stare at him standing in the doorway, completely dumbfounded.
"What the hell are you doing in MY house, Alex?"
"I came over to talk to you, I have a key you know."
"There's nothing to talk about. You were making out with some other woman while you were supposed to be on a business trip. One that you missed a huge event for. Whenever you cheat on your next girlfriend, be sure to be careful about where you put your date time and location. Hand me MY spare key and get the hell out."
"Ehh, nah, I'm going to keep it. You can just buy a new lock. Since moving onto another man is so easy for you, I'm sure finding a new lock for your door will be of no trouble." He says before storming out.
He is SUCH an ass. He's lucky Sebastian wasn't here to witness that.

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