Chapter 11 - Hogwarts Once More

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It's the morning of our journey to the Map Chamber, and I'm laying in bed. I'm still entirely nude except for the beautiful ring on my finger. I hold my hand up in the air to admire it as the sun shines though the window onto it. It has a silver band with intricate swirls carved into it, and a delicate series of black sapphire and emerald gemstones surrounding a hefty oval shaped diamond. Both of Sebastian's parents were proud Slytherins and married shortly after finishing school, so it is quite fitting as a representation of their bond. Sebastian is my very best friend, my confidant, my lover, the father of my future children, and soon, my husband. I'm to be a wife. I'm to be a Sallow. Y/N Sallow. It certainly has a nice ring to it. I decide it's best to get out of this incredibly comfortable bed that holds several very fond memories and get ready to face the day ahead of me.
We arrive at the outskirts of the Hogwarts property, and admire the castle ahead of us. So many memories are held in this building. I haven't seen Professor Weasley in a couple of years as there hasn't been anything needing to be addressed with the Keepers until now. We arrive at the main doors and are greeted by Weasley.
"So nice to see you three all together again. I always admired the strong bond the three of you formed here at Hogwarts. Now, what is it we need to visit with the other Keepers about so urgently?"
We take turns explaining the entire situation to her. Ominus' captivity, his newly found psychic abilities, Alexander's several year long charade, the pregnancy, the plan to kidnap my children... and one more thing.
"Sebastian also proposed marriage to me last night." I tell her, blushing just slightly.

"Oh my goodness, Y/N! That is wonderful. Professor...Mr. Sallow, I mean, never gave up hope on reuniting with you again one day. I'm very pleased to hear it finally happened." she says, giving Sebastian a knowing smile. "Celebrations aside, we must head down to the Map Chamber at once. Y/N, I have a wonderful surprise for you when we get there."

A surprise? A wonderful one? How many surprises does she think I can handle? I'm pregnant, engaged, and in danger of being kidnapped and murdered. All found out in the last 24 hours. We make our way down to the chamber and I see something new down there. Another empty portrait. The background of the portrait looks that? It can't be!
"Professor Fig!" I shout once the figure appears in the frame. "I can't believe it! How did they make this work?"
"Wonderful to see you, Y/N! It's been far too long. I never got to properly thank and congratulate you on your victory against Ranrok. So thank you for honoring Miriam by getting her wand back to me, and for saving Wizardkind from that evil goblin. As far as the portrait goes, this painting was finished before I died. I've been stuck in a closet shouting until Professor Weasley here finally heard me.
"I couldn't have done it without you, Professor."
The other Keepers, Percival Rackham, Charles Rookwood, Niamh Fitsgerald, and San Bakar all appear in their frames.
"So, what brings us all together this time?" Rookwood asks.

"I have a feeling our newest Keeper has carelessly put the wizarding world in danger once again," Bakar huffs. "I tried to warn you all of this risk."

"Must you always be so harsh, San?" Fitzgerald chimes in. "Let the girl explain."

"Enough," Rackham says sternly to quiet his colleagues. "Bickering amongst yourselves without knowing the circumstances that bring us here only delays finding a solution to whatever it is that needs addressing."

All of the attention in the room turns to me. I explain everything once more, trying to remain as detailed as possible without taking up too much time. I look up at the portrait of Fig, and he's beaming down at me in such a way that I could swear he's getting emotional. 

"You are with child out of wedlock?" Fitzgerald asks with a slight tone of judgement in her voice. Sebastian glares up at her, but she continues anyway, "I'm afraid that must change as soon as possible. You must marry before these children are born. I fear if something were to happen to Miss Y/N...their father would have no right to them, and they would ultimately end up orphaned." 

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