Chapter 3 - Memories, Old and New

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I take a look in the mirror, still in complete shock of all that has happened today, especially at the fact that I'm at the home of Sebastian Sallow after so many years apart. Seeing him was such a range of emotions, which leaves me feeling totally exhausted. He looks so much the same while looking so different at the same time. He's aged beautifully over the past ten years. He's quite a bit taller now, with broader shoulders and a lean, yet toned physique. I could see a bit of hair peeking from his shirt once he unbuttoned it when he finished working, and if he only knew how attracted I am to that. Even more so, he's got a scruffy and thick looking beard growing in as he must not have shaved in a couple of weeks. I hope he doesn't shave anytime soon, as it really suits him well.

I saw Emilia in the hall, as I stepped over to the bathroom, and she informed me where I can find something to tie my hair up with if I'd like. So, I grab one of those and tie my hair up in a high ponytail. They left a new toothbrush out for me, so I brushed my teeth and braced myself to go back into Sebastian's room. I find him in there reading a book in typical Sebastian fashion.

"Did you find everything alright? Do you need anything else?"

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"Did you find everything alright? Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you, I'm all set. Goodnight, Sebastian."

"Goodnight, Y/N."


I wake up in the morning to the smell of coffee brewing and pancakes cooking. I look over at the sofa Sebastian was sleeping on, but he was up and gone already. I walk over to the dresser I had my clothes folded up on, but they're gone. I glance around the room to see if I was mistaken on where I had put them, but I do not see them anywhere. I step out into the hallway, self-conscious about being in these oversized pajamas.

"Sebastian? ... Sebastian?" I say down the stairs, hoping he's nearby and can hear me. Where would he have gone with my clothes? Raven peeks her head up the stairs at me.

"Sebastian's outside. Are you alright? Did you need something?"

"I was just looking for my clothes so I can dress, but I don't see them anywhere."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. He took them down to wash them for you so that you'd have something fresh to wear. They've been hanging on the line for over an hour. I'm sure if you wanted to take a quick shower, they'd be plenty dry by then. I'll have him bring them up to you once they're ready."

A shower does sound nice. "That would be nice, Raven, thank you. Where might I find a towel?"

"In the closet across from the bathroom. I'm sure there's a spare robe in there as well if you need one."

I grab a towel and a robe and step into the bathroom to shower. I brush my teeth before getting in the shower. The hot water feels amazing after the long night I had last night. My mind wanders to the fact that this is the shower Sebastian uses too... Sebastian in the shower. Not a bad mental image to be honest. I find myself blushing although it isn't like anyone knows what I thought about. I finish rinsing off and grab the towel to dry myself off. I wrap the robe around myself and fasten the tie that is fixed to it. I suppose I should check to see if my clothes are in his room by now. That they are, neatly folded on the bed for me to change into. I slip off my robe and reach for my clothes, but then the door opens. I don't know what else to do besides freeze exactly where I stand. A few seconds that feel like minutes go by while Sebastian and I both stand there in shock, with me attempting to cover my vulnerable bits with my arms.

"I am so, so sorry!" He says through the door after promptly closing it. "It was a force of habit. I haven't shared a room since I was a student. I didn't mean to invade your privacy, I promise."

My face has had to have turned a hundred shades of red by now. "It's alright, nothing you haven't seen before, right?!" I cringe once I realize what I just said. Why must I be so awkward? It's not even true, technically! He hasn't seen my body since we were teenagers. I wish I could just crawl under the covers and not come out.

I can hear him laughing at me in the hall. "I'm not sure that's quite true, but I appreciate the effort in making me feel less embarrassed." HE is embarrassed? He's not the one naked.

"I'll be down in a moment. Let's take that walk."


"You're not going anywhere until you've had a little food in you. Have a seat, I'll bring you some breakfast," Emilia insists. I oblige, realizing how hungry I was once I got closer to smell of her cooking.

Once I finish eating, I go outside and look for Sebastian. He was easy to find exactly where I expected him to be. On a bench on the huge dock, admiring the lake. I go over and sit next to him.

"Mr. Sallow, you have quite the unique method of hospitality." I tease him.

"I said I'm sorry! Not that I minded what I witnessed." he says to me with a mischievous grin.

Flirting, are we? Two can play at that game. "Are you hinting that it was on purpose?"

That got him. His ears were beet red now. "No-I-of course not!"

"I'm kidding. Don't dish what you can't take!"

"I knew that," he says, clearing his throat. "Ready for our little adventure?"

I nod, and we get up to head towards the wooded part of the property. I'm still in awe of how beautiful this place is.

"There's a spot not far from here I want you to see. I think you'll really like it." he says, leading me down a narrow decline. "There's kind of a wide creek ahead, I'll have to help you across."

Once we get to the creek, I can see a few larger rocks that we will use to cross. He hops on one rock, then the next. He leans forward to take my hand. After making sure I was balanced, he steps to the next one to help guide me to my next one. As I bring my second foot to join the first one, I start to slip. I gasp thinking I am about to fall. As if it were second nature to him, he catches me while somehow managing to keep himself balanced.

"You're alright. one more to go." he says while helping me get steady again.

We made it across the creek and steps away, there's a few steps that lead down to an overlook. Upon getting down there, I take a look at the view. This is the kind of view that could take your breath away. I can see for miles and miles, with a few hippogriffs flying around playfully in the distance.

"Thank you for bringing me here. It really is beautiful."


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