Chapter 23 - The Fight

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Caution: Violence ahead!


Sebastian and I are sitting against an old stone wall under the protection of my ancient magic shield while we wait for Alexander. We hear the whistle from Emilia that is meant to signal to us that their deal with Marvolo was successful and they are standing by as backup. Sebastian sighs of relief knowing that half of our danger was taken care of. He hasn't said much of anything since we arrived. 

"So... how are you going to do it?" I ask, breaking the silence.

He takes a second after registering what I asked him. "I've got a thousand ways I've considered it, and I'm still not settled. I think I'll see where the fight leads."

"Fair enough." I say just as Alexander pops up a ways away from us. "Well, get ready."

We stay under the protection skill as Alexander comes closer. He looks furious once he sees us sitting here. "Didn't you have enough? You want some more, do you?" he growls. 

"It won't be enough until I've killed you." Sebastian growls back.

Alexander laughs sarcastically. "You couldn't protect your wife when she needed you and you think you can kill me?"

"You caused her to lose her pregnancy. She nearly bled to death because of it. I could have killed you before we even left, but you're a coward and ran away." Sebastian said through his teeth.

"Awww." Alexander fake pouts. "Maybe it's for the best. Poor kids never would have stood-"

"Depulso!" Sebastian knocks him onto his back.

"Bombarda!" Alexander shouts as he stands up, but Sebastian dodges the attack.

I use my ancient power to throw a loose brick at him. It hits him in the chest, nearly knocking the wind out of him.

"You. Stupid. Little. Bitch!" he shouts, shooting basic casts at me with each step. The casts sting as they hit me, but don't do much damage. "You deserved everything you got. Let me remind you. Cruc-"

"Expelliarmus!" with Sebastian's perfect shot, Alexander's wand flies out of his hand. Alexander stumbles to pick it back up.

"Leviosa. Depulso!" Alexander says quickly, lifting Sebastian up in the air then flying with a crash to the ground. He laughs when he watches my husband land.

The rage and adrenaline overflows beyond my control at the sight of this. With one swoop, I use my ancient magic to pick him up and dangle him helplessly in the air, higher than the trees. Then, I just release the magic and let him drop. He sped to the ground and just barely caught himself with magic before landing. 

"Imperio!" he says from the ground. 

I've never had this curse done to me before. It's torture in and of itself because I feel completely alert and aware, as I already was, but incapable of moving until my curse bearer instructs. He toys around with me for a bit, but I'm aware enough that I keep looking over at Sebastian, still slumped on the ground, begging internally for him to get up. Alexander makes me yank on my own hair. He makes me bite my own arm nearly to the point I draw blood. The things he makes me do are just stupid and childish, yet he looks so amused and pleased with himself. I fear he will make me hurt myself or someone else if I'm not released from this curse soon. I can feel a tear flowing down my cheek.

"Now hold your wand to your neck."

I oblige.

"Now say after me: avad-"

"Confringo!" Sebastian's glorious voice shouts finally, causing me to gratefully be pulled from the curse. 

Alexander's clothes are on fire and he dances around frantically trying to put himself out. WHAM. Sebastian tackles him to the ground, sitting on top of him, Alexander's arms trapped under Sebastian's knees. 

"Not so tough now, are you?" Sebastian grumbles before spitting on his face.

Alexander just stares up at him, disgusted. "Thank god Y/N didn't successfully procreate with a pathetic loser like you."

That's when Sebastian officially lost it. He just starts punching his face with full strength. Blood and even a couple teeth spewing from Alexander's face from the hits. 

"I told you...I'm going to fucking...KILL you." he screams as he's slamming his fist into his face. 

I'm standing over him, watching him do this. Watching Alexander feel every last hit. Watching his eyes blink as he goes in and out of consciousness. Watching his eyes start to swell up already. 

"Sebastian. Stop. Wait." I say quietly.

He stops immediately, looking up at me with angry confusion. 

"What do you mean, 'stop'? Are you insane?"

"No. Kill him like a proper wizard, not like a raging muggle."

He narrows his eyes at me, but smiles an almost evil looking grin. "I'd be honored."

He pulls out his wand, points it right between Alexander's eyes, and says the Unforgivable Curse he's been dreaming of saying since he last saw this monster. The short jolt of green light kills him instantly. I watch with gruesome satisfaction as the light leaves his eyes. I almost feel like a dark witch with how good I felt seeing it happen. Alexander deserved it. 

"Now what do we do with him? Leave him for some beast to enjoy?" he asks.

"I have a better idea." I answer.

I zap his lifeless body with my ancient magic, shrinking him down like I would a spider, and freezing him to the point that he's just a brittle clump on the ground. I lift my leg up and stomp the clump repeatedly until Alexander is nothing but the useless pile of dust he always has been.



"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, Sebastian."

He yanks me by the waist toward him, scoops me up as I wrap my legs around his waist, and kisses me hungrily to celebrate our victory. Once our friends see this, they break their stunned silence and cheer from the bluff they're standing on.

"When I get you home, I'm putting those babies right back inside of you. Multiple times." he mumbles into my ear.


Author's note: Yes, there will be upcoming victory smut.

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