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Sallow & Gaunt Children's First Day at Hogwarts

Elema, Eleazar, Asa, and Ambrose are in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, anxiously waiting to arrive for their first year at the magical school. They had recently said their goodbyes to their parents, although they know they'll be seeing them briefly at the castle for the sorting ceremony. They could have just travelled with them, but the four parents wanted their children to have the full experience of that magical journey-the long train ride, the boat ride across the lake, and that breathtaking entry into the great hall for the first time. Parents don't typically get to attend the Sorting Hat Ceremony, but Sebastian pulled a few strings to make it happen. After everything they all went through to start their families, they did not want to miss any of these special moments. 

"Ellie, you don't need to be nervous, even if we aren't sorted to the same house, we'll still see each other all the time!" Ambrose calmly comforts her friend.

"You can't be so sure, Amy! I've heard that some of the houses have quite the rivalry between them! What if our houses hate each other?" Elema whines.

"Don't be a baby, you worry too much!" Eleazar sneers at his sister.

"Cut it out, Eleazar, you're not helping at all." Asa pipes up. 

"Gather your things, students, we've arrived! Find a partner and board the boats!" a booming voice shouts down the aisle between the compartments. 

Elema and Ambrose hop into a boat, with Eleazar and Asa trailing straight behind them. Any former bickering from the train is silenced as they look around in awe at the dark scenery that surrounds them. The lake shimmers under the moonlight and the trees just appear as dark shadows in the far distance. The castle almost appears to sparkle with all of the small windows lit up and scattered throughout the stone walls. 

The crowd of over a hundred first year students are instructed to form an orderly train as they follow a professor up to the castle and into the great hall. Gasps of excitement fill the air as they look at their surroundings. Brightly lit candles float above them, and a night sky paints the ceiling. The long tables that stretch throughout the hall are festively decorated by color to match the corresponding houses assigned to them. The older students always arrive before the first years, who are all directed to stand nearby and wait for the ceremony to begin. 

The students are called up by name in alphabetical order, so Ambrose and Asa are the first to be sorted between the four Sallow and Gaunt children. Ambrose confidently strides up to the stool and waits for the professor to place the hat on her head.

"Ahh, a Gaunt. An heir of Salazar Slytherin himself, no? I see...your thoughts don't appear to align with his, though, do they? You've read book after book that has taught you otherwise...yes very wise indeed...you belong in... Ravenclaw!" cheers erupt at the Ravenclaw table, and Ambrose is greeted by other students in her house once she finds a place to sit.

Next is Asa, who is already pretty confident in which house he will belong to. "Another Gaunt, is that right? I see your beliefs match your sister... Your interests do not, though... No, you are more pleased spending your time on more adventurous tasks... how interesting, young Gaunt, as your house aligns with... Gryffindor!" the Gryffindor table celebrates loudly after a stunned silence-an heir of Slytherin, in the house of Gryffindor? Impressive, indeed.

Dozens more students are sorted into their houses when it finally reaches the Sallow twins. Eleazar goes first before Elema.

"Hmmm... Eleazar Sallow, son of Sebastian Sallow, our very own Defense Against the Dark Arts professor... I see how similar you are to your father. It seems you possess qualities that could be fit for any of the houses, but something does stick out... you, like your father, would walk to the ends of the earth, quite resourcefully at that, to meet your goals... Yes, you know there is always a means to get what you want. I place you in... Slytherin!" Eleazar's bright smile broadens across his freckled face. The Slytherin table bursts into shouts of welcome to greet the boy into their house.

Finally, it is time for Elema to be sorted. She walks up timidly, a few shy tears failing to be hidden on her face. She's scared. She just wants to be with her friends, but they are all separated. 

"Mmhmm... indeed, the other half of the Sallow Twins... a twin sister, loyal to her brother, her parents, and her friends. Why do you cry? You worry for your friends and brother being separated? With your kindness and loyalty, they are lucky indeed to have you... this has been an easy choice already, I believe you to be honored into... Hufflepuff!"

The Hufflepuff table has erupted into cheers for her, but Elema is still crying. She knows she'll still have her friends, but how easy could it possibly be to keep them close as she wishes? Why couldn't they just be sorted together? She takes a deep breath, steps down from her stool, and walks over to join her fellow Hufflepuffs while the ceremony continues.

"I know you're worried, but don't worry! You'll have a wonderful time in Hufflepuff! Wait til you see our common room. I bet you'll feel right at home!" a very kind looking second year girl assures her. 

"You'll love it! Butterbeer and candy in an endless supply! Games, books, puzzles, you'll never be bored." a plump, sweet looking boy added.

Maybe they're right, maybe everything will go well. 


"One in each house, huh?" Phoenix remarks to Y/N.

"I should have expected that all along. They are four very unique souls, these children. I know they'll have plenty of fun and adventure while they're here." Y/N agrees.

"As long as their adventures don't match ours, that is totally well with me." Ominis adds.

"And as long as their fun doesn't match ours, love, that is well with me, too." Sebastian jokes.

Y/N smacks her husband on the shoulder. "Seb!" she laughs. "They will behave. They are only in their first year, we won't have to concern ourselves with that for a long time."

"They best hold off on that idea of fun until after they finish school," Sebastian halfheartedly warns. "Speaking of fun... we have the house to ourselves tonight when I return home, yeah?"

After all these years, Sebastian still makes her blush. "Omi and Phoenix won't be home til late, so yes, I think you're correct there, Professor Sallow."

"Hmmm... you'll have to help me relax after dealing with these kids all day." he mumbles into her ear before giving her a kiss goodbye.

"I love you, Sebastian."

"I love you more, Y/N."



I know my vision of characters may not always match the interpretation of others, and that's groovy! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you stick around with me for my next project! Sometime over the next few days, that story will begin! I may even make the time to write the introduction and prologue...

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