Chapter 28 - Life as We Know It

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8 Months Later

*Sebastian POV*

"Seb. Wake up." 

I'm jerked awake by my wife, who's sitting beside me drenched in sweat and looking panicked. 

"Sebastian. It's time!" she shouts this time, sounding out of breath.

"It's time...? OH. Uh, what should I do?" I stammer in my half-awake state.

She groans in pain. "Just---go wake up Phoe. I need her."

Ominis and Phoenix have been staying with us for the past few months so the girls could be together as we prepare for the babies to come. We turned one of the guest rooms into a nursery. Four bassinettes, two rocking chairs, a massive wardrobe of clothing, and a long bookshelf built into the wall with any and every children's story book imaginable. Our children-our family-will only have it all. 

Phoenix and Y/N built a store together in the early months of their pregnancy just outside of Hogsmeade. Feathers & Vines is what they named it. Y/N grows and sells about any magical plant you could imagine, and dozens of her own unique potions and antidotes. Her potions are mainly wellness based-such as healing potions, energy potions, focus potions, relaxation potions, and even fertility potions. With how brilliant and skilled she is, I'm surprised looking back that she wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw during her short time at Hogwarts. Phoenix has a sanctuary for magical beasts behind the shop, where she helps teach others how to properly care for the creatures. Once she deems them worthy, she allows them to adopt smaller beasts under the condition that they are free to roam a vast amount of land--absolutely no cages allowed. She has tracking spells on every beasts she allows to be adopted as a condition of the adoption so she can ensure the beasts wellness and safety. She doesn't need to know every last minute of their time spent, she just gets alerted somehow if something is wrong. 

I've taken a liking to writing stories. Many of the books that line the shelves of the nursery were written by me. With my dark past, it would be surprising to hear for those who knew me back then that I've taken to such a soft career. However, my stories are popular enough that hundreds of copies have been purchased from a small shelf in Feathers & Vines that the girls so graciously allowed for my work.

Ominis has begun training to be an Auror. He's made quite the name for himself within the Ministry, his unique gift has been useful in need. He stood his ground that his ability will only be used for good and on his own terms-nobody shall be allowed to take advantage of him again. He confided in me that he feels that this line of work eases the guilt he feels by carrying his last name. I think he's finally accepting that he is Ominis; he is not the history of the Gaunt bloodline. We have no way of knowing what lies ahead of that family, but his branch of the family tree will blossom in beauty instead of the dark thorns dwelling on the other ends of it. 


*Phoenix POV*

I'm jolted awake by the sounds of my best friend crying out in pain. Normally, I'd be horrified by remembering all that we went through, but right now, its excitement beating out of my chest. I don't even bother getting dressed. I scurry down the hall to her room as fast as I can waddle.

"I'm here, honey. Take my hand!" I tell her, but I almost regret it as soon as she does being as she damn near ripped my fingers off with her grip. "Ouch! --ugh fine, let it out, breathe through them. You've got this."

As soon as I finish my sentence, I'm breathless with the surge of pain I am now feeling in my own abdomen. Sympathy pain? I don't even realize that I loudly gasped from the sudden cramping.

"Phoenix, darling, you need to crawl onto the bed next to Y/N." Ominis demands.

"What? Why? She's literally about to-"

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