Chapter 21 - The Plot for Vengeance

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(Author's note: Here is the promised summary of the previous chapter and the trigger warning: pregnancy loss. The portkey home is intercepted by Alexander, who we find out is Rookwood's estranged son. Not only is Alexander seeking reward from the Gaunt family, but he is seeking revenge on his father's death. Alexander had Y/N cornered and was repeatedly casting Crucio on her to torture her. This results in a battle that ends with Alexander apparating away like a coward. That is when Sebastian finds the very much bleeding Y/N and carries her to the hospital. It is confirmed the twins are gone. Sebastian had Ominus confirm it by touching her belly. Sebastian held his wife all night while she slept so he can be there for her when she wakes up.)

*Y/N POV* 

I blink a few times once I wake up. I'm wrapped up in Sebastian's warm embrace. I start to try to process everything that just happened to me. To us. I was not fully conscious at the time, but I could hear everything the night before. My babies are gone. I heard the nurse tell my husband that. I heard his cries. I heard him blame himself and plea my forgiveness. I felt and heard Ominus confirm the news, and the heartbreak in his voice upon doing so. It wasn't Sebastian's fault. 

Alexander is an evil man. An evil man I spent three whole years with. An evil man who spent three whole years pretending to be someone he's not, pretending to love or care about me, just to hurt me. He could have just chosen to hurt me the minute he saw me. I feel that it takes the purest form of evil to drag it out for so long. He is such a coward for running. I think Sebastian could kill him with his bare hands, no magic even required. I want to be there when he dies. I want to watch the light leave his eyes. I want my husband to be the one to do it though, for me, for Anne, for our babies.

I hadn't even gotten to truly decide on what to name them. I wanted something unique but meaningful to us. I would dream about them. Adorable big brown eyes, freckles, and a mischievous smile like their father. A rambunctious duo, getting themselves into trouble just playing in the yard. My heart aches for them and what they could be. I can only hope I may be blessed with them again one day.


We arrive back to the Room and are greeted by our dearest friends. Ominus, Phoenix, Emilia, and Raven all come around to wrap their arms around Sebastian and me. After several long minutes of this group embrace, we break apart. 

"Y/N, sweetie, there's warm soup and a sandwich on a tray in your room. I thought you may want some privacy, but knew you also better have something to eat. I imagine the hospital wing doesn't offer the best possible cuisine." Emilia says while touching my arm. I thank her and turn to go into my room. Before I can, Ominus grabs my hand.

"Sorry to keep you but Phoenix and I were talking, and there's something I would like to try, if you'd like." he says quietly. "Only if you're up for it."

"Alright, Omi. What do you need me to do?" I ask.

"If you don't mind, use a pillow so you're comfortable and lay down on the couch." he instructs.

"Odd request, but fine..." I say before propping up a pillow on the arm of the sofa and laying back on it. "Now what?"

"It will make more sense what I ask of you if I explain what I'm trying. I am trying to channel a vision for you. Manually, so to speak. If you're comfortable, I'd ask you to lift your shirt just enough to allow me to feel your abdomen."

I nod and do as he asks, and Phoenix helps him place his hand in the correct place on my stomach. He closes his eyes and furrows his brows to concentrate. I watch intently and try to read his expression. His face relaxes a bit and shortly after a small smile shows. Another minute goes by and he opens his eyes.

"It worked." He states.

"What worked? What did you see?" I ask urgently.

"Y/N, you're going to think I'm crazy, and I don't know how to explain how I know this, but they are simply waiting until it is safe."

"I--what? Who is waiting? Until what is safe?"

"The twins. The curse that man did to you was quite painful for both you and them. It was not safe, so your body dispelled them. They are not truly gone. They are just...waiting. They are with you. I know it doesn't make sense. I know I couldn't see them when I last checked, but I wasn't channeling correctly. I must have found that their physical states were gone, but their...souls? Is that how you'd refer to them? They are with you. They will come back. All is not lost. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be telling you this. I promise, Y/N."

I burst into tears and pull Ominus down into a hug. "Thank you, Ominus. I hope you are right. This brings me so much peace knowing I will get to meet them one day."

"Of course, my friend. And yes, I am right. I always am." he says, making me smile.

I stand up from the couch and look over towards my bedroom. Sebastian is there, leaning in the doorway, smiling fondly at me. I can see that he had been crying. I run to him and jump up to embrace him. Although we may be terrified about what's to come, we both find comfort and hope in knowing that we will have our family one day. A healthy, beautiful family. Just as it should be. This ability that Ominus has once felt more like a curse. Now, it feels like a true gift. I hope that life repays him for all of the light he brings to the world. A kind, pure soul like his is bound to be blessed by the world.


Sebastian and I are in bed, and he's holding me tightly. He's been quiet the rest of the evening. I'm guessing he is contemplating what he will be doing next. If anyone knows Sebastian, they'd know that absolutely nothing will stop him from bringing justice for those he loves. After nearly an hour of silence, he speaks up.

"I have a plan. We should go out and share it with the others."

We go out to the living area and yell for everyone to come out. Once everyone is out and seated, Sebastian begins to explain his plan.

"We will wait a couple of days so Y/N may be well rested before we leave. We will be conjuring a pensive, and each of the three of us that witnessed Marvolo kill his father will extract that memory, and only that part of the memory, to use in the pensive. Ominus, if you don't mind also extracting memories of him torturing muggles and playing a vital role in your captivity, that would be helpful also. We will send him an owl pretending to be from Alexander to tell him he's located a huge source of the powerful magic Y/N welds to lure him to a remote location-some underground runes that once did truly hold a source of the magic. 

We will send another owl to Alexander-he's not as easy to fool as Marvolo, so we will need the Gaunt family seal on the envelope for legitimacy. Ominus, I believe you are able to conjure that as a Gaunt. Emilia will pose as a member of the Ministry of Magic and go with Ominus to convince Marvolo that the Ministry is aware of his use of an Unforgivable Curse to murder his father for power over the bloodline, and about the torturing of muggles, and about holding Ominus in captivity. The pensive will be there to prove to him that the evidence is legitimate. The reason for this is to give up his plan of kidnapping Y/N as the Ministry Worker will inform him there is a watchful eye on him and that one wrongdoing will send him to Askaban without trial. 

When Alexander arrives at the same property, Y/N and I will take care of him. Raven and Phoenix will be nearby in hiding as backup if we need them. I will not simply kill this man; I will destroy him. There will not be a shred of him left when I am finished with him."


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