Chapter 12 - Meet the Parents

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*Sebastian POV*

I was in the office with Weasley for almost two hours discussing not only what's to come, but about my future as a Professor at Hogwarts. She offered her condolences for the loss of my dear sister and asked if I planned on returning to teach. I haven't given it much thought. I do want to return as I loved teaching such an important subject. I didn't want to give her a final answer without discussing it with Y/N as it would likely require a move closer to the school if I didn't intend on sleeping at the castle every night. I couldn't bear the thought of spending the entire schoolyear sleeping alone, or especially causing her to have to sleep alone. We'll be parents by then as well! So many changes in such a short amount of time. 

I enter the room and head to our bedroom, where I see that the fireplace is burning, and she is curled up adorably sound asleep in the bed. I change into pajamas and lay behind her to put my arms around her, and off to sleep I go. 


It's morning, and we have quite the journey ahead of us. Ominus is going to stay behind at the castle while Y/N and I go to the Muggle world to visit her parents. I can't help but be jittery with nervousness. She sent them an owl yesterday evening so that they would be expecting us. I'm fresh out of the shower, teeth brushed, and attempting to comb my hair just right to look like a gentleman worthy of their daughter's hand. She steps out of the shower, looking irresistible wrapped up in the big green towel she chose. I just got all cleaned up, so I find it best to resist the urge to pull the towel off of her and have my way with her. I suppose we'll have to wait until later. She does "accidentally" drop her towel before I leave the restroom, though, with a mischievous grin. What a tease. "You'll pay for that later, you know." I tell her.

"Oh no, anything but that!" she teases back sarcastically. I leave so she can get herself ready without my dirty mind watching her.  


It amazes me when I consider how much longer travel takes for muggles. We were able to use floo powder to get to the train station, but beyond that, we have to take the train to get to the town her parents reside in. The travel is uneventful and Y/N slept on my shoulder majority of the train ride. The town we arrive in is small and quaint, featuring just a couple of small pubs, a church, and a tiny grocery market. We walk a short way and stop in front of a decent sized home made of wood with some pebble-stone accents. 

"This is it," she says, looking up at me. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be, my love."

We arrive at the front wooden gate to her fenced-in yard. 


A short, floppy eared basset hound trots down the yard at us, wagging its tail and jumping up at Y/N. She crouches down to pet the hound as it licks her face with enthusiasm. 

"Yes, it's good to see you too, Musket!" she says to the dog with a laugh. A dog named after a gun. How very muggle. 

"Y/N!" a woman shouts from the front porch of the home. "My sweet daughter. Please, come in quickly. I cannot wait to meet this nice-looking friend of yours."

Ha. It appears as though her mother has the same sense of humor as she does. I only hope her father is as friendly. From how she speaks of him, I think he will be. We enter the home, which is filled with the scent of a delicious smelling roast in the oven. Y/N slides open the pocket doors leading to the living room and curls up on the couch. I come over and sit next to her. 

"So, Sebastian, it's nice to finally meet you. I recall Y/N gushing about you during and after her year at Hogwarts, and she did write to us a few weeks ago to inform us that the two of you are in touch again. I suppose a proper introduction is in order. I'm Laura, and this is my husband, her father of course, Samuel. Sam, put the paper down and greet the young man, won't you?"

"My apologies," her father says to me, reaching out his hand to shake mine. "I've just got a bit of a suspicion that this sudden visit is about more than just a friendly dinner."

No better time than the present, I think to myself before just spitting out the words: "I would like to ask for permission to marry your daughter."

The four of us sit a moment in stunned silence. Finally, Laura speaks up.

"I appreciate you asking, young man, but why so sudden? What else is going on here?"

Y/N and I exchange nervous glances. She is the one to speak up next.

"Mom, dad...I'm pregnant. With twins. We wouldn't have known so soon if it weren't for a dear friend of ours. He has the ability to see bits of the future and told us as soon as he saw it. Sebastian and I discussed what to do, and decided it was best for the children-and our own-futures if we were to marry. And soon, before I become visibly pregnant. People do not take kindly to pregnancy out of wedlock." she explains.

"Mr. and Mrs. Y/(last)N, I knew from the day I met your daughter that I wanted to marry her one day. I promised her I would wait for her until we meet again and stuck to my promise. No other woman could ever compare, and I refrained from seeing anyone else until meeting her again. This wasn't a decision we took lightly by any means. I lost my dear sister several weeks ago, and one of her final words of advice for me was to live in the moment. I ask you to please honor us as we wish to wed next weekend."

"Y/N, please take this young man to the dining room and set the table for us to eat. Your mother and I will discuss this before joining you for dinner." her father says to her sternly.

We go to the kitchen to find the plates and bowls we need for the meal, with me reaching the top shelves. There's no way I'm letting her attempt to climb onto a stool to reach. We set the table and wait quietly for her parents to join us. We hold hands as we wait, and I rub my thumb on her hand in effort to soothe her anxiety.

Her parents come into the dining room and her father sits down with us while her mother goes to the kitchen to pull the roast from the oven. 

"Y/N, I've made plenty of bread and vegetables to accompany the meal as I did remember you do not eat meat anymore. I hope that is alright for you."

"It's perfect, mum. Thank you."

We begin to eat our meal quietly until her father finally breaks the silence.

"Young man, I admire and appreciate the effort you have made to ensure my daughter's dignity as this news of her pregnancy was presented to you. While I feel that a week is quite soon to be married, I understand the need. We give our blessing for you to marry her."

"Thank you, Sir. You haven't the slightest idea how much that means to me. I promise with my entire being to love and cherish your beautiful daughter until the day I die. I promise to always prioritize her and our children above myself. Thank you for raising such a wonderful person. My life is better with her in it." I ramble in return, looking over at my fiancé, who appears to be moved to tears by my words. 

"No need for the butt kissing. I believe you love her almost as much as I do." he responds in a gruffy voice, yet still smiling assuredly.

"And please, please, keep the children coming to visit as often as possible. I can't believe we're to be grandparents!" her mother gushed. 

We spent the rest of the evening visiting and listening to stories of Y/N's childhood. I'm so grateful to be accepted by her family. Before it gets too late, we decide it is best to part ways and make our way back to Hogwarts.


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