Chapter 22 - The Act

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*Sebastian POV*

We waited longer to act out our plan than we originally discussed. Y/N consulted with the other Keepers, who decided to help her further her abilities with the ancient magic. She already knew ways to use it in a fight, but she had little control over how and when she had enough built up in her to actually use it effectively. She spent near full days down in the Map Chamber working on her skill. By now, she had learned to have complete control over it and could use it at any point, no need to wait for it to build. After all, it never actually went away. It was like strengthening a muscle, it seemed. The more consistently she used it, the more consistent her ability to summon the power became. She learned new moves and new ways to do as much damage to an enemy as possible with one shot. She also learned how to use magic-including her ancient magic-without her wand. Her wand is preferred for precision, but I must admit she is showing to be a force to be reckoned with yet without it. She can now also use the ancient magic to create a shield similar to Protego. The downside, though, is that she can't cast through the shield. It is completely impenetrable to any type of magic-even the Unforgivable Curses.  We learned this because she convinced me to attempt to cast one while she used the shield. I agreed only as long as I could use Imperio, as that would not cause her any pain or harm. The curse had zapped right off of the shield. It truly is amazing. She is amazing.

"So, what do you guys think?" I hear Emilia asking. Curious, I step out to the living room to see what she came up with for a disguise. She was nearly unrecognizable. 

Her blonde hair that was usually cut into a sharp bob was now dark brown and fastened in a tight bun on the back of her head. Her typical clothing choice of loose-fitting floral patterns were not worn. Instead, she wore a grey skirt that went down almost to her ankles and a matching blazer. She had conjured a pin that is typically worn by Ministry members, and for a final touch, she was wearing thick framed glasses. Her shoes were a frumpy pair of loafers.

"That you look like a frumpy Ministry employee and I can't wait to have my wife back!" Raven groaned. 

"Thank you. That's exactly what I was going for!" Emilia returned, turning to give her partner a kiss on the cheek. 

Y/N spent hours this morning making loads of Wiggenweld potion for all of us just in case things don't go as smoothly as we planned. Each of us had at least a dozen vials. Hopefully, we don't need them. 

"Alright, everyone, are we all ready?" I ask the room. Everyone nods and we head for the door. Once we are on the castle lawn, we all apparate in pairs. Y/N and I, Raven and Phoenix, and Ominis and Emilia are zapped to our respective locations. 


Author's Note: I just realized literally today that I've been spelling Ominis' name wrong the whole time I've been writing. 22 chapters into the second book. I won't go back and change the spelling, but since you've put up with it this far, I'll spell it correctly from here on out. Anyway, carry on!

*Ominis POV*

"He will be here very quickly," I tell Emilia. "Although he isn't very bright, my brother is as greedy for power and status as they come."

Just as I finish my sentence, I hear a bump as someone jumps down the hole in the ground we stand in. 

"Ominis? What the hell are you doing here? And who is this?" it was Marvolo. 

"I've turned you in to the Ministry, Marvolo. This is Madam Zinga from the Ministry. Given our family connections, it was decided that you could be cut a deal. Lying was the best way to get you to come somewhere remote and alone to discuss." I explain in a mock-cheerful voice. I made up Emilias fake name on the spot. We hadn't discussed it, but it felt like a good idea. I hope she remembers.

"Turned me in? For what? Our family matters are no business of the Ministry."

"I'm afraid your family matters," she says with a sarcastic emphasis on the last two words, "are highly illegal and immoral, Mr. Gaunt. Your use of Crucio on numerous muggles, your use of Crucio on a child when your brother was young, your aid in holding your brother in captivity for years, and your use of Avada Kedavra to kill your father are all crimes for which you are very fortunate to not be in Askaban for already. However, the Ministry is willing to make a deal with you to keep you from such torture."

"You've just taken the little brat's word for it? The fool can't even see! How is he a reliable source?" Marvolo shouts. 

"Careful not to raise your voice with me, Mr. Gaunt, it isn't too late to put you on trial. I can assure you we have plenty of evidence to make it a very short trial."

"What sort of evidence could you possibly have to support these allegations?"

I hear a clink as she must be holding up the memory vials. "I have three separate witnesses who gave us their memories of the instances of Ominis being held captive and the murder of your father. Ominis was able to provide at least twenty memories of him being tortured with Crucio starting as a very young child. I can assure you, Mr. Gaunt, that this is a very large favor we are offering you. Today is your only chance to take the offer."

He scoffs. "Fine, I will listen to your offer. I cannot believe you're relying on the memories of such an idiot, though."

"Don't push your luck, Marvolo. I hold the right to retract the Ministry's offer." she warns. "You will not face these charges if you take an Unbreakable Vow to agree to the following terms: you must not perform Unforgivable Curses on any being. You must not harm, cause anyone else to harm, or contact in any way Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Y/F/N, or any of their family members. You must not set foot on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You must not mention this deal to anyone, ever, including myself and other members of the Ministry. Understood?"

We all remain silent for several minutes before Marvolo finally opens his stupid mouth.

"I will take your deal. Ominis, consider yourself removed from the Gaunt Family. You never were truly one of us." he says.

"With pleasure, Marvolo." I say calmly. I never felt like a real member of that horrible family, anyway. I don't need them.

"Very well then, I do have other important Ministry things to attend to, so let's get on with this at once." Emilia says sternly.

Emilia and Marvolo join their right hands together, and I assist in completing the Unbreakable Vow. Then, after a piercing glare from my brother, he vanishes as he apparates back home.

Emilia puts her hand on my shoulder. "That was easier than I thought. He really is quite daft, isn't he? I'm sorry you don't have a family any longer, Ominis."

"Of course I have a family. I've grown to learn that blood does not make a family. You and the rest of this crew are my family. Thank you for your help today."

We climb out of the lot in the ground to find what was happening with Sebastian and Y/N. I can hear the buzzing of some sort of protection spell. Emilia and I make our way up to the bluff just above where the couple is waiting to unite with Phoenix and Raven. We now must wait for Alexander to arrive and be prepared to back our friends up if things go awry.


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