Chapter 18 - Honeymooning

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We are instantly dropped to a warm, tropical looking location on a beach. Wherever we are, the hours must be a few behind where we were, as the sun is just starting to set. We look over to see a beautiful, tall beach house. It isn't very large, but it really does have everything we could possibly need. Much like Sebastian's room at the Inn, it is laid out open with not even a separate bedroom. There's a bed, one sofa, decent sized bookshelf, a kitchenette, and a small round dining table. The main entrance is in the kitchen area, but there's a large glass door to the left of the bed leading out to a large dock overlooking the ocean that surrounds us. We really couldn't be any more remote than this.

I walk out onto the deck, realizing I'm still in my wedding gown, and lean on the railing to watch the sunset. Sebastian comes up behind me to wrap his arms around me and nuzzles his face into my neck. "What's my wife doing out here all by herself?" he asks with emphasis on the word wife. I will never not love hearing those words coming from him. His wife. 

"Just admiring a perfect sunset after a perfect day, waiting for my husband to join me." I say, emphasizing the word husband

He starts to kiss my neck "hmmm we could watch it together from the cozy little nook out here..." he says, pulling my attention to the wicker lounging furniture, with the circular shaped one in the middle being about as large and cushioned as a bed.

"Looks cozy, but you better find me a light blanket. You know I get chilly."

"I'll keep you plenty warm, my love," he says in a low voice as he nibbles my ear. "If you insist, though..."

We make a quick trip inside to find a blanket, and I take a moment to switch my clothes. I open the suitcase with my name embroidered on it and almost laugh out loud. Raven. There's almost as much lingerie in this thing as there are everyday clothes. I choose a short, flowy dress, shimmy out of my wedding gown, careful to hang it up high to not damage it, and slip on the dress. I decide to not bother with any undergarments, as I have a feeling I won't be needing them. Sebastian finds the blanket and drapes it over my shoulders. 

Although this lounger outside is as large as a bed, it still has a slight incline for us to be able sit up a little to actually watch the sunset...if we wanted to. I'm curled up in front of Sebastian, with him entirely wrapped around me. My eyes may be on the view, but I can feel him eyeing me longingly. I grab his hand and rest it on my thigh, knowing he won't be able to resist letting it wander whichever direction he chooses. He moves it exactly as I expect him to, running his fingers gently back and forth across my bikini line.

"Nothing on under this dress, hm?" he mumbles into my ear. His hand moves onto the opening, sliding a finger gently between the lips. He easily feels how aroused I already am. "You're already wet for me, I see..." he says, then leaving the cozy position we were in, causing me to be on my back leaning on the back of the lounger. He inches his way down until his head is between my knees and pushes them a bit further apart. He kisses down each of my thighs before finally putting his mouth on my opening. He uses his tongue to slide up and down the entire thing before settling on my clit. He puts a bit of pressure on it and begins to flick his tongue up and down against it, then side to side, then swirling it around. Knowing that we're the only two people for probably hundreds of kilometers, I do not hold back in expressing the pleasure this is bringing me. He takes two fingers and slips them inside of me, still teasing my sweet spot with his tongue. 

He briefly lifts his head up to look at me. "You're about to cum, aren't you? Cum for me." he says, increasing the pressure with his tongue when he goes back down. 

After just a few flicks, that sweet release bursts through me, causing me to yell out his name..."Sebastian!" my legs shake, and I start to float back down to earth, and I glance down to see the love of my life gazing up at me with a mischievous smile on his face, desire burning in his eyes and my hands still gripping his hair.

He stands up, tosses off his shirt, unbuckles his belt, and drops his pants. Stripped down to his underwear with no efforts to conceal his major hard on. He climbs on top of me and starts to nibble on my neck, then I sit up to slip my dress over my head and toss it on the floor. I reach to the top of his garment and pull them down, and he slides those onto the floor as well. He effortlessly slips himself inside of me, and it seems as though an almost animalistic instinct has come over him as he lifts my body up so he can go even deeper inside of me than he already was, and he holds me up in this position tightly as he roughly thrusts, kissing and sucking my neck. The sensation he's giving with every inward thrust is enough to push me even closer to the peak, and my helplessly erotic shouts are turning to desperate gasps as I dig my nails into his back. The feeling of my nails scratching makes him push even harder, until he starts to slow and eventually freezes with a satisfied groan in my ear. He continues to hold me in the same position while he starts to gain control of his breathing, resting his head on my shoulder.

He gently lowers me back to a comfortable laying position and wraps himself around me for warmth, pulling the blanket up to drape over us. The sun has completely gone down, reminding us both of how utterly exhausted we actually are. 

Here we are. My husband and I, stark naked, sleeping under the stars with just a blanket to shield us. I don't think life could get any better than this.


*Sebastian POV*

The dim rising sunlight wakes me up in the morning. Well-it's part of what woke me up. The other menace that woke me up is the uh...excitement of whatever I must have been dreaming of following me into reality. 

Really, Sebastian? The well over an hour's worth of time you had her going last night wasn't enough? I think to myself. But she's so...nude, and pressed up against me this morning! And she smells so nice! 

"Good morning, Mrs. Sallow," I whisper to her ear, waking her up with a smile on her perfect face.

And with very little convincing, we made love once more, naively believing that all of our worried had simply banished.


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