Chapter 10 - The Next Move

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*Still Sebastian POV*

We're now in the living area fanning Y/N as she wakes back up. She collapsed unconscious at Ominus' news. Luckily, she didn't hit her head too hard with how she landed. I hand her a Wiggenweld potion to heal any bruising this may have caused-but not before ensuring it wouldn't harm the babies. The babies...Merlin's beard, I'm to be a father. We've just recently returned to each other, and right off the bat we're expecting twins. Ominus demonstrated his new ability for me to reveal that they will be born one boy and one girl. Just like me and Anne. I look forward to telling Y/N.

"Pregnant...with twins..." she mumbles after waking up on the sofa. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

She's not wrong there. We haven't ever been exactly...careful...during our sexual encounters. We always are caught up in the heat of the moment while making love. It doesn't even cross our minds to try and prevent a pregnancy. If she's a few weeks along, I impregnated her the very first time we made love after reuniting. That certainly isn't surprising, either. With ten years of pent-up passion, of course our bodies intertwined perfectly to cause the pregnancy. Not to mention it isn't like we ever stopped after just one session...

"Now, Ominus, will you please continue to explain how this pregnancy increases the urgency?" I ask him, genuinely curious yet scared about how this all ties together.

"It's a lot to explain, so bear with me. Alexander devised a plan to reunite the two of you in the hopes of a pregnancy happening eventually. He didn't want to be the one to do it, as he would not be able to allow any harm to come to potentially his own offspring. He also did not want to be a father. He realized on a real business trip where he visited this Inn that your old flame, Sebastian, was working here. He intentionally left the note with the address where you would find it, knowing that you would come looking for him. He knew once he ran out that you'd fatefully run into Sebastian. He could tell by how you spoke of him in private with your friend that you were still in love with him. He had also found the letter you kept from him professing that he would wait for you as long as it took. Clearly, he was correct in his assumption that the romance would blossom almost immediately."

"Harm to his own child? Why would someone harm them? Believe me, I'm grateful he didn't father any children for me as well. It would be quite impossible for this pregnancy to be caused by him anyway. We haven't been intimate for at least six or seven months."

My skin crawls at the very thought of anyone-especially Alexander-other than me being intimate with her. I'm glad to hear she had no interest for so long, though. I somehow doubt he was a very impressive partner in the bedroom. I'm sure it was strictly missionary, stopping quickly when he and only he finished. He seems to be that type of selfish pig. 

"The idea he proposed to my father was to kidnap you once you fell pregnant, wait for you to deliver the child, and kill you...raising the child as if it were their own. The child would most likely inherit your ability to see and use the ancient magic. They want access to that magic for almost the same reason Ranrok did-to wipe out muggle-born witches and wizards, or "mudbloods" if you ask them. The child would hopefully succeed in the same trials you did and lead them to the source instead of keeping it secret."

"I never told him about the trials or the source. He didn't even know I could use or see the ancient magic. How did he know?" Y/N inquires, turning her head with curiosity. 

"I believe he found a pile of old letters or notes that you had locked in your closet and found out himself." Ominus tells her.

"I had them very securely locked! How could he have gotten past the charms, I wonder..." she ponders. 

"I'm not sure, but I think we need to explain this all to the other Keepers as soon as possible. Hopefully, they have a way to keep you safe."


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