Chapter 24 - Home at Last

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Author note: Hey friends, sorry for no updates yesterday, it was a wild day for work! There are only a few chapters left of this story, which is bittersweet! These coming chapters will be tying up loose ends. There will be smut and happiness, another Ominis central chapter, time jumps, all that good shit. I'm "writing" a new book in my brain that is still set in the Potter universe, but in present times that will be bound to have drama, action, plenty of plot twists, sweet moments, and of course...smutty smut. Basically all OCs. If that sounds remotely interesting to you, give it a read once I get it out there! Don't forget about me! I don't have nearly as many readers as some other talented writers in this fandom, but I appreciate every single person reading my imagination typed out. You the real MVP.

*Sebastian POV*

We stayed at Hogwarts for a few more weeks so that Y/N and I could heal from our fight with Alexander. I'm shocked and relieved I didn't break my hands from beating the shit out of that puke-although it would have been worth it. Thank Merlin the rat bastard no longer crawls among us. It's taking some time, but I can tell Y/N is finally starting to feel safe once more. 

These past weeks have been a whirlwind of emotion, from fear, triumph, relief, joy, and honestly...sexual frustration. I don't blame my wife for being hesitant. She doesn't want to risk it until we know it's safe. Alexander is nothing but dust now and Marvolo is sworn to never harm or contact any of us again. We are safe. Now that I think of it, it's been over a month. I don't know how I've made it this long. I respect Y/N far too much to push it, so I remain patient until she is ready again. When she is, though, watch out. 


"I sure hope my plants survived this long without me!" Y/N says excitedly as we approach her home. 

"I'm sure they're doing great, love. Phoenix charmed them before she left for Hogwarts, if I recall correctly." I assured her.

We unlock the door, and Y/N lets out a high-pitched gasp once the door glides open. The plants had survived, alright. They did more than survive. They thrived. Vines and flowers coated the walls clear up to the domed ceiling. The natural light that once spilled through the glass is dimmed by the jungle-like plants that seem to have taken over the home. They spiraled around the railings on the stairs and around every archway. There were even mushrooms sprouting through the cracks in the old wooden floor. 

"Well...good thing we won't be here long. The plants can essentially keep the house." I say into her ear with a smirk. 

She snaps her face up in my direction, meeting my eyes. 

"What do you mean, 'we won't be here long'? We just got home after what feels like eternity!" she asks with more aggression than I anticipated.

"Honestly, love, I'm surprised I've been able to keep this secret from you for so long."

She scowls. "You know how I feel about surprises, Sebastian."

"Ah, I do, but I think this is one I can get away with. Come with me to the floo station, hm?"

"You better hope those aren't your famous last words, Sallow" she grumbled, jokingly, I hope.

After all, this is a very large surprise. When Weasley offered my position back at Hogwarts, I waited to get a feel for how Y/N would feel about the idea. She seemed fond at the idea, and even suggested that we could move in or near Hogsmeade. That cemented the idea for me. I went straight to work studying the map of the area around Hogsmeade. I didn't think we'd want to be right in the village, so I chose a spot near a small lake in a wooded area to have our home built. Of course, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this in such a short amount of time without magic, and, of course, the help of my dear sisters, Emilia and Raven.

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