Chapter 5 - A Long Time Coming

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This is one of the most impulsive choices I've made in a long time. I've agreed to stay another night with Sebastian. I just got out of a long-term relationship! What am I doing? Part of me feels like I've subconsciously been in a relationship with Sebastian this entire time. I thought about him almost daily. I'm sure I could find numerous journal entries that mention wondering what he's up to.

Raven must have somehow known that I would be staying again, because there was a neatly folded pile of summer clothes on the bed, as well as a proper set of pajamas in my size. There was a note on top that said she hopes these clothes will work for me and to feel free to keep them. I smile to myself at her generosity. Sebastian and I spent the rest of the day together wandering the property, viewing and interacting with the magical beasts, and playing a game or two of chess. He's always been better at that game than me. I borrowed a sweater from his closet, which I plan on taking with me tomorrow when I leave. I doubt we will be apart for long this time, but having anything to remind me of his warmth will make me happy in the meantime.

We sat on the dock to watch the sun go down. He notices that I am poorly trying to conceal the fact that I'm freezing and asks if I would like to go inside to warm up. Of course, I would. We make our way inside and head up to his room. His room isn't just a simple bedroom, it's large enough to have a small living area with a fireplace. We hear a soft knock on the door, and it was Emilia with some warm apple cider. Perfect. She tells us she added "a little extra something" to it to ensure a good time. We thank her and close the door again once she leaves.

I take a sip of the cider. Wow. Alcohol, and seemingly lots of it. At least it feels that way to me, as I don't have alcohol very often. Sebastian explains that she always adds a little fire whiskey to the cider. We sip away on our drinks as we sit on the sofa he used as a bed last night. He has one of his arms around my shoulders and he's stroking my hair fondly while my head rests on his shoulder. The buzz must have hit me, because I look up at him and kiss him. He kisses me back and starts to pull me closer to him. I readjust so that I'm straddled across his lap. He begins to unbutton my blouse further down than he did earlier today while nibbling gently on my neck. Once my buttons are all undone, I slide the shirt off and toss it on the floor. I start to unbutton his as well while he's unfastening my bra, still nuzzled into my neck and kissing it. I'm impressed at how easily he manages to get it undone, and I toss that on the floor as well. His shirt is now undone, and he slips it off and crumples it to the side. He pulls me in so that we are chest to chest, kissing with that same intense passion we always have, with our tongues swirling past each other. My arms are wrapped around his neck, and he wraps his arms around the bottom of me so he can stand up-all while still having his lips locked to mine. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he walks over to his bed carrying me. He gently lays me down onto the bed, leaning over me, switching between kissing me on the mouth and my neck and my shoulders. His hand slowly moves to my breast and he gently teases it, making me let out a moan into his mouth. He smiles when I do that and starts making his way down my body to my pants. I take the liberty of slipping them off and he does the same himself. He pushes me further up the bed, and in his typical fashion, looks me in the eyes to make sure this is what I want. And in typical me fashion, I respond with a kiss.

He enters me slowly at first, maintaining eye contact with me the entire time. Once he's all the way in he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I pull him down closer to me as he continues to move back and forth, his breathing increasing with his pace. He groans a few times into my ear, and I'm starting to close control over my vocals as well. He keeps picking up the pace and the power behind each push, and the more intense it gets, the more I'm losing control and feel myself getting louder. Then it happens. The burst of ecstasy as I have the first orgasm given to me by another person in ten years. I had to bury my face into his neck to keep myself from waking up the whole house. Once that sensation starts to subside, I decide it's my turn to bring him some fireworks. I push up on his chest as an indication that I want to change positions and have him lay with his back resting on the pile of extra pillows on his bed. I climb on top of him, and slowly lower myself down with him inside me. I rock my hips back and forth interchangeably between moving up and down. He pulls me down close to him, reaches behind me to grip onto my hips, and starts thrusting upwards with a fast pace. With my face once again buried into his neck, he keeps at this motion until bringing me to orgasm a second time, then slows himself down, with a low moan in my ear gives a few final slow thrusts as he finishes as well. We rest like this for several minutes, he still inside me, before deciding it's time to try and get some sleep. I don't want to sleep, as tomorrow I'll have to go home. I grab the robe from earlier to make a quick trip to the bathroom but ditch it once I get back into the bedroom. Neither of us bother with pajamas.

"I love you." he mumbles sleepily.

"I love you, too." I say in return.

We drift off to sleep with his arms around me, most likely the most at peace either of us have felt in years.


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