Chapter 5 Zipp Tells All

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Back in Maretime Bay Sprout was sticking his face on pictures over Hitch he smile at his work Phyllis then came in "Mom?" he asked "My, oh, my, aren't you the handsome sheriff! Look at you" she said "Yes. Yes, I am, Mommy" he said "Well, this is it. It is your time to shine, dear. Everypony wants to hear from you" she said "They do?" he asked "Of course. You are in charge now. It's your destiny" she whispered into his ear Sprout got up and pushed open the door open "Citizens!" he yelled the doors went back slammed him in the face "Ow!" he said he opened the doors again "It is I, Sheriff Sprout!" he said "Where's Hitch?" "We need a real sheriff!" "Tell us what's going on" "Hitch would know what to do!" the towns ponies started to yell "Come on now, everypony. Let's listen to what our new sheriff has to say" said Phyllis "That's you, sugarcube" she said "Oh, yeah, it's me" said Sprout "Everything's gone wrong! What do we do?!" said one pony "Okay, folks, calm down. There's no need to be scared" said Sprout "We're scared, and we want to be prepared!" said Toots "The unicorns are coming! The unicorns are coming!" said Sparkle Chaser "What do we do?" said another pony "What's your plan, sheriff?" "What if the unicorn comes back?" they questioned him "Actually... what if you're all right? The unicorns could come back. They could even bring the Pegasi with them maybe even an alicorn. We are all in danger!" he said they gasped "Now is not the time to be complacent! We should do something!" he said he then started stirring the ponies of Maretime Bay into and Angry Mob

(Zephyr Heights Dungeons)

Sunny stared out the one window in the gold plated cell with a water fountain and Massaging chair even the bars were gold then was a fruit bowl in the middle with varies fruit no guards which was a change "Something is not right. We haven't seen a single pony flying, except the royal family. Izzy, are you listening?" said Sunny Izzy of on the massaging chair with cucumber slices over her eyes "This isn't dungeon-y at all" said Izzy "Now I wish I was thrown in to" came a voice Izzy jumped up and saw me "Xavier you're okay" said Sunny "Yeah they've been very welcome apparelling Pegasus think Alicorn as Friends or a least allies "Hey! I'm sorry you two got thrown in here, but I have to talk to you" said Zipp walking into view "Princess?" said Sunny "Your Majesticness! Y-Your Graceful Highness!" said Izzy "Zipp. Just... call me Zipp" She said "Okay, Zipp these are my friend Sunny Starscout and my other friend Izzy Moonbow" I said "Sunny, Izzy, I really need to ask you something important... ...about magic" she whispered that last part Well if you want to know about magic you should asked Xavier" said Sunny "Why? Questioned Zipp "He has Magic" said Izzy "Prove it" said Zipp I then lefted her up with it "Woah" she said smiling "That's why we're here. Maybe you can tell us how yours works? Izzy has no idea how the unicorns lost theirs, so we thought maybe—"began Sunny but Zipp stopped her "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Lost theirs? As in no magic? Well... that changes things. Listen, I might have some information that could help, but first, you need to tell me about this" handing Sunny her journal back "My journal! Thank you, Zipp. I-I never thought I'd see it again" said Sunny "Well your friend Xavier asked me to and I love sneaking around plus I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be" said Zipp "Nice. I'm-I'm only medium sneaky" said Izzy "So where did that come from?" asked Zipp "It was my father's. Why?" said Sunny "That star..." she said looking at the star logo on the cover I took a quick glance and thought ("That's Twilight's cutie mark") before this could go on any longer a fanfare of digital trumpet two Pegasus guards then rolled out a red carpet and Pipp walked down "Zipp, what are you doing here? Mom said to stay away" she said then saw me and blushed "Oh hello you're the Alicorn what's your name" she asked "Xavier it's a pleasure" I said she then pulled me close to her "Smile" she said in a singsong voice and took a selfie of herself with me "We should totally hang out stuff" Pipp said fliting Sunny gave a silent growl "So why are you here?" said Zipp Pipp scoffed "For the content" she said taking out her phone taking picture of her with Sunny and Izzy behind her "Princess, why isn't anypony flying?" asked Sunny Pipp gasped the laughed nervously "Everypony knows that only royals can fly, of course" she said "What?" all three of us said "I know, it's not fair. But that's just the way it is. If there were some way we could teach the citizens to fly, you know we would in a wing beat. Right, Zipp?" said Pipp "Yeah. In a wing beat" said Zipp in a monotone voice Pipp's phone then buzzed "Oh! Dress rehearsals. Gotta go" she then turned to Zipp "And so should you" she then turned and started to vocalize walking away the red carpet following her "Me-me-meeeee! Red feather, yellow feather, red feather, yellow feather" "I have to show you something" said Zipp realising them from the cell they followed her out "You comin' or what?" I said following Zipp Sunny quick followed Izzy took the tennis ball off her horn and took an Orange form the fruit bowl and replace the orange with it and giggled before following us

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