Chapter 3 Hey New Friend My Names Izzy

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"Do you have any idea how many bylaws you broke in there?!" said Hitch to Sunny and I as we were shutting up Sunny's smoothie cart for the day 

"I'm sure you're about to tell us" said Sunny groaning "

Actually, for once I can't! Because there's so many!" "I tried to warn you. I can't keep associating with some ponies that breaks every rule and causes chaos wherever they go. I'm the sheriff!" he said to us 

"Exactly! Our point" I said "Other ponies look up to you! You can help!" said Sunny trying to drive the fact home 

"The law is the law, Sunny, and I'm here to uphold it and keep everypony safe" explained Hitch 

"Aha! You just said "everypony". That includes Pegasi and unicorns" I said 

"Come on, you two, what did you think was gonna happen? You give a little speech and what? Everypony just magically welcomes unicorns and Pegasi into Maretime Bay? You keep saying there's nothing to be afraid of. Well, then, prove it" he said angrily he then sighed "All of that pony unity stuff was just a foal's bedtime story made up by your dad Sunny. Like it or not, this is the way it is and always will be. Besides Xavier I'm the last real friend you got in this town. You really want to lose me, too?" said Hitch as he started to walk off 

"Don't listen to him Sunny I'll stick by you no matter what" I said 

but Sunny had fallen into one of her sad emotion states she had these little moments of sadness every now and then she would completely shut out the world she sat down on a bench with her head down I faintly heard her say 

"I wish you were here dad" 

I looked up at the sky "And I wish you were here Twilight I...we need you now more than ever" I whispered I sat down next to Sunny and pulled her into a side hug Sunny smiled a bit at that and looked up at me I then noticed and Earth pony ran behind us stop for a moment then continue running a look of panic on his face then a foal ran in front screaming very loudly 

"What the" began Sunny as we got up then a whole crowd of Earth came running "What's going on? Why are you all scared?" I asked trying to help them out but they were too scared to talk 

Sunny and I Then saw the shadow and something at the enters to town one pony knocked Sunny over a bird fainted and one of the ponies that was driving the tram system put on the brakes and came to a suddenly stop the figure came up to us and said 

"Hi new friends my names Izzy" I got a good look at her she was lilac unicorn with navy blue hooves. She has a wavy, cerulean blue mane and tail with an indigo ombre with some purple in her mane 

Sunny slowly stood up mouth agape "U...Unicorn" she said as soon as those words left her mouth the whole town ran in a panic one pony dived into the sewers another one closed the doors to his café and shut the blinds 

"Oooh is everypony playing hide and seek?" I see you" she said to a pony hiding behind the smoothie cart 

"Ahh it's a unicorn he said diving over the ledge and into the ocean "(A bit dramatic") I thought 

Hitch and Sprout then came out of their station amice the chaos "Hey, what's going on?" asked Hitch he then saw Izzy down the street "Unicorn attaaaaaaaack!" he yell Sprout yelped and tried to run back inside the station but just slammed into the door face first Hitch then hit the alarm "This is not a drill! I repeat – this is not! A! Drill!" 

he then saw a young foal just sitting on the ground "A vulnerable young pony!" he gasped he barrel round over a cart and grabbed the foal "Gotcha!" and then handed to the first mare he saw "Your son is safe now, ma'am" he said running off 

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