Chapter 13 Sunny's Birthday Gifts

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Today was not only the day of Maretime Bays craft Fair to was also Sunny's Birthday I sat at a table putting the finishing touches on a gift I had being making for a while a handmade necklace but that was only one of the gifts I had for her I had another all she need to do was accept I loud crash then came from outside the Brighthouse shook "What was that?" said Sunny walking down the stairs "It's came from outside" I said getting up as we went to investigate

(Outside 1 Minute Ago)

Izzy was arranging a huge pile of object while Hitch with the baby dragon and Zipp stood by Izzy sang rearranging more objects "And a little more of this...And less of that...And this piece makes no sense...Unless it's upside-doooown! Now we're cooking!" she said Kenneth the bird chirps at Hitch "Good question, Kenneth. Hey, Zipp, do you know what Izzy's doing up there?" asked Hitch "Not. A. Clue." Said Zipp "This is gonna be the best birthday present for a friend I've ever made because I finally have a friend and it's her birthday!" said Izzy Hitch's baby dragon then pulled one of the objects from the pile and the pile started to collapses Izzy was sitting on top of it so she started to fall "Nooo! Whoa!" said hitch has his earth pony magic activated propelling him forward "Nooooo!" continued Izzy has she fell but the landed on Hitch "Yes!" they both said Zipp then saw Izzy's and Hitch's Cutie marks glowing "Huh. More glowing cutie marks. And random Earth pony plant magic. Also, somepony's gonna have to clean this up" said Zipp "Don't worry, Izzy. You're safe now" said Hitch "I know. I was just screaming "Nooooo!" because I lost my crafting glasses" said Izzy they then landing on her head "Double yes!" she said "I wish I could figure out Earth pony magic. I don't like how crazy it is" said Hitch "But not triple yes. I didn't get to finish my amazing birthday tower of friendship for Sunny" said Izzy a bracelet then fell from the top and landed on Izzy's horn "Accidentally awesome! It's perfect!" she said the door to the Brighthouse opened revealing Sunny and me "Did anypony hear that? It shook the whole Crystal Brighthouse" said Sunny Izzy then rushed over to Sunny "Happy birthday, friend! And happy first-time-saying-happy-birthday-friend to me! I made you a present!" said Izzy giving her the bracelet "Awww, Izzy!" said Sunny using it has using as a mane-cessory "Oh, this is the most amazing birthday present ever! I need to show it off! Wanna go to the Maretime Bay Craft Fair?" said Sunny to Izzy "With my friend on her birthday? Of course I wanna go to that!" said Izzy ""Wait I'm coming to" I said as the three of us walked off together "All right, you two have fun. Sparky and I will clean up all... this." Said Hitch finally giving us the name of the Dragon Sparky "One case solved Hitch is going to clean all this up" said Zipp into her phone "Zipp will help, too. Right, Zipp?" asked Hitch Zipp groaned and landed on the ground "Okay, fine" she said pick up her phone again "Reminder to Zipp leave and then take notes" she said "Thank you again, Izzy. I love this custom mane-cessory so much" said Sunny "And I didn't even know that's what it was. How awesome is that?" said Izzy "Better than awesome. It's Izzy-tastic!" said Sunny "Where's your present?" Sunny asked me "Oh here I said holding up the bracelet "Be very careful with this it took a long time to make" I said "Aw Xavier I love it and it goes perfectly with the mane-cessory Izzy gave me and I love the Alicorn design on the pendent" said Sunny "Well that's only one of the gifts I have for you" I said "Rally wants the another?" Asked Sunny "Wait and see I'll tell you later" I said some bushes rustled behind us and Misty popped out she saw Izzy and mine Cutie marks glowing she then took out a small handheld mirror to talk to Opaline "It's true. Magic has returned to Equestria like you said: went Misty "Excellent. Then we shall proceed with our plan" said Opaline

Down on Mane Street the craft fair was in full swing I was helping Sunny serve smoothie while Izzy gazed at the various shops "Howdy, Sunny. Got your smoothie parts ya ordered" said a delivery pony "Oh, great. Um, just drop them in the bin" I loud thud of then heard as huge fruits landing in the bin "Earth pony magic just keeps getting... bigger!" I said we then laughed "Wow, look at that! Oh! And that!" said Izzy wading though the crowd she then bumped into Pipp who was livestream the fair "Pipp!" she said "Izzy!" Pipp replied "You knew about the Craft Fair, too?" asked Izzy "It's the only place to be! That's what I've been saying on my socials" Pipp said "That are right, everypony! The Maretime Bay Mane Street Craft Fair is the only place to be for the hottest craftables, wearables, and snackables! Tell them, Izzy!" said Pipp turning the phone camera over to Izzy "Uh, couldn't say it better myself!' Cause I don't remember what you said" said Izzy "And... post! So, are you here to shop or browse or" Began Pipp she then noticed Sunny's mane-cessory and necklace "Oh... my... hoofness! What is Sunny wearing?!" she asked

"The birthday presents Xavier and I made her! It was a bracelet, but she put it in her mane. So it's that now and Xavier gave her the necklace apparently he crafted it" whispered Izzy "It's... everythiiiing!" sand Pipp "I'm calling it – this mane-cessory is the trend of the day! Come on down to the Craft Fair and get one for yourself, Pippsqueaks!" said Pipp her phone the started to explode with likes "Look at all of these likes, Izzy! And look at that" said Pipp Izzy gave a nervous gulp

(The Crystal Brighthouse)

Hitch and Zipp had where just finishing putting all of Izzy's stuff away "So, you know how my hooves glowed when the ground moved and then I heroically saved Izzy?" said Izzy "Heroically" scoffed Zipp "Good. That's how I remember it, too. You think that all this Earth pony magic stuff is safe, right?" said Hitch "Of course. You Earth ponies can grow plants with your hooves. How could that be bad? But I'm still investigating what else our power can do" said Zipp as they talked Sparky was removing everything they had put away out of the cupboard again "I do know one thing's for sure – whenever anypony's "sparkle" really starts to shine, their cutie mark glows" said Zipp "But why?" asked Hitch "Still a mystery. But I can't wait to figure it out." Said Zipp "Can you figure out why everything we just put away isn't put away?" asked Hitch they turned to see sparky surround by the boxes "Sparky Sparkeroni! That's not helping!" said Hitch "Sparky... Sparkeroni?" questioned Zipp "Yup. Named him myself. Good, huh?" asked Hitch Sparky gave a whimper and started to cry "This baby dragon needs a nap. You wanna keep putting this stuff away while I tuck him in? Thanks." Said Hitch putting Sparky on his back Zipp just groans "Another mystery to solve – how do I always end up cleaning up?" said Zipp

(Craft Fair)

"Here you go" said Sunny handing off a smoothie to Toots "Your smoothies are the best! What's your secret?" asked Toots "Well, first I take a really big strawberry and then" began Sunny Izzy then pulled her down "Pssst! Sunny!" she said "Whoa! Izzy? Why are you hiding?" asked Sunny "Shhh! Pipp told everypony how great the gift I made for you is, and now everypony wants one!" whispered Izzy "Isn't that a good thing?" Sunny asked "No! I made that one for you! It was lightning in a glue bottle! What if I can't make another one?" asked Izzy "Awww. You don't have to be afraid to share your special talents with everypony" I said joining the conversation Pipp the leaned over the bench "Right? We Pegasi always say let your creativity flyyyyy! Come on, I'll show you" said Pipp grabbing Izzy and pulling her away "Whoa!" went Izzy "Oh, you're overthinking it, Izz. You don't have to make anything new. You just make the same thing but better!" said Pipp "Like... I just have to copy myself?" asked Izzy "Yeah, but add a twist. That's what I do with my songs. Like this one!" said Pipp as she started to sing 

"First things first, you gotta look for the spark" "That bit of magic way deep down in your heart Hey! You gotta follow your beat (beat, beat)" "And then soon you will see (see, see)" "You won't have that far to go" "Until your song starts to grow" "All you need is your beat (your beat, your beat)" "All you need is your groove (groove, groove)" "(Hey, come on!)" "To get them stompin' their hooves" "And then the next thing you'll know" "Imagination will flow" "All you need is your beat" "All you need is your beat" "All you need is your beat" Bah-dah-dah, bah-dah-dah!" she finished panting the small crowd applauded "So? What do you think? Do you like the song?" asked Pipp Izzy scoffed before saying "Are you kidding? It's exactly like the last one, but better!" "Yeah, well, what can I say? I know my brand" said Pipp "And now I know what I have to do. But I'm gonna need to go to the Crystal Brighthouse for supplies!" said Izzy "Oh, I'll go, too! I need to write a new hit!" said Pipp 

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