Chapter 36 Sparky's Missing

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Hitch was asleep in the Station talking in his sleep "Oh, no... The butter's gone... Grandma, don't worry, I-I'll make you a cake..." when a flash of green light woke him up "Wha... W-What are you doing, Sparky? I thought I said no dragonfire without supervision. Huh..." he saw a uneaten sandwich "Oops. Forgot to finish that. I'm surprised you didn't eat it" he then relied Sparky would have eaten it he a panic he check the closet to see sparky was gone and all that was there was Sparky's blanket  "Sparky? Sparky, where are you?! Sparky's blanket! Where are you, little buddy?!" he called he began to look all around the station on top of the shelf in filing cabinets but Sparky was nowhere to be found "Up here?! No! In here?! No! Spar... Spar... Sparky, where are you?!" he cried out his voice echoing ouHitch ran to the Brighthouse and with a megaphone yelled at us to wake up "Sunny!"  "Huh?" went Sunny "Xavier!" he yelled "Wait what?" I said "Pipp! Zipp!" he yelled they both groan as they woke up "Izzyyyyyyy!" he said said in a sing soul voice  "Wake up!" "Okay!" said Izzy waking up "Look!" said Hitch holding up Sparky's blanket "Oooh! Love the new glow-up, blankie! That dragon has great style" said Izzy "Hitch, what is going on?" asked Sunny "I was fast asleep and had this bad feeling that something was wrong! And then, it was! Sparky is missing!" explained Hitch "What?!" "No!" said Zipp and Pipp "Missing?! Are you sure?!" I asked "Yeah!" said Hitch "Maybe he's hiding?" asked Izzy "I already looked everywhere in the station, and nothing. So I came straight here. I thought maybe he was with one of you" said Hitch "Sorry, Hitch" said Sunny "First, the lantern, and now Sparky? Why do things keep going missing around here?" asked Zipp "I don't know! But we need to find him A.S.A.P.P.! As Soon As Pony-Possible! Look everywhere! Under your beds! Above the clouds! The moon! just find that baby dragon!" said Hitch "Clam down hitch Sparky still just a toddler so he can't of gone far let's just check around the Brighthouse and see if we find him" I said so we all called out looking in every nock a crane for Sparky "Where are ya?" called Sunny "Come out, Sparky!" called Pipp "Sparkeroni!" called Izzy "Hello?" called Zipp "Here Sparky Spark Spark" I called Izzy opened the Closet but a huge pile of boxes was there and started to fall so Izzy quickly shut the door  "Nothing in the closet!" she said Hitch was shoving he head in toe cereal boxes calling out "Sparky! Sparky! Sparky!" "Could Sparky even fit in that box of cereal?" whisper Pipp to Zipp  "Uh, Hitch? Not trying to backseat-investigate here, but why don't we retrace your steps first? What do you remember seeing when you woke up?" asked Zipp "There was this flash of light!" said Hitch "Flash of light? That's unusual" said Zipp "Maybe that was Sparky's Dragonfire?" I asked "I know! Ugh. Do you think Sparky's okay?" asked Hitch "Of course. I'm sure he's still just playing hide-and-seek" said Sunny "I feel like the worst pony-dragon-dad in the world right now" said Hitch "Really, you're the only pony-dragon-dad in the world, so..." said Pipp I stopped her "Not helping" I said "That makes it even worse!" he cried out "Can you think of any other reason why Sparky would disappear?" asked Zipp "What if he was unhappy? Oh, no! What if he decided to run away?! I've always tried my best to take care of my little buddy and make him happy. I keep a watchful eye on him, going above and beyond to make sure he's safe. I protect him the way I protect the all of the ponies and critters in Maretime Bay, as if they were my own family. And now... this." said Hitch looking at some pictures of Sparky  "But look at all these other places Sparky loves. You know, I think Sunny was onto something. He's definitely hiding somewhere familiar" said Zipp "Sparky does love hide-and-seek. And honestly, he is way too good at it. I can do this! I can find my little guy! Okay! Sheriff Hitch is back on duty! I'm the best pony-dragon-dad in the world!" said Hitch "The only pony-dragon-dad in the world' whispered Izzy "And I can't sit around and mope when there's work to do! You're right! He couldn't have gone far!" said Hitch we all continued to search Mist peeked out from the closet door then closed it  "I feel kind of bad for Hitch, but... Gave me a little chase all the way here, didn't you?" said Misty to Sparky of course she and pony-napped him to bring to Opaline  "But now you're caught! Huh?!  ...Ha..." she then did her evil laugh Sparky laughed at her "Hey, give me a break. I'm still working on the evil laugh. Okay. So far, my well of junk to hide us worked. Check! Now, all I have to do is sneak you out of the Brighthouse somehow and then bring you to Opaline" said Misty "Ah! She'll be so proud of me and so powerful, she'll... she'll finally give me my cutie mark! It's all I've ever wanted, Sparky! That's why I have to do this" she the paused "You're a really good listener, you know that? I'm usually the quiet, listening one" said Misty  "Honestly, I don't get what all those ponies are fussing about. You're a total breeze to take care of." Sparky then started growling at her "Right...?" she said nervously as Sparky continued to growl  "All right, team! We got a job to do! Let's start at Sparky's favourite places – the community garden, Mane Melody..." said Hitch to us "I've got Mane Melody!" said Zipp "And I'll supervise! There's way too many styling products that could get compromised if Zipp goes digging around. I mean... I know Mane Melody like the back of my hoof! Ugh. I really need a polish from Jazz" said Pipp taking a look at her hoofs Sunny and I'll  check the garden!" I said "Hmm, I don't know... I think we should just follow our gut feelings on where to go next" said Izzy "But if we don't create a plan of action, we'll get confused" said Zipp "But if we over-plan, then Sparky could be right under our noses, and we wouldn't even know! Like... Is he under my nose right now?! No, he is not. But he could've been! See what I mean?" said Izzy "Ooh, that is a good point" said Pipp "Is it, though?" asked Zipp "What am I supposed to do? Should I still search the garden?" asked Sunny Hitch's phone the beeped "Oh, no! It's nearly Sparky's nap-nap time! If Sparky doesn't get his nap-nap, he gets cranky! And if he gets cranky, he gets mischievous! And if he gets mischievous... We need to start the search now!" said Hitch "Don't forget, ponies! We can do anything if we do it toge-!" began Sunny but before she could finish Hitch yelled though a megaphone "Split up!" Sunny groaned (Mane Melody) Zipp flew of the bench's knocking down al the glitter polish and shampoo off "Not here" said Zipp Pipp was behind her catching everything Zipp knocked off "Oh" she cried "What is all this stuff anyway?" said Zipp "It's called makeup, Zipp!" said Pipp "Well, the only thing we have to "make up" for is lost time. So hop to it!" said Zipp Pipp groaned 

(Community Garden)

Sunny, Izzy and I looked though the garden Izzy was trampling some of the plants "Sparky! Oh, Sparkeroni Baloney! Little macaroni man! Schnoodley schmoop-face!" called Izzy "Izzy mind your step" I said  "And Please be more delicate with the plants! They have feelings, too! I'm so sorry! She doesn't know any better!" said Sunny to the plants (Maretime Bay Police Station)
 "Are you here? No, but guess I found you, Pearl. Here? Nope, that's Sid. Here? Doug the bunny? Good day, sir." said Hitch running in 

(The Brighthouse) "Okay, I just need to get you out of here while the coast is clear." said Misty Sparky growled at her  "Come with me, little dragon... Whoa! Whoa there!" said Misty Sparky then roared fire at her and started to chase her around the room Misty the ran out the door and sparky made a run to the kitchen "Think on your hooves, Misty!" said Misty she then pick up a spoon "My name is Mr. Spoon! And I'm" began Misty Sparky then turned it into a cactus "Ouch! A prickly cactus! Owww!  And I'm a wobbly shelf named... Shelfie! Take a picture" began Misty Sparky then turn it into bubbles and Misty fell on her face "It'll last longer...!" she said "I can do this! I have to!" the doors to the Brighthouse then open and Misty grabbed Sparky and hide in the nearest room she could find  "Any luck?!" Hitch asked us "No. Nothing so far" said Zipp "But I did find... a perfectly good, super-old, broken-down tram car that I have big plans for!" said Izzy "Phew!" went Misty

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