Chapter 34 Zipp Is On The Case

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Sunny paced around the Brighthouse talking out loud to Cloudpuff "I know Zipp is on the case.  But it's agony just sitting around here doing nothing! There's gotta be something I can do without stepping on her investigation, right, Cloudpuff?" said Sunny as she took the elevator to the the to of the Brighthouse she gazed at the unity crystals a lightbulb went off  "Oh, that's it!" she cried "The Crystals and the pris-beam rely on the unity magic of ponykind to keep them powered. If the little bit of pris-beam in my lantern is anything like this one, we could power up the lantern no matter where it's hidden! Like a beacon leading us straight to it!" she said Cloudpuff barked "All I need is enough ponies gathered and united together! Thanks, Cloudpuff!" she said 

(Maretime Bay) 

Zipp scanned to street take note of everypony that was there  "So many potential witnesses, so little time! Where to start?!" she questioned she then saw Seashell! Glory! Peach Fizz with flowers behind there ears "Huh. Flowers from the garden? Gotcha!" she  "Pipp's gonna love our dance moves!" said Seashell Zipp then landed in front of them they screamed in surprise "Seashell! Glory! Peach Fizz! Where were you at approximately 4:22am last night?!" she asked "What? 4:22? We were, uh... definitely sleeping at home in our beds!" said Seashell "Yeah! We definitely weren't up watching YouHoof videos!" said Peach Fizz "Hmm... That was very specific. Too specific. And not very convincing!" said Zipp "Fine! I admit it, okay?!" said Seashell "We were up late..." said Peach Fizz "Yes!" yelled Zipp "Watching Princess Pipp glow-up tutorials! She just released a new line of wing glitter!" said Seashell "Please don't tell on us!" cried Peach Fizz as they ran off "Wing glitter? Huh? No. A good detective doesn't just fly to conclusions. Gonna need to do a deeper dive" said Zipp she then catch a grimace of a lantern in Mayflowers bag  "Mayflower! What is that?!" Mayflower dropped the bag and a lantern fell out breaking "It's an old lamp that I just had fixed at "Izzy Does It"!" said Mayflower crossly "Oh. Um... of course it is. So sorry. Let me help you with that" said Zipp "I'm good" said Mayflower Zipp sighed Maybe I need to try a different strategy" she said Izzy the rode by on her uni-cycling cart "Zipp!" she cried Oh, hey, Iz How are the "Izzy Does It" uni-cycling house calls going?" asked Zipp "Awesome! I can't even belizzle how much stuff ponies have just sitting around their houses begging to be beautified! Requesting to be repurposed! Clamoring for a crafting! I just fixed Mayflower's old lamp actually" said Izzy "So I heard" grunted Zipp "You seem a little..." began Izzy the groaned  "What's up?" she asked "Sunny's lantern is missing, and I haven't been able to come up with a single real lead in the case. So far, it's just all dirt and glitter" said Zipp "Honestly, what isn't?" gilled Izzy "But nopony's seen anything" said Zipp "Really? I saw the lantern last night" said Izzy Izzy Zipp gasped at her "We need to talk!" said Zipp grapping her 

(Maretime Bay Police Station)

"No, Sparky! Once again, my badge is not a toy! And stop putting random things in your mouth, okay? It's a choking hazard!" cried Hitch chasing Sparky around the station he dived and manged to grab Sparky and take his badge back he then pull out a pacifier and gave it to Sparky  "Here, try this instead" he said Sparky sucked on it "Awww" said Hitch Sparky then Spat it out "Aaaand cute moment over. Let's give that another try, huh?" said Hitch the door to the station then opened and Sunny ran in "Hitch! My lantern is missing, but I think I have a way to track it down!" said Sunny "Ooh, is it Detective Zipp? 'Cause she's great at solving mysteries" said Hitch "She's on it, but I also need just a little, teeny, tiny bit of help from everypony's favourite town sheriff!" said Sunny "What kind of help?" asked Hitch "Oh, you know Gather up every single pony we can find to amplify their unity magic, and blast it to the lantern! Call it a... town meeting!" explained Sunny "Wait just a second. Do you really think it's a good idea letting everypony know the lantern is missing?" asked Hitch "Remember what Twilight Sparkle warned us about? An evil pony who wanted to steal magic? What if that pony finds it?!" said Sunny "Well, I hardly think that's going to happen and even if it does Xavier can just beat them like he did before" said Hitch "XAVIER DOESEN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHO IT WAS AS FOR THE EVIL PONY FIND THE LATERN THEY COULD!" yelled Sunny "Sunny, let's be rational here" started Hitch but Sparky then took Hitch's puzzle  "My puzzle! Sparky!" he cried Sparky ran threw the bars of the cage the was in the station out of reach of Hitch "No more dragonfire!" he strained  Sunny look across a table and saw a microphone "That'll work" she said taking it "That puzzle is a limited edition!" he said 

A light turned on in a dark room shining of Izzy "Aah! Uh, where are we?" she asked Zipp who came into view "Not important! You said you saw it last night, but what exactly did you see?" asked Zipp "What do you mean what did I see? I saw the lantern! You're so silly!" said Izzy "'Cause what I saw was somepony in the garden sneaking around with it" said Zipp "Well, of course! That was me!" said Izzy "I-It was?" said Zipp confused "Yeah! I had insomnia last night – happens all the time, really – so I thought I'd brew up some unicorn sleepytime oo-oo-long tea. It is sure to lull even the most wide-eyed pony to the gentlest shores of the snoozy ocean." said Izzy "And that has to do with the lantern how, exactly?" asked Zipp "Well, I had to go search the garden to look for the tea leaves, 'cause I just ran out. And what better to light the way than a bright lantern?" said Izzy  "Your glowing horn?" said Zipp plainly "Ohhhh... Yeah, that would have worked, too" said Izzy "Huh. But wait! You were in bed at the time! I saw you!" said Zipp "Oh, that? You must've seen Señor Butterscotch! I put him under the covers anytime I have to get out of bed in the middle of the night. It is jinxie to leave without saving your spot, you know?" said Izzy "So if it was you who took the lantern out last night, why didn't you put it back where you found it?" asked Zipp "I did! Right back on Sunny's nightstand! She likes to sneak the lantern out of the case and sleep with it next to her  'cause it reminds her of when she was a filly. Mmmm... Don't you just love that?" said Izzy "If you took the lantern and returned it, then where the hay is it now?!" asked Zipp Izzy made a "I don't know" sound Zipp sighed and turn the lights back on turns out the were in the Brighthouse bathroom "Izzy, you're free to go" said Zipp "Oh! Okay!" said Izzy humming as she left Zipp leaned back on the bath "I feel like I'm getting closer. Like I'm on the edge of something... Aah!" she the leaned back to far falling into the bath witch turned the water on and a bottle of shampoo fell in too "Ugh. I fell right into that one" she groaned

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