Chapter 37 Where Oh Is Sparky

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We all gathered around Hitch "He ran away, didn't he? I failed myself as a pony-dragon-dad. And worst of all, failed Sparky" said Hitch I took a look at the pictures of Sparky again and saw something Sparky always had his blanket  with him "Wait. I think I've connected some dots on a clue. It was under our noses the whole time. Look!" I said "I knew it!" said Izzy even those she didn't know what  "Blankeroni? What do you mean?" asked Hitch "Notice in these pictures that Sparky is never without his blankie?" I said "What are you saying?" asked Hitch "So, if he's not with it, it's not by choice. Somepony has taken Sparky! He's been... dragon-napped!" I said Izzy gasped "Dragon-napped?!" said Hitch Izzy then fainted "Nopony dragon-naps my dragon before he's napped! Or after! Or at all! I need all hooves on deck!" said Hitch "I'll scan the sky with Pony-Drone and zero in on anything that looks suspicious!" said Zipp "Good, good. Sparky does tend to leave a mark wherever he goes. Next?" said Hitch "Izzy and I will be the on-the-ground ponies! I'll use my roller-skates!" said Sunny "And I'll use my eyes! To look for stuff! Also, I have magic powers" said Izzy "Speaking of Magic powers I can use an energy sensing spell to look for Sparky's magical energy" I said "Pipp, whatcha got?" asked Hitch "I can cover Maretime Bay the best way I know how – a social media blast! The fans have eyes everywhere!" said Pipp "And I will rally my squad of animal deputies! It's go time!" said Hitch we all just stood there "Now, I mean! Go! Please?" said Hitch we turned around and ran for the door "I'll start on that post!" said Pipp taking out her phone "Gotcha!" said Sunny running out the door follow by Izzy "Aye-aye, sheriff!" she said "Oh! Oh, yeah! Okay!" said Zipp "On the double" I said Sparky was very tired and Misty thought she had him "Finally tired you out with that puppet improv show but" she began Sparky then disappeared "Hide-and-seek, right? Two can play that game! Here, Sparky-Sparky-Sparky-Sparky!" she said a bucket attach to a rope the fell from the ceiling nearly hit Misty in the head  "I see. So you somehow rigged this whole place with traps in two seconds. Cool, cool. Totally cool. It's not like I'm trying to hunt a genius baby dragon with wild powers or anything" she said there was then a buzzing and a clanking sound "Oh, I don't like the sound of that" said Misty hugging the railing on the stairs.  
But in town" Zipp saw some prints on the ground "Aha! Dragon prints!" she said "Huh. But these ones look fresh" she follow them and found two Tortoise drinking a smoothie together "Oh, uh, freshly wrong! Sorry!" she said Sunny the skated past stopping two ponies "Hey! Hey, you guys! Have you seen" she began but Izzy the ran past causing Sunny into spin and land in a bin and roll "Oh! Whoa-whoa-whoa! Izzy!" she said "Whoops! Sorry! I just uni-cycled this dragon lure device. Look!" the device and a drum just beat with a tennis ball hit it a horn the shot bubbles out two symbols the clashed together and another horn  "Pretty cool, right? Everything a dragon loves in one place!" said Izzy some ponies took out there phone and record Izzy  in Mane Melody Pipp had meet up with the Pippsqueaks "Finally! I've composed the perfect post for Sparky! It tugs at your heart, your mind, your soul! Pippsqueaks, you ready?" she asked them "Pipp-Pipp-hooray!" said Seashell "Okay! We all post... now!" she said but nothing happened "Uh, what's happening? Why aren't we getting any views?" she said "It looks like something else is pulling viewers away from our post" said Seashell a video of Izzy playing the instruments the popped up "That is spectacular. Well, I hope Hitch is gaining ground. He's always so much calmer, steadier, and focused than all of us" Pipp said Hitch ran around the station to a panic trying as many missing posters of Sparky  as he could "Pearl, I'm gonna need you on poster duty!" Perl barked "Do you think I made enough?" he asked she barked again "You're right, we need more! Any questions?" he asked all the animal then chittered  :Yes, Kurtle, search the cinema! And the old defence factory, Kenneth! Okay, team, let's get out there! Move, move, move!" said blowing a whistle one of the bird then flew over to him and chirped "I know I'm being a little intense right now!" he yelled the bird chirped back "Yes, and emotional. I'm going through a lot of feelings. If I can't protect Sparky, how am I supposed to protect the whole city of Maretime Bay? How can I protect anypony or anything?" he asked the bird it chirped "You're right. We can do this. And no doubt my friends are on it.the phone then rang Hitch picked it up to find Sunny on the line "So, quick update... We are not on it! We keep getting in each other's way, and I hate to break it to you, but this ain't working!" said Sunny I had my eyes close my horn a glow but with all the noise Izzy was making I couldn't focus enough to find Sparky's energy "Copy that. No more Mr. Nice Stallion. I'm gonna find that dragon and the pony that took him at any cost!" said Hitch putting on Sparky's Blanket like a cape then a mask "It's time for...Operation Glitterbomb" he said 
(The Brighthouse) Misty watched Pipp post although you couldn't really heard watch she was saying because of Izzy  "If you've seen... Izzy, the noise? If you've seen Sparky— Ah! Zipp! Fly a little higher! If you've seen a dragon...!" said Pipp "Good. They have their hooves full. But I don't have all day. Oh, Sparkyyyy! It's just some fun and games, right? I like fun. I think. I've never really had it. But how hard can it be? I see you... Now... where were we?" she said she jumped down the stair avoiding the swinging buckets dodged a can of black paint land on the floor to dodge lasers the jumped and span in mid-air to avoid so sticky string "Still got it! Whoa!" she said she then tripped on a paint brush falling over hitting a shelf knocking down a bucket full of feathers that landed on her head "And still got my own clumsiness" she said Sparky then ran up to her 
(Back In Town) 
"I said, can you keep the noise down for just a minute, Izzy?!" said Pipp "What? I'm confused. Sunny, can you stop skating around me? It's making me dizzy" said Izzy "Hey, Pipp! Stop that! You're stepping on those marks! They could be dragon prints!" said Zipp "How am I supposed to know?!" said Pipp "Stop fighting! This isn't helping!" I said we stopped then heard Hitch we saw him on top of a roof with his mask on with Zoom and Thunder "Evil, I'm coming for you!" he said "Who is he Batman?" i said  "Uh, Hitch? Zoom? Thunder? What are they doing here?" asked Zipp "It looks like Hitch is gearing up for... something epic" said Izzy "And intense" said Zipp "And too, too much" added Pipp "Go! Leave no stone unturned!" said Hitch Zoom Thunder and some of the animals took off "Told ya" said Izzy "We gotta find that dragon and fast!" said Sunny "Culprit, I will find you! And I will make you pay! With litter pickup duty! You'll regret the day you ever crossed Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer!" he said everypony was scary of him down and screamed and ran away from him "This is all wrong. By trying to find Sparky each our own way, we've created more stress and fear. Friends, we need to remain calm and listen to each other. Unified, we can do anything, remember?" i said "We have been kind of...all over the place" said Izzy "Exactly. Each of us may have a different approach, but there's got to be a way for us to get on the same track, right?" said Sunny "Hmm, the same track" Thought Izzy "We need a way for us all to search together" said Sunny "And further" added Pipp "But how?" asked Izzy "I don't know, but first things first, rein Hitch in!" said Sunny Hitch was interrogating Toots  "No, sheriff, no, I swear! I was just eatin' cookies and chillin'!" he said "With Sparky?!" questioned Hitch "No, with my mother! I love her so much!" said Toots "My god his lost it" I said "Hitch!" asked Sunny skating in front of him "Hey!" he yelled Toots turned and Ran "Mommy!" he cried "Listen, I know" began Sunny "You know where Sparky is?!" he asked "No! But all of this commotion isn't helping! It might even scare him off! Now, think. Is there anything we're missing? Anything else Sparky loves?" asked Sunny Hitch sighed "I don't think so. I've thought of everything. And still no sign of him. I'm so worried." he said  "We know" said Zipp "That's why we're here" said Pipp "To help" said Izzy "And listen" I added "I just miss his little face. Him stealing my badge, eating snacks, dancing around when he hears music" said Hitch "Music... We completely forgot about music!" said Pipp "Huh?" we said "I know how to find Sparky!" she said 

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