Chapter 10 Maretime Bay Day

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Sunny Hitch Izzy Pipp and I were all waiting for Zipp to return from Zephyr Heights Pipp had sent her there to retrieve her lucky microphone and Zipp wanted to sneak in and get it and sneak out Pipp's voice then came over a radio that Zipp had

"So did you get it yet, Zipp?" she said "Almost" answered Zipp "Well, hurry up!" said Pipp "On it. Maximum sneaky engaged." said Zipp she hid in window panes and around corners heading to Pipp's old room she stopped by a photo of her mom with Pipp and herself "Hey, Mom" she said she then bolted into Pipp's room and took Pipp's lucky microphone she then flew out a window and head back to Maretime Bay "Mission accomplished!" she said

"Good! Now fly fast!" said Pipp "No problems with that" said Zipp with a chuckle on the way back she saw two tiny Pegasus crash into each other and she flew down and saved them from hitting the ground "I'm so sorry Thank you, Princess Zipp" she one of them "Zipp. Just call me Zipp. And don't worry about it. The magic from the Unity Crystals in the Brighthouse is new to all of us. It takes practice"

"Should I start now, or...?" asked Sunny Pipp was going to livestream Sunny announcing the Maretime bay day festival we all stood there waiting for Zipp "Where is she? I really wanted to use my" groan Pipp Zipp then landed right next to her "Lucky microphone?" said Zipp "There she is" answered Izzy "What took you so long? Don't tell me you were sneaking around the palace again" said Pipp letting out a sigh "You know you can just enter through the main doors. It's our house": she finished "But if Mom knew I was there, I'd get stuck doing one of her random princess lessons" said Zipp "Still not ready to become Queen?" I asked "Yes" said Zipp "Good point. Okay, Sunny. Just remember. Pretend you're talking to us and not, like, all of Equestria, and you'll do great" said Pipp pulling out her phone "You're!" said Pipp "Like, "now" now?" asked Sunny Pipp nodded "Uh... Hey, everypony! I'm Sunny Starscout, and I live here in Maretime Bay with my friends" and camera turned around showing all of us then turned back to Sunny "A lot has changed around here in the past few months. Maretime Bay used to be the place just us Earth ponies live, just like how unicorns always stayed in Bridlewood and Pegasi never left Zephyr Heights. But when we found the three Unity Crystals and brought them back together, it brought us back together! All pony kinds were reunited in friendship! Now anypony can live... anywhere! And... We have magic again!" said Sunny Izzy then took the camera will levitating some oranges "Doot-doo-doo! Well, the unicorns and Pegasi do" she said one of the oranges then got stuck to on her horn "Ta-daaaaa!" "Now you, Sunny. Show everypony what you can do" said Izzy "Ooh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah! Turn into an Alicorn! That's an Earth pony, Pegasus, and unicorn all in one!" said Pipp "Uhhh... You know it doesn't really work like that, guys. I can't just," began Sunny "Not to worry I'm here" I said Pipp turned her phone to me and I spread out my wings Pipp then turned back to Sunny "Anyway! The point is magic powers or not, I think everypony can agree that our lives are way more magical now that we're together again" Pipp turned the phone to herself and sang "You know iiiiit!" "Okay, Sunny! Do the thing!" she said "Do you like super fun times? Are you interested in learning more about Earth pony traditions and tasting local treats? Do you want to see ponies sing in a big concert?" asked Sunny "Yes! You bet! And yeeees!" said Izzy "Then you should come to our annual Maretime Bay Day Festival! For a day of fun in the sunshine! It's going to be a blast! And I'm not just talking about the fireworks show All pony kinds are welcome!" said Sunny

"Oh! Oh! I love Maretime Bay Day! You gotta come check it out! The live Maretime music! The sand castle contest! The caramel ponycorn! Ah! It's the best!" said Hitch a bird then flew down and pinched Pipp's phone "Hey! Give that back!" said Hitch it didn't listen and started to fly off "Hitch, my phone!" cried Pipp "Quick follow that bird" I said we chased after it dodging a number of other ponies all the way to the outskirts of Maretime Bay the bird dropped the phone Izzy reach out with her magic gabbing the phone but the tripped and slid into a garden of flowers "Got it!" she said blowing the leaves off her we all laughed at the scene "Oh, hey, look. It's still on" said Izzy handing back to Pipp "See you at the festival!" said Pipp turning it off

"You okay, Izzy?" I asked "Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. I mean, a little ground glitter never hurt anypony" said Izzy "Well, thank hoofness for magic" said Sunny "Oh, yeah!" said Izzy lighting up her horn "Definitely" said Pipp unfolding her wings "For' shoer'" said Zipp doing the same "No completes here" I said the door to the house of the garden Izzy and slid into then opened "Well, I, for one... do not agree." This was Posey Bloom or as I liked to call her the magic hater Karen

"Is this about your flowers, Posey? It was an accident, but we'll fix them right away" said Sunny "No. What I meant was that I wish magic had never come back. And I'm not the only pony around here who thinks so" said Posey "Uh, what do you mean?" asked Sunny "You Pegasi are always flying too fast! O-Or too low! Or too high up!" she said "What's wrong with flying high up?" asked Pipp "Ugh! I just don't like it, okay?! And every time I'm at the market, there's some smug unicorn using their magic to shop! I almost got hit in the head by a bag of floating apples yesterday! Magic is not very safe At least not for the rest of us ponies who don't have it" "Right, Sheriff Hitch?" "Okay Karen" I said "And you are the worst being all of them in one use magic and flying wherever you want just because you're a prince now does give you the right to fly or do magic wherever you please" she said "Well I've never said I had that authority" I said confused

"Everypony's just... still learning how to use it. That's all. Magic takes practice" said Sunny "Hmph. Then they should do it somewhere else other than my garden!" she said walking back into her house slamming the door "Okay, wow. She was really nice, right, guys?" said Izzy "Oh! Come on, Sunny! Let's go home!" I said Sunny took a look back at Posey who was at one of her window and pulled the curtains across the window "Don't worry, Posey. I'm gonna find a way to show you and everypony else just how awesome magic can be said Sunny we all made it back to the Brighthouse "Pipp! Pipp! Pipp! I want to show you something!" said Izzy dragging her up to the second floor where our beds were "So what did you want to show me?" asked Pipp "Well, I don't know if you noticed, but I consider myself a bit of an artist" said Izzy "Of course I noticed. All of this beautiful stuff was made by you. You're so creative, Izzy. And you're amaze at making new things out of old things what do you call it again?" asked Pipp "Oh, yeah. Uni-cycling" said Izzy "Uni-cycling! Yes, yes, that's it!" "So, the other day, when I was searching for my box of googly eyes in the basement, I found this!" said Izzy pulling out a beat up version of "Is that Sunny's old lantern?" gasped Pipp " Xavier found it it was in pretty beat up state he then told me Sunny's, dad made it for her when she was a filly!" said Izzy "Xavier said that Sunny had put in on every night to celebrate her dad life then he said that maybe I" began "That you'd fix it up for her as Maretime Bay Day present?!" said Pipp "That's right" I said walking in "Thank for the idea" said Izzy she then turned back to Pipp "Yup! But shhh! It has to be a surprise! Sorry" Are lips are sealed" I said "I love surprises! Your secret is safe with me" said Pipp we then pup our hooves to our hearts then touch each other's hoof "Hoof to heart" we said down in the kitchen we were making some pizza's Zipp groaned

"Zipp? Zipp! ZIPP!!!" yelled Pipp "Huh?!" said Zipp "I have been asking you if you want extra cheese on your pizza for, like, ten minutes!" "What's up with you?" said Pipp "Oh Sorry Just thinking about something weird that happened earlier" said Zipp "The thing with Posey?" asked Pipp "Oh, uh... yeah. That" said Zipp I raised an eyebrow the way she said that sounded like a lie "Same here. How could she not love magic?" asked Sunny "Earth ponies have never had magic before. Maybe Posey's jealous" guessed Hitch "Jealous?" I said "I know I am. Magic seems a little scary, but it would be pretty cool to be able to levitate things" said Hitch "Like this?" asked Izzy levitating the base of her pizza twirling it around with then fell from the sky and landed on Izzy's head causing some of the tomato paste it splatter on Izzy face she lick some off with her tongue "Worth it" she said "Ah, you're right, Hitch. That is sooooo much better than flying" said Pipp "Glad I never had to choose between one or the other" I said Zipp and I then walked over to Sunny "So have you figured out the whole "magical wings and horn appearing at random times" thing yet?" asked Zipp "No. And it's been getting worse" said Sunny her Alicorn powers had been activating at random times even when she didn't want them to "Maybe Posey has a point. Magic is unpredictable" said Zipp "Hmmm it may be unpredictable, but it's not dangerous" I said "At least not now" I finished "We just need to show the Earth ponies that magic is nothing to be afraid of. It makes Equestria a... a better place. And it's fun!" said Sunny "Wow! Are you ponies thinking what I'm thinking?" said Izzy "I think I might be" said Sunny "All right, everypony on the count of three. One... two... three... Floating parade! Right?" said Izzy "Not exactly, but close. We're going to use Maretime Bay Day as our chance to show off all the amazing things magic can do! Then everypony will remember just how special it is that we have friendship and magic in our lives again! Are you ponies in?" said Sunny "Yeah!" said Izzy "Definitely, definitely!" Pipp "I'm in!" said Hitch "With you always" I said Zipp's phone then rang

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