Chapter 35 The Lantern Thief

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Zipp was back at the garden scanning "Well? Anything?" she asked her scan bot it gave a negative beep with a red light "Then I guess you're the only solid clue I've got so far. Hm. Hmm..." said Zipp see then saw Misty sneaking around "That's... suspicious" she said Misty then noticed that Zipp had saw her and she broke into a run "Hey" Zipp call out and chased after her Misty ran into town and tried to lose Zipp but Zipp was locked on Misty saw the tram running down and jumped threw Zipp made a sudden stop the tram to screech to a halt " Sorry!" she said the the driver Misty ran into Mane Melody and took a chair and sat there Zipp entered "Ugh! Where'd she go?!" she said looking around "Hi there! Were you looking to get styled today?" said Rocky Riff to Misty "Yes! Of course! Tell me all about your signature manestyles!" asked Misty "Okay! So, we can do every look from the traditional to the cutting edge! Bobs, layers, beach waves, braids – just name it! So, what'll it be?" asked Rocky Riff Misty saw Zipp leave "Actually, I'll take a rain check!" said Misty getting up "We don't... have those. Uh, but we do sell gift cards" said Rocky Riff Misty peeked out the door and saw Zipp talking to another pony she turned her head and saw Misty peeking Misty quick closed the door and tried to hide again but it was to late Zipp had trapped her "I know everything, Misty! And I know that it was you who stole the lantern! Ever since the unicorn sleepover, I had a weird feeling about you! Those probing questions about Sparky, not knowing anything about Bridlewood, and then finding you trying to activate the elevator up to the Crystal Room?! But I ignored my instincts and gave you the benefit of the doubt... until now! All the galloping and shadiness today solidified it!" said Zipp Misty backed up into a corner "Now, you better tell me where you've got Sunny's lantern hidden!" said Zipp Pipp then flew in "Stop!" she yelled  " Pipp, what are you doing?! I've got the lantern thief right here!" said Zipp "It's me! I'm the lantern thief!" said Pipp "What?!" said Zipp  "Well, no, I mean, I'm not the lantern thief, but" said Pipp she flew back stage and brought out the lantern "I've had it all day!" she said "Huh? No! But Misty is the lantern thief!" yelled Zipp "She's not! The truth is I found the lantern outside the Brighthouse this morning. And I was going to show you right away, but your cutie mark was glowing, and you were having so much fun investigating and I" Pipp explained "But the hoof print!" said Zipp "I put it there! To keep you going! And the wing glitter was a clue to lead you to me! I had no idea it'd send you on a trail after Misty!" said Pipp they looked at Misty she gave a nervous chuckle "So my whole investigation was for nothing, then? Just me looking like a fool and accusing Misty of a bunch of terrible stuff she didn't do?" said Zipp "Yeah... that one is totally my bad, and I definitely owe her a big apology. But I've never seen your cutie mark glow like that! You finally got to be a true detective!  That's worth something, right?" asked Pipp "I guess you're right. I did have fun. So I guess I can forgive you for sending me on that wild goose chase all day. Even if I did miss a few obvious clues" said Zipp they then started laughing "How did I not connect the glitter thing? It was aquamarine!" chuckled Zipp "Like my sparkle! And I can't believe you thought it was Misty! She's so sweet. She could never." said Pipp Misty made her way to the door but Zipp stopped her "Misty? I am so sorry. I never should have accused you of being a thief. Or chased you around town. Or cornered you in here. I guess I need some more practice with this whole detective thing, huh?" said Zipp "It's okay! I know how it is when you get really wrapped up in something!" said Misty "I did just have one last question, though. Why were you galloping away from me?" asked Zipp "Oh, well, I, um... I have this thing where I just can't get the words out when I'm nervous sometimes, and I, um... Oh, would you look at the time?! I should really get going before my cake... goes... stale? Aah!" said Misty as she ran out  "Wonder what all that was about" said Zipp "I bet she's still just shy around us. Some ponies are, you know?" said Pipp "Yeah, we can't all be doing ClipTrot dances like you" said Zipp they laughed "Ooh! Speaking of, your little caper today fully inspired me to write this jam! 

Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz

Oh, oh, where'd it go?Oh, oh, where'd it go?Pipp
Here we go, here we goWe're not gonna stop 'til we find what we're missin'Where'd it go? Where'd it go?A perfect case for a private eyeI'm searching far and wideSo here we go, here we goWe're not gonna stop 'til we find what we're missin'Seashell, Glory, and Peach FizzOh, oh, where'd it go?Oh, oh, where'd it go? 

they then heard Sunny yelling threw a megaphone "Ponies! Please!" she yelled Come join us in the plaza for a very important cause!" she said  as Zipp and Pipp walked out of Mane Melody  "Sunny, please stop! This is not the way to solve this! And you! Stop squirming!" yelled Hitch chasing after her with Sparky in his saddle bag "What is going on?" I asked Izzy "I don't know. But it seems like we're about to play a really complicated game of "Tag"!" she said  "Everypony! We need your help to find my lantern!" she said  "We found it, Sunny!" said Zipp holding it up "You did?" asked Sunny "Yeah, it was all just a case of a little innocent sister meddling Probably should have let you in on my plan sooner, Sunny. So sorry about that" said Pipp "What a relief! Thank you for returning it" said Sunny taking it back "Aww, what happened to the game of tag?" said Windy sadly "Yeah, it could've been a total disaster if the lantern had actually been taken by somepony dangerous" said Zipp "Like the mysterious, evil pony Twilight warned us about? Oooh! That should be your next mystery to uncover, Zipp!" said Izzy "Yeah, yeah, I'm workin' on it" said Zipp "As long as we stick together and tell each other about our plans, I know we'll be able to keep this lantern and pony magic safe. This thing is powerful. We have to be more careful with it." I said "No more midnight trots with it then, Izzy?" asked Zipp "Pssssh! Why would I need a lantern? I've got a glowing horn!" said Izzy the lantern then grew brighter as our cultic mark glowed "I knew it!" said Sunny "So beautiful!" said Pipp "So rainbow-y!" said Izzy "Wow, Sunny! You were right!" said Hitch "Note – lantern's energy linked to proximity to unity magic. Or is it a separate power? Hey, Sunny. Do you think I could keep my hooves on the lantern a little bit longer? I want to do some more scientific analysis on it" asked Zipp  "As long as you don't let it out of your sight, detective" said Sunny "Don't worry. I won't" said Zipp 

(Opalines Dark Castle)Misty walked through the front door "So, you're finally back. And where is my powerful lantern?" asked Opaline "Well, you see, I was on my way to get it, but then I got to thinking, maybe it's not as powerful as we" began Misty "Another failure! There seems to be a pattern emerging. It makes me wonder if it truly was a mistake, or if you're just going soft on those ponies" said Opaline  "No, Opaline! It was all a mistake! I want to do whatever I can to help your plans succeed!" said Misty "Well, I hope you're telling the truth. It would be terrible for you to abandon your only friend. Without me, you'd have nothing. No family. No home. No cutie mark. You still want me to give you a cutie mark, don't you?" asked Opaline "More than anything! I promise I won't let another mistake like this happen again! I'll get the lantern! Hoof to—!" began Misty "No! We're wasting time with the pursuit of these silly enchanted relics!" said Opaline "B-B-But how else are we going to get the magic?" asked Misty "With something that will instantly restore my ultimate power...Dragonfire!" said Opaline 
(Brighthouse)We all were trying to complete a puzzle we had one piece left  "Of course! It's always the last piece that goes missing! Sparky? No! Put it down!" said Hitch Sparky burped and turned the left piece into a Butterfly "So much for mint condition" sighed Hitch "Don't worry!" said Izzy "Nothing prepares you for the moments like these!" said Hitch "Sparky's dragonfire transformations are amazing! And he's just a baby! Seems like the sky's the limit for your powers, right, little buddy?" I said Sparky burped we all laughed 

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