Chapter 20 The Ocean Lilly

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A couple of hours later and three of them had mud masks on with cucumber slices over their eyes getting pampered "Oh, you girls wouldn't believe the week I've had! Can you believe the florist asked if we wanted twenty-four-inch roses instead of our usual twenty-three-point-five-inch?!" retailed Queen Haven "Ugh! What even is this stuff?" said Zipp wiping the mud mask off with a towel "And beige throw pillows instead of white?! Beige!" said Queen Haven Zipp pick up a set of noise cancelling headphone and placed then on Queen Haven "How about some calming music, Mom?" asked Zipp turning them on "Thank you, dear" said Queen Haven "Psst! Hey, Pipp! So, is this the time you're finally gonna ditch this thing with me?" Zipp whispered to Pipp she scoffed "Of course not. I actually like taking time to be pampered. It's my favourite thing! Right after singing, spooky stories, and... selfies!" she said talking a selfie Zipp gave a groan she then walked over to Sunny and I as we lay on the stage reading a book "Ugh! Huh. Hey, Sunny! Xavier! How well can you do an impression of me?" Zipp asked us Sunny and I looked at each other then got up and tried to imitate Zipp's voice Uh..."Is that a mystery over there?! Cool, cool!" we said it wasn't a very good impression "Yeah... maybe not Looks like I'm stuck suffering through another Portrait Day" said Zipp her phone then buzzed "Really, Pipp? I'm right here. I don't need to see your selfies" but she then saw the photo that was sent and it was a picture of an Ocean Lily "Huh? No way... Hey, Pipp!" said Zipp "What now?" scoffed Pipp "Look!" said Zipp showing Pipp the photo Pipp gave a deep gasp "Wouldn't this flower be the just most accessory for a Ponygram selfie?" asked Zipp "Oh... my... gorgeous! Is that the rare Ocean Lily that only blooms once every decade?! The only time I've ever seen one is when we wore them in our manes for Portrait Day! Wow! Who sent this to you?" asked Pipp "I don't know, but it must mean the flower is in bloom right now. We have to go find it" said Zipp "But... But... Portrait Day" said Pipp sound like she mint cry "Oh. Oh, no, you're right. Who needs a picture with the most Ponygrammable, once-in-a-decade flower there is anyway?" said Zipp clearly trying to get her to go with her "Mmmmm... Okay! But we'll be back to Zephyr Heights in time to sit for the actual portrait, right?" said Pipp "I promise we'll get back in time. Hoof to heart" said Zipp "What are we gonna tell Mom?" asked Pipp Zipp looked back at us "I've got it covered" she said Hey! Sunny! Xavier!" she called we looked up "Isn't this so fun?" said Sunny happily "We're gonna take a little break from Portrait Day prep, so we're gonna need you to cover for us. 'Kay, thanks, bye!" she said not waiting for a response "Wait, what about Queen Haven?" I asked "Keep the cucumbers going, and she won't even notice we're gone" said Zipp has she and Pipp left we looked back at Queen Haven and gave nervous gulps "Ah, finally out of that stuffy salon!" said Zipp Pipp then gave a offended scoff "Hey!" she yelled "I mean, great salon!" said Zipp giving a nervous chuckle "So where are we headed anyway?" asked Pipp "Well, I was thinking the first thing we should do is check out the Crystal Room and see if there's anything we might've missed in regards to the hologram" said Zipp their phones buzzed both had photos of the ocean lily "Did I say "hologram"? I meant Ocean Lily, of course!" said Zipp "Look!" Pipp said pointing to the rock face behind the flower "Those rocks look just like the ones by the beach" said Zipp "Oooooh! Beach day!" sang Pipp "Selfie in the sand – definitely good for my feed!" she said "Uhhhh... yeah!" said Zipp

(Maretime Bay Beach)

Zipp had her phone out taking notes "Note – beach activity appears calm. I wonder who sent those Dew dropped pics of the Ocean Lily. It feels similar to the Twilight hologram somehow, right?" said Zipp Pipp didn't listen and just took selfie of her on the beach "I mean, that message was so cryptic. She said we should have Earth pony magic for the first time, which tracks, but there's a pony who's going to steal magic? Everypony has magic now, so that doesn't make any sense. What do you think, Pipp?" asked Zipp she didn't get a response so she turn around to see Pipp interacting with some of her fans who were building a sandcastle "Ugh! Ugh! Pipp?" she said she then took a shell Pipp had been given by her fans "Whoa! This could be important evidence!" said Zipp "Sorry, detective!" said Sea shell Zipp turned around to see Pipp livestreaming on her Phone "What is going on over there?" she said "Hey-hey from the beach, Pippsqueaks! Some sunshine is all I need to look glowy for tonight's portrait!" said Pipp Zipp then rushed in "What are you doing? This stuff is supposed to be secret!" she said "But I told everypony I'd be live-streaming on ClipTrot all day!" argued Pipp "If Mom sees your stream, our whole plan is ruined. I thought you wanted to find that Ocean Lily" said Zipp "Of course I want to find it" said Pipp "Then try to avoid giving away our exact location, okay?" said Zipp "All right, Pippsqueaks! Gotta go! Pipp-Pipp-hooray!" said Pipp ending the steam Zipp and Pipp then ran into some of Pipp's fans on the beach "Hey, Pipp! This coral would look perfect on a Portrait Day necklace!" said one of them "Awww, that's so sweet!" said Pipp taking it "What about a flower?" said another "Thank you, Seashell! How'd you know I was looking for a flower for" she stopped short as Zipp gave her a "don't you say another word about a flower" look "Uh, flower? I meant follower, like you! Yeah! Um... Do you follow me on, um, Feedbag yet?" finished Pipp they just stared at her "It's new" she said "Come on. We gotta get out of here" said Zipp grabbing Pipp "Thank you, everypony! Your gifts are all so lovely! I'll cherish them forever! 'Kay, bye! Mwah!" 

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