Chapter 17 The Magic Is Growing

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Back at the police Station Sparky was acting up while tried to calm him down "Oh, come on, Sparky! Hey, you hungry? What about food? Will that calm you down?" asked Izzy Sparky stopped running and looked at Izzy "Whoa, guess that's a yes. I am great at this. Woo-hoo!" she opened a drawer and saw a disk that readied "Play me". Well, I have never said no to a talking TV before. Sure!" said Izzy inserting the disk to the TV and turning it on a video of hitch appeared on screen "If you're watching this, then you are dragon-sitting Sparky. Here are some important things to know. Sparky's prone to grunting, grubbing, grabbing things that aren't his, running, racing, wilding out around the office until you've exhausted all reasons for why he could be running in the first place, and by that time, he's already resting in a dragon nap. Experiencing drowsiness while dragon-sitting is normal. Though if fire-breathing occurs, consult the list of foods, fire-safety-and-fun suggestions, as well as Sparky's safety schedule located in the cabinet to your left." "Food list! That sounds like a good start! Now, where's that cabinet?" said Izzy as the video continued "Be careful not to cross out any items on the Sparky schedule. It's important he does everything in order. Don't let him eat before sleeping. Don't let him sleep before eating. Don't let him do this all unsupervised" said the video Hitch "Huh? Even if he asks me to?" asked Izzy out loud "ESPECIALLY if he asks you to! He's a baby dragon! He doesn't know any better! You're the one in charge" said Hitch

"Well... you seem happy, and nothing bad has happened. I'm sure this is nothing to worry about." Said Izzy we on the other hoof were conducting some magic tests seeing if anypony could control there earth pony magic "This is a controlled magic experiment to collect data, Dahlia. Just muster your magic in a little burst" said Hitch recording her Dahlia tapped her hoof and in a blast of green energy a pile of Flowers appeared in front of us Dahlia was gone "Whoa! Dahlia? Where'd you go?" asked Hitch looking around the pile of flowers then shifted and Dahlia's face appeared "Is now the time I mention I'm allergic to gardenias?" she said Hitch placed a no magic sticker on her Sunny groaned at the station Sparky was causing a mess knocking everything over and messing up Hitch papers "Sparky! Don't do that again..." said Izzy angrily Sparky whimpered Izzy the whipped out her phone "Unless I'm around to film it!" said Izzy happily "Now do it again, but wilder! Let your freaky fun flag fly, Sparky! Fly!" said Izzy "And what's your magic?" Zipp asked a pony at a table he active his magic on a few seed they then grew into watermelon but then more popped out at stuck Hitch in the head "Aah! Perfect. Great. Don't do it again" said hitch placing a no magic sticker on his hoof "That's the spirit! Abandon all order! Dazzle with destruction! Express yourself to the extreeeeeme!" yelled Izzy from the police Station Hitch continued to stick no magic stickers on Earth ponies hooves while saying "Don't do it again I then saw earth ponies hoof continuing to glow green "Huh?" I said "Guy look" I point out to Zipp and Sunny "Woah look at their hooves!" said Zipp "They're all glowing! And... fizzing?" asked Sunny Pipp and Jazz noticed it to and some trees were now flashing different colours "Okaaaay... This is officially getting weird" said Jazz her magic then actives and Pipp and her now stood on a pile of flowers "Ah! I didn't even want to do that!" said Jazz Pipp decide to take a selfie Hitch didn't notices any of this "I just need to plan and plot out a perfectly thought-out list of precautions all before you ponies can say "Presto!" he said Sunny Zipp and I then saw a huge vine blast out in the middle of the road and earth pony magic going haywire "Presto! Presto!" we yelled at him "Ha-ha. I didn't mean literally" said Hitch "No, Hitch! The ponies! They're—!" I began "Safe and protected now that we've put a stop to this You'll see" bean Hitch then saw everything Pipp and Jazz then ran up to us "Magic is out of control again!" said Jazz "And I have video proof!" showing us a video of the trees glowing this video had the tree wearing sunglasses "In a sassy sparkle filter, too. I know, the sunglasses are a great touch, right? The Pippsqueaks made it just for me" said Pipp "Not now Pipp" I said "Why didn't you try to tell me?!" asked Hitch "We tried but you weren't listening" I said he ignored that as well "I think it has something to do with the glowing hooves" said Zipp "Not a good look, Jazz!" said Pipp looking a jazz's glowing hooves Hitch's the started glowing he shirked "What does this mean?!" he said "It's gotta be the built-up Earth pony magic! I don't think you're supposed to keep it all in!" I said "I was wrong. I shouldn't have put a pause on Earth pony magic" said Hitch "Oh, I'm so happy to hear you say that. I-I've been trying to tell you" began Sunny but Hitch took his no magic approach to a new level "I should've gone straight to the Unity Crystals! When ponies united and the Unity Crystals were created, everypony got their magic! Maybe if we remove the Earth pony one...!" guessed Hitch

"What?! No, that's not what I meant!" said Sunny "You were right, Sunny! Earth pony magic is powerful! Too powerful! We never had it before; why do we need it now?! Come on!" said Hitch running off towards the Crystal Brighthouse we chased after him "The Crystals aren't the problem! But maybe if we interviewed everypony again, we could figure it out!" said Sunny "There's nothing left to figure out! This is the only way to keep Maretime Bay safe!" said Hitch "Rash decisions don't keep anypony safe!" I said "Look around! We have to try and reset those Crystals soon or else... I don't wanna know "or else"!" continued Hitch from the door of the Police Station Izzy saw us run by "Hmmm... That looked more serious than a simple trot through town. Hey, friends! Wait up!" she said she then turned back to Sparky who was hugging his stuff animal and let out a yawn "Awww. Looks like you got all your energy out. And right on time. Izzy has to pop out real quick, but if you're good while I'm gone, I'll...uni-cycle your very own racetrack!" said Izzy Sparky clapped his claws "Thought you'd like that. Okay, Kenneth! You're in charge! Watch Sparky for just a moment. Okay! Good dragon! Stay right there! B.R.B.!" said Izzy Kenneth the bird saluted

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