Chapter 14 Creative Block

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Izzy rubbished though the closest for the object she wanted "Need this. Ooh, gotta have this. And this is extra-necessary!" she said Zipp looked at her with an annoyed look "I literally just finished putting all of that in there" she said "Has anypony seen my crafting glasses?!" asked Izzy they then feel onto her nose "Never mind! Got 'em! Time to get to work! Okay, okay, okay, okay. Now it's time to make something that's... better than another thing. Hmmm..." thought Izzy Pip was up in her room trying to think of song lyrics with a tone she tried vocalizing then went "No, no, that's not it" she tried again "That is not it! Ugh!" her phone buzzed "Oh, oh! A message! I guess I can take a teensy break" she said picking up her phone "When's your next new hit drop?" she read then let out a groan "I'll respond to that later. What I need now is, um... a snack! Then make the new hit, and then respond!" she said she flew down to the bottom level and saw Izzy struggling to make anything new "Ugh! No! That's not it!" cried Izzy "What's up, Izzy?" asked Pipp Izzy gave a small sigh "I can't decide what to make" she said "Ah. I know what's wrong. You have creative block" said Pipp Izzy gasped "Is it permanent?!" she said "Well, lucky for you, I have the solution. You just need to listen to your fans and do what they want" said Pipp "Okay, that's... that's brilliant. Did you come up with that when you had creative block?" Izzy asked her Pipp thought back then realized something "Me? I've never had creative block" she said "Well, if you ever do, then you should listen to yourself, because that totally helped. Now I just have to figure out how to bring all these supplies to the Craft Fair so I can find my inspiration from pony fans! Because these" said Izzy holding up fans "... did... They d-didn't work. Don't know why" she said Izzy then hurried outside Pipp picked up one of the fans and started fanning herself "Okay... What do I do? I'm so good at solving other ponies' problems, but not my own. I should just listen to...Myself? That's it! I gotta go to the place that makes my heart sing to find my sound!" she said as she flew off to Mane Melody

Mane Melody

Pipp sang into a microphone her voice was off-key and the screech of microphone feedback screech out across the room "That was... almost it?" said Jazz "You're sweet. But that was soooo not it!" said Pipp "But you'll get there" said Jazz "Wait! Wait! What was that great advice Izzy gave me that I gave her? Oh, yeah! Listen to what the fans want!" said Pipp she took out her phone and looked at her follows page "Oh! Make a new hit! Like the old ones! But different and better!" said her fans "That didn't help. Huh. At least Izzy is having better luck" said Pipp at the craft fair Izzy had made another mane-cessory and gave it to an earth pony "And ta-daaaaaah!" she said "Eh, this isn't the special thing you made before. I'm gonna pass" said the earth pony tossing back to her "Okay. Thanks for being honest!" she called out "I am just not feeling it. No, but it's not about me. Gotta make stuff to please everypony else!" said Izzy "Here's your berry cantaloupe, a tutti-frutti, and a jicama-pear shake! Do you like your smoothies?" asked Sunny Big flavours! Yummy fruit! Delicious! Tastes like magic!" said her customers she then noticed Izzy in destress "Uh, be right back Xavier can you take over?" she asked "On it" I said "Uhhh...Izzy" said Sunny Izzy then look up at her with a stressed look "Do I look desperate?!" she asked Sunny took a step back in surprise "A little" said Sunny "Good, because I am super desperate and I have no idea what I'm doing! I mean, even my piles aren't towers anymore! Doesn't it say it all?" said Izzy showing Sunny her crafting desk "Don't you see? Nopony does it like Izzy does it' said Sunny "Making mess of things?" asked Izzy "No. I mean that you can dream up such unique creations because of who you are. Dig deep and just... go back to your roots" said Sunny Izzy then gave a loud gasp "Sweet sauce horseshoe toss! Are you saying what I think you are saying?" asked Izzy "I... Yes. Yes, I am" said Sunny confused "Thanks, Sunny! You're the best! Also, happy birthday, friend! Oh, that is so fun to say" said Izzy rushing off I saw Izzy speed off "What did you say to her exactly and what did she take away from it?" I asked "I have no idea" said Sunny

(Mane Melody)

Pipp's fans crowd outside waiting for Pipp's new song but Pipp couldn't think of anything she had for the first time creative block "The Pippsqueaks are waiting!" said Jazz to Rocky Riff "But we can't rush her process" said Rocky gusting back to Pipp "Oh! How about a power ballad? No, that'll never work! Oh, no, oh, no! I'm finally out of hits!" said Pipp

(Opaline's Dark Castle)

Opaline sat on her throne and saw Misty walk in "So nice of you to come home, Misty. You've been gone so long, I thought you got lost... like the time I rescued you as a filly. So kind of me to do that. Well? What have you found?" she asked "Uh, uh... I think the stronger magic has something to do with the cutie marks, Opaline" said Misty "Don't "think". You sound foolish" said Opaline she was always like this belittle Misty and using the excuse that because if save Misty back when she was a filly Misty own her "Maybe... if I had one, I could figure it out and" began Misty but Opaline cut her off "Enough! How could the magic have anything to do with cutie marks?" said Opaline angrily "They glow when it happens! And the Earth ponies? They can control the plants!" said Misty Opaline then grew curious "Hmmm... New magic? Well then, even more reason to begin the plan. And when we're done, you'll get your cutie mark. And I'll be even more powerful than I was before!" she then laugh evilly

(Maretime Bay)

"Mystic Melon from me to you!" said Sunny handing it out "Xavier past me those strawberries" she asked here you go" I said while we weren't look Misty placed an Alicorn mirror on Sunny's Smoothie stand and sneaked away "Sunny what's that?" I asked noticing it Sunny looked down at it and took off the bow "Awww. Pipp must've left me a surprise birthday gift" said Sunny opening it give it a try "Well I think were done for the day let head home" I said "Sure let me just close up" said Sunny

(Crystal Brighthouse)

Zipp stood by the door that had a note on it "Hey, Zipp. What's that?" I asked "Izzy left a note" said Zipp who readied in out to Sunny and me "B.R.B." Uhhh... "F.B.B.B." What do you think that means?" asked Zipp "I have no idea. But I hope it's Izzy code for being inspired again" said Sunny

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