Chapter 12 New Magic

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The next day Izzy was the first to wake up she then ran over to each of us screaming "It's here! The big day is here! The big day is heeeere!" Zipp took one last look at the crystals "Don't worry. I got you" she said we made our way down but Izzy called Sunny back "Sunny! Sunny, wait!" said Izzy she the pull a present from behind her back "Happy Maretime Bay Day!" said Izzy "We don't usually exchange gifts" said Sunny "I know, but just open it!" said Izzy Sunny ripped open the wrapping paper and gasped when she saw her lantern "It's... It's the lantern my dad made for me. I-I thought it was beyond repair. Thank you so much, Izzy!" said Sunny "Don' thank just me it was Xavier idea to remade it has he said "Sometimes, when you add a little bit of magic, you can fix anything" said Izzy "He so sweet" said Sunny dreamily then blushed at what she had just said " He's also right. Now let's go add some magic to today and fix this" said Sunny "Mm-hmm!" said Izzy nodding

Upbeat music filled Mane Street as Sunny and I said as well as many ponies bowered the stands Izzy the ran up to us "Oh, look! Look, look! Ponies showed up after all!" said Izzy "Hopeful they get along" I said we then heard trumpets "And there's the queen!" said Izzy we saw Queen Haven and two Pegasus guards descended from the sky "Hello, your Majesticness!" said Izzy bowing "Mom!" said Pipp Running to hug her Zipp quickly made her exit "Happy Maretime Bay Day, everypony! Welcome!" said Sunny waving at everypony that arrived "So far, so good" said Hitch "Now we just gotta keep it up" said Sunny "Don't jinx it" I said Posey Dahlia and mayflower walked past the wreath that Sunny Pipp and Izzy had made "Spoons in the wreaths? Ugh, yuck! I liked the old decorations better" said Dahlia "I could not agree more" said Posey on the Izzy was watching a sandcastle build competition Windy had built a huge one using her wings to make it high Posey Dahlia and Mayflower weren't happy "Pegasi have an unfair advantage!" said Posey the Storm clouds then appeared again and a loud boom of thunder lit up the sky the whole town was darked by the storm cloud and a gale-force wind was blown debris across the street an Earth pony look at his ice cream "Moss ice cream?" he took a lick "Bleghhh!" he said throwing in it in the trash many earth ponies followed his led throw away any non-earth ponies treats but a Unicorn came over to the trash and went "Waste not, want not!" as he began to eat the decayed treats the wind started to whistle and blow harder "Oh, no!" said Pipp she tried to fly but her wings glitched out "My wings won't work!" said Pipp grunting Hitch hooves were then trapped but some strange purple glue like magic "Neither will my hooves!" said Hitch some other Earth ponies were stuck by the same purple magic "Our hooves... are stuck! What's going on?!" they said "The glitches! They're getting worse!" said Zipp we ran back stage were Pipp was getting ready to perform her all new Maretime Bay Day anthem

"Are you sure you want to do this? Nothing has gone to plan today" said Sunny "I have to give it my best shot. We still need all the positivity we can get, right?" "Maybe this will help" said Zipp handing Pipp "My lucky mic! Okay!" said Pipp she did a few vocal exercises and was good to go "Yes, we're ready! All right! Showtiiiiiime!" she sang "Break a hoof, Pipp! But not really. Actually, be really careful." Said Sunny "Everypony, please welcome pop star Princess Pipp Petals to sing the brand-new Maretime Bay Day song!" said Sunny "New song?" "What?" said a few Earth ponies in the crowd "That's my daughter!" yelled Queen Haven "We want to hear the real Maretime Bay song! Sung by an Earth pony!" said Dahlia the crowd grumbled the thunderstorm cloud grow louder Hitch then ran on Stage "Hey! Be nice! Sheriff's orders!" he said "Are you on their side?!" yelled an Earth pony "There are no sides!" said Zipp "We know that magic returning hasn't been easy for everypony, that Equestria is really different, but that's a good thing! It's so much better now that—!" lighting then struck I turn to the Brighthouse and saw the Pris beam glitch and a crack appeared on the unity Crystal "Whoa! No, no, no! T-The magic! It's dying!" I said and bolt of lightning stuck the police station "Eggy!" gasped Hitch running into the station another bolt stuck the ground and a dark purple void opened up and started to grow wider "What is that thing?!" asked Queen Haven "It's some sort of void!" said Zipp "Everypony, get back!" said Sunny "Can you Stop this Xavier?" She then asked I turned to light my horn but nothing happened "NO want ever happening is stopping even my magic a group of earth ponies then became stuck by the same purple magic that trapped Hitch early "Run!" I yelled "But we're stuck!" "Please let us go!" said an Earth pony to a Unicorn next to her "It's not us!" said the Unicorn another bolt of lightning stuck and tree destroy it "Can't you ponies with magic do something?!" said Posey who as trapped to Windy tried to fly but failed "Ugh! Our magic isn't working!" said Windy Hitch the remerge from the Station carrying the egg he was then Trapped by the purple Magic "Aah! I do not like this! No! I do not!" he said Windy tried to pull Posey free but it was too late the both fell into the void "NO!" I yelled Diving in after them "Posey! Windy! Xavier! No! Come on, Alicorn magic! Work!" said Sunny "But the magic! I-It's gone!" said Zipp "But Xavier can't save them on his own without his magic so that mean I'll have to try without it! I'm going in!" said Sunny "Not without us!" said Izzy her horn shimmered "That's it! The magic will come back to us if we can work together! Come on, unicorns! Come on, Pegasi! Help the Earth ponies!" said Zipp the unicorns and pegasus looked at each other than nodded and started freeing the earth ponies some unicorns and pegasus got their magic back "It's working! You got this, Sunny!" said Zipp "It's too dark in there! Take this!" said Izzy holding Sunny's lantern with her magic her magic then glitched and she dropped the lantern into the void Sunny dived after it taking in in her mouth and Alicorn powers the activated and flew down the void she saw me up ahead "Xavier you should have your magic back" She yelled at me I looked up and saw her a started to flap my wings and low and behold I could fly again "Great now let's save Posey and Windy we flew down and saw then still falling Sunny and I lit up our horn and casted a protection bubble around them and levitated them out of the void "Sunny?, Xavier?" question Izzy looking at the void wondering where we were a rainbow then erupted out of the void Sunny and I reappeared the rainbow shot to the Brighthouse combining with the Pris beam and fixing the Crystal the Crystal the glowed and the glowing green vines the appeared again the crystal the shot out a beam of light and the green vine shot from the Brighthouse all the way down to Maretime Bay the earth ponies hooves then shimmering green "That tickles!" laugh Hitch some of the critters that hitch had in the police station show up and bird with a can on its head started chirping at him and a crab snip at him "I know, I know! I totally agree with everything you guys are saying. Did you just... talk?! Did I just... understand you?! Whaaaaat?!" said Hitch the bird chirped again "Wow, that's a lot of information. Well, nice to meet you, Kenneth. I'm Hitch!" he said Posey glanced at her hoof still shimmering green at touch the ground the ground in front of her glowed green an in a group of green magic flowers appeared "Flower... power?!" she said three earth ponies tried in on the destroy tree and pow and tree was repaired "Earth pony magic?!" I said "But that's never happened before!" said Izzy "When we work together, maybe we can invent new magic" said Zipp "You're right, Zipp. Actually, you were right about everything. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I should've been a better friend and listened. I was just so focused on hoping magic was okay that I lost sight of everything else. Can you forgive me?" asked Sunny "Obviously" said Zipp "Sunny look at the lantern" I said Sunny gave me a confused frown but glance at her lantern she then saw some of the Pris beam had fused with the lantern "Woah" she said Queen Haven then rushed over to Zipp "Zephyrina! There you are! My hoofness, what an ordeal! Gather your things. We need to hit the sky if we're going to make it back to the palace by sundown" she said "Mom! I'm not going back with you!" said Zipp "We agreed that you were to resume your studies" said Queen Haven "My place is here in Maretime Bay with my friends. I just need more time to figure things out. To investigate magic. To explore who I am before I take on my royal duty. And... you know what? I think who I am is somepony who likes figuring things out" she confided "Yes, you certainly are, my little princess investigator" said Queen Haven "Mom? Would you do me a favour?" she asked "Anything, darling" said Haven "Would you mind just calling me Zipp for now?" she asked "Of course... Zipp" said Queen Haven they the hugged Cloudpuff then came barking at Hitch "I'm sorry, it's a what?" said Hitch the egg then started crack and out popped a dragon "A dragon...?!" said Hitch "But dragons haven't been seen in Equestria for generations!" said Sunny "He's so cute!" said Izzy "Adorbs!" said Pipp taking a picture Posey then walked over to us "Hey, everypony. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted. I think I just felt..." she began but I stopped her "Left out?" I said "Yeah! Exactly!" she said "Well Earth ponies all have magic now so I think you don't need to feel left out anymore and even if you do we'll make sure that doesn't happen again Right guys?" I said they all nodded Posey then walked over to Pipp "Pipp? Would you mind... singing your new Maretime Bay song?" she asked "I will on one condition – if you'll sing it with me" said Pipp handing her a mic "I'll do the harmony!" said Posey

(Queen Opaline's Dark Castle)

Far away in a very dark corner of Equestria an Alicorn sat on a throne on the ground next to her was a unicorn looking quite scared this was Opaline and Misty "Hah. Those little ponies finally figured out how to stabilize the magic. Took them long enough. And now that they have, it's time to take back what is mine!" said Opaline she then let out a sinister laugh

(The Crystal Brighthouse)

Zipp had set up an Investigator station just below her bed with an Investigator visor and satchel and many other objects "It looks brilliant!" said Izzy "You think so?" asked Zipp "We're so glad you're staying in Maretime Bay, "Detective Zipp"!" said Pipp with a wink " Me, too. We have a lot to learn about magic and how it works. I'm just glad I'll be here to figure it out with my best friends" said Zipp "Well, I definitely still have a loooot of questions. Like why does my Alicorn magic disappear?" asked Sunny "Yeah! Like why do I now have the magical power to understand every animal except for this adorable baby dragon?" said Hitch "Still got a name the little fella" I said "Or... where did magic come from? Who made the Crystals anyway? And how did they get separated? Why didn't Earth ponies have magic before?" asked Zipp "Well, at least we already know one thing for sure" I said "What's that?" asked Izzy "No matter what lies ahead, we'll face it together!" said Sunny

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