Chapter 27 Cutie Mark Switcheroo

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It was finally the day we opened up the Community Garden of Magic to the citizens of Maretime Bay and now it was the grand opening "Thank you, everypony, for coming to the grand opening of Maretime Bay's new Community Garden of Magic!" said Sunny the crowd cheered "Yeah! Community garden! Whoo!" yelled Izzy "This will be your place to grow fresh foods, foster friendships, and have fun in the fields! Take it away, Sheriff Hitch!" said Sunny handing the speech over to Hitch "Thanks, Sunny! I'm very excited to" began Hitch but Izzy yelled again "Aw, yeah! That's our friend! Nopony interrupt him when he talks!" she yelled "Oh. Uh, thanks Izzy Welcome, everypony! As Sunny said, this garden is the best place in town to learn how to harness your Earth pony magic" he said Sunny then cut in "Flora magic!" she said "Were really calling it that?" I said "Note to self – Earth pony powers are officially called "flora magic". Hmm. I like it!" "Shhhh!" Izzy, Pipp and I said  "DON'T INTERRUPT HIM! Keep talking about what you were talking about!" said Izzy "Thanks, Izzy. So, yeah, that's what we've been calling it! You know, because of the unicorn float magic and the Pegasi flight magic, it's kind of a natural thing to name it. Flor— Hmm?" Kurtle the turtle chirped at him "You're right, Kurtle. I'm rambling. AS sheriff of Maretime Bay, it is my duty and great honour to hereby dedicate this garden to" began Hitch "Do we each get our own spot?" said an Earth Pony "Yes" said Hitch "There are practice plots inside ready for you to start planting and growing" began Hitch a Party Popper then went of startling Hitch causing the huge scissors he was holding to fly from his grip they shot down cutting the ribbon to the garden "It's open! I call best spot!" said the Earth Pony from before the crowd ran into the garden the Animals in the garden ran for cover "Slow down! There's enough room for everypony!" I said Kurtle was knock into the air and landed on Sunny's smoothie cart lucky he was fine and started to suck on one on the smoothies there Sunny giggled Kurtle the chirps again at Hitch "Thank you, Kurtle. I am good at dedication speeches. Maybe too good!" "Dibs on this plot!" said one of the Earth pony the Bunnies squeaked at Hitch "What was that? Don't worry, I'll fix this" he said "What's going on?" I asked "My speech might have made the Earth ponies too excited. They're kinda trampling everything" said Hitch "What do we do?" asked Sunny "Watch your hooves, everypony!" I said "But also, don't worry! With a little bit of love, I'm sure we can fix it" said Sunny "Oh, yeah I guess we can" they then used there magic to fix the trapped ground anther glimmer berry tree shot from the ground "Whoa-ho-ho-ho! Careful there! We don't want another glimmerberry incident on our hooves. Or on our manes" Hitch shuddered  "That's exactly why a designated spot to practice is perfect. And just look at all these amazing fruits! Like those! Uh, what are those?" Sunny asked one of the ponies "Pear-nana-melons!" said the ponies "So it's part pear, part Banana and part water melon?" I asked  "Okay, that actually sounds really tasty. Go ahead and get creative, everypony. But let's just be mindful of the" he began the critters ran from the garden  "...wildlife" he sigh  "Oh! I can't even belizzle my eyes! It's like a parade! But not on purpose" said Izzy seeing the horde of critters running towards the Brighthouse they stood in front of "Belizzle"? said Zipp" I said what I said! Just look at these animals going wild!" explained Izzy Pip then gasped and took out her phone "Great idea, Izz! Cute animals are great for the feed" she said take a photo "I can't even. I don't have words" said Pipp looking at the photo "Try "belizzle"! It works whenever you can or can't belizzle things." said Izzy "Oh, no! They're stampeding towards the Brighthouse! Get out of the way, us!" said Zipp Pipp and Zipp flew up well Izzy used her magic to hover Ugh!I got it! Ah... Ah..." she said some tails of the animals brushed against Izzy's nose and she sneeze flying and slamming into Zipp make her crash "Huh. Maybe I didn't "got it"" said Izzy "Well, I did!" said Pipp show the video of Izzy crashing into Zipp "And... posted!" she said "Greeeeat" groaned Zipp "Why are you all laying around?! I need backup with these critters!" said Hitch running over  "Can't you just ask them to chill out? You literally speak animal" said Zipp "That doesn't mean they'll listen! So can you help?!" asked Hitch "Sorry, what? I wasn't listening" said Pipp "See?!" exclaimed Hitch "Of course we'll be your deputies!" said Izzy "Thanks! Because while you all handle that, I gotta get back to the garden! Sunny seemed stressed" said Hitch Sunny back in the garden was catching falling fruit "Don't be stressed, Sunny! We're deputies now! We're going to help!" said Izzy Cloudpuff then showed up "Cloudpuff? What are you doing here?" asked Hitch Cloudpuff barked "Keeping an eye on Pipp and Zipp for Queen Haven, huh? Yeah, that does sound boring. Want to help me instead?" he said Cloudpuff barked back 
(Opaline's Dark Castle)

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