Chapter 39 Winter Wishday

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It was Winter Wishday in Maretime Bay or Wishiehoof or Wishentine depending on your race for me this was Hearts Warming Hitch left the Station Sparky on his back and started to make his way to the Brighthouse some flakes of snow started to fall some ponies were making hot coco white winter flowers and hanging a number of festive decatrons Hitch entered the Brighthouse to see us

(The Brighthouse)

Sunny danced around the kitchen baking some cookies Pipp and Zipp practiced the vocals and I was on the Phone "Are you sure you don't want to spend the holiday with us Misty?" I asked "No it's fine" came Misty voice through the phone "Okay if your sure talk to you another time bye" I said hanging out "We whisk you some tasty cookies We whisk you some frosted goodies We wish you a yummy Wishday And a happy New Moon! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!" sang Sunny "Me-me-me-me-meeeee..." vocalized Zipp "You're a little pitchy, Zipp. I mean, this is the Zephyr Heights Wishentine Royal Carousel Concert!" said Pipp "Ugh! If it takes an hour to say the name, the show's probably gonna last for a week!" groaned Zipp "Even more reason to practice. From the top!" said Pipp we then heard a clatter from the closet Izzy was pulling a box of the top shelf with her magic "Just... a little... closer... and I can get these... " she grunted the box then fell on her "Ornaments!" she said Kenneth chirped at Hitch "It's from my Grandma Figgy!" said Hitch holding up a letter McSnipsalot clicked his claws "Not "Piggy", you wisecrab. Figgy!" said Hitch he sniped again "Very funny. Anyway, Figgy writes, "My dearest grandcolt..." That's me! "...I can't wait to see you on Winter Wishday. We're gonna have so much fun building the best cookie cottages. Love, your Gran." D'awww! Isn't she the best grandma in the whole world?" exclaimed Hitch Kenneth chirped "Oh, you think your grandma's better?" said Hitch Kenneth chirped again "That's what I thought" he said Sunny continued to sing "We whisk you some tasty cookies We whisk you some frosted goodies We wish you a yummy Wishday And a happy New Moon! Okay, okay! If I keep it in any longer, I'm going to explode!" said Sunny "Hit the deck, everypony!" laughed Zipp "What's got you buzzing, Sunny?" asked Pipp "Winter Wishday is just around the corner, and of course I can't wait to spend it with all of you! I have the perfect holiday planned for us, and it all ends with my favourite part – exchanging gifts under the Wishing Star! There, I said it!" said Sunny we all gave here a shy look "What?" asked Sunny "It probably be just me" I said "Why?" asked Sunny "Well, it's just that I promised my Grandma Figgy I'd celebrate Wishday with her. Like we always do" said Hitch "And I have to ring in the last night of Wishiehoof in Bridlewood with my hoof-made ornament. It's Jinxie if I miss that!" said Izzy "And we have to be home for the" began Pip "Zephyr Heights Wishentine Royal Carousel Concert" finished Zipp "Whoo-wee, that takes a long time to say" said Izzy "Right?!" they said back "It seems like we've all got conflicting holiday plans" said Hitch "No! I-I mean, sorry. Yes, we do all have plans, but I think we can still make this happen" said Sunny "But how?" asked Hitch "We'll stick together. That's how. We can definitely get to all of our holiday traditions and still make it back here in time to exchange gifts under the Wishing Star" said Sunny "Oh! Love that for us, but Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood are quite the journey" said Pipp "And wow! Look at all that floaty snow!" said Izzy "Huh? That's strange. It never snows here in Maretime Bay. Like, ever. Right, Hitch, Xavier?" asked Sunny "Nope. But I have been wishing for snow ever since I was little!" said Hitch "It never snow from my time here" I said "Me, too! But how are we going to get to Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights in this?" asked Sunny Izzy, Zipp and I looked at each other "Zipp, Xavier and I have a surprise for you!" said Izzy "Surprise?" said Sunny Sparky gave a gabble the sound like surprise "It could be the perfect snow-lution to our pickle" said Izzy "It was supposed to wait until Wishday, but... oh, all right!" said Zipp "So? What is it?" asked Hitch Izzy just stood the staring out "Huh? Oh! Sorry, I zoned out there for a second. Follow me!" said Izzy "To the roof" I said

Zipp, Izzy and I show them a flying cart "Ta-daaaaa!" said Izzy "Okay, so it still needs a little work. But pretty great, right? We've been working on it for weeks" said Zipp "With spare parts and scrap metal" I said "Love it so much! One question though. What is it?" asked Pipp "Well, originally, it was that old, broken tram car I found behind the factory. Then it was a giant art installation. Then Zipp had a brilliant idea to uni-cycle it from art to... moving art!" said Izzy "More like flying art!" said Zipp "Yeah, so now it's that!" said Izzy "I just wanted to find a way to show you ponies how awesome it is to fly, too" said Zipp "No way!" said Sunny "Whaaaaat?!" said Hitch "We can use it to travel to our hometown holiday celebrations and make it back here to the Brighthouse in time to see the Wishing Star together!" I said "Pretty cool. But are you sure this thing can fly?" asked Hitch "Hmmm... We think so! Never know until you try!" said Izzy "What do you call it?" asked Sunny "No name yet, but I have a few ideas" said Zipp "Hmmm... The Mare Stream! " Izzy yelled "I mean, that's an option I was thinking of. We totally don't have to use it or whatever" she said normally "It's perfection!" said Pipp "Agree. Now who wants to try it out?" said Zipp "Wait, wait, wait! Pre-flight check! Could somepony please shine a light?" said Izzy "You got it!" said Zipp holding Sunny's lantern "Thanks for letting me keep an eye on your lantern, Sunny" said Zipp "I know it's in good hooves with Detective Zipp. Have you discovered anything new about its magic yet?" asked Sunny "Just that its pris-beam energy is powerful" said Zipp "Just like our friendship!" said Izzy "Exactly! I can't wait to see the Wishing Star with my best friends!" said Sunny "And new coltfriend" Sunny finished looking at me Sunny lantern then powered up locked in place on the Mare Stream magical turning it into a steady craft the could definitely fly and not fall apart "Whoa!" said Hitch "Look at that!" said Izzy "Wow!" went Sunny "Amazing!" said Pipp "Cool!" said Zipp "Yeah, I, uh, I guess it works" I said "No way! The lantern is like a magic key for this thing?" said Zipp "Do you have to have a driver's license for this vehicle?" asked Hitch Izzy the crafted three licenses for Zipp, me and her "Ta-daaaaa!" she said handing then to Hitch "Yup. Everything checks out here" he said "One, two, three, four, five... Six seven spots? But there's only six of us" asked Pipp I put a extra spot in case Misty wanted to came but she had plans so" I began "Hey we can't forget Señor Butterscotch! Ha-ha-ha!" pull up her fake unicorn friend "All I know is – the captain's seat? That's for me! Whoa! New theory – holiday magic even stronger than regular magic?" said Zipp "Or is this more new magic?" I asked "Then it's settled! First thing in the morning, we'll head out to tour Equestria and make it back to the Brighthouse in time to see the Wishing Star! Come on! There's so much to do to get ready!" said Sunny "Can't wait!" said Pipp "All right!" said Zipp "Yes!" said Izzy "Great plan!" said Hitch we spend the rest of the day packing "Where my old coat?" I said I found it underneath a layer of boxes "Why do you need that?" asked Sunny "To keep me warm" I said I then cast a spell on it to make to thinker and more retest to the cold "Ta daa" I said "What should I pack?" cried Pipp i round my eyes

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