Chapter 32 A New Friend Misty

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Misty and found herself in the Community  garden and started talking to herself out loud "I have to go! I have to get out of here! I've already said too much! But I can't just leave! Not without that lantern! But if I go back, they'll ask me more questions and expose my lies! Unless I sneak past them and bypass the elevator with somepony else's hoof! But whose? And how?!" she panicked  "Is it too late to tell those ponies that I was just kidding?!" "MISTY" I yelled "Huh!" said misty i looked over at the garden and saw Misty "There you are" I said "What are you doing here?" she asked "I followed you what are you doing in the garden?" i asked "Oh I...I got hungry and came into the garden to get some... some glimmerberries? That I ate all myself, which is why I don't have any right now" she said "Right that sounds like a lie but because your new I'm inclined to give you benefit of the doubt" I said "Anyway I followed you out to bring you back to the Brighthouse" I said "No I can't go back I won't" said Misty "If this is about Zipp prodding you with questions?" I asked "Yes and no" said Misty "Look your shy I can see that so how about this I'll kept Zipp off your back and any question you don't want to answer you don't have to and if not for me do it for Izzy" I said Misty stood in silence thinking it over "Come on it not everyday I get to make a new friend" I said Misty then looked me dead in the eyes Opaline had told her that I was evil, mean but Misty saw none of that "Okay I'll come back" she said "Really" I said "Really" she said "Yes!" I yelled I grabbed her in a hug and lifted her off the ground and span her around still hugging her Misty blushed I then realized what I was doing and stopped " Oh I'm sorry talk about Izzy's hugs being hardcore maybe I should talk about mine" I said     

(The Brighthouse)

  Izzy was still listing off want she missed about Bridlewood "Oh! Fuzzy pops in the summer! Funky horn fashions in the fall! Lighting the glowpaz stones on each day of the Wishiehoof holidays!" Sunny then whispered to Zipp "Pssst! Zipp! Can you distract Izzy while we redecorate a little?" she asked "Sure, but I don't think my help is gonna be necessary" said Zipp looking over at Izzy still talking  Sunny grabbed Pipp "Come on. It's time to bring a little bit of Bridlewood to the Brighthouse" said Sunny the ran up stairs to the bedroom  a few moments later they led Misty up stairs as she continued to list off what she missed "Glow horn hats! Staring at the sky crystals shooting across a shimmering, starry sky Crunchy unicorn corn cakes! Sweet, salty horn-shaped strudel! Knitting scarves for armadillos in the winter!" Sunny stopped her "Okay, stop listing things, Izzy. Because one... two... Surprise!" said sunny Izzy turned around and saw what Sunny and Pipp had done they and turned her room into a Bridlewood lookalike    

 Surprise!" said sunny Izzy turned around and saw what Sunny and Pipp had done they and turned her room into a Bridlewood lookalike    

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Izzy gasped "Ahhhh! What... is all this stuff?!" she asked them "It's all the stuff you said you missed from Bridlewood! Give or take a couple horn-shaped strudels" said Sunny "Now you can lay down and look up at the branches, just like home" said Pipp Izzy "I-I can't believe it. You guys did all of this just as I was talking?!" asked Izzy "Well, to be fair, you had a lot to say" said Zipp "Oh, this is some pretty impressive unicycling, too! Huh! Maybe you all have a bit of unicorn in you, after all" said Izzy she then saw me and Misty enter the room "Hey, Misty! You're back!" said Izzy "Uh, yeah your friend here brought me back you see I-I was hungry, so I thought, maybe I'll go out to the garden and harvest glimmerberries? That I ate all myself, which is why I don't have any right now!" said Misty give a nervous laugh see looked around to see me giving Zipp a scolding "Oh, I'm just so glad you're back! I hope you know how welcome you are here. Look! Doesn't it remind you so much of our sweet little hometown?" Izzy said to Misty "Uh, yes! It's like I'm transported back in time. It's actually... pretty incredible" said Misty we all resumed the sleepover has we gathered around Izzy bed "Hear, hear! I, Izzy Moonbow of the Bridlewood Moonbows, hereby start the unicorn sleepover ceremonies again!" said Izzy "Should we start with another unicorn song?" I asked " I'll count us in. A five, six, seven, eight!" began Pipp "Oh, we don't have to" said Izzy "We insist" said Sunny "Really? Do you know the words to this one?" asked Izzy "I mean, we don't" said Zipp "But we can definitely try" I said "Okay! Glow your horns and glitter your hooves The unico-orn song! Hug your pony friends And have them si-i-ing-a-long!" started Izzy we all joined in "Grow some corn and fritter your puffs The unico-orn song! Bug your pony friends And make them smash a gong!" we stopped then let a huge laugh "Smash a gong"?! I actually love that lyric!" said Izzy we all went to sleep Misty noticed something glowing in a wooden case "Hey Xavier what's that" she asked me "Hem oh just Sunny's lantern nothing special" I knew it was special and powerful but I didn't want anypony other then my friends to know how powerful it really was not even Misty after I was asleep and Misty was saw everypony else was she sneak out of bed to the window to talk to Opaline again "What took you so long?! Did you find it?!" said Opaline "I tried, Opaline, but this plan has been, well, more difficult than we originally anticipated. But don't worry! Though I haven't picked up the lantern per se, I have gathered plenty of info about their new magic! Well, they believe a completely different story about the origin of Equestria. Oh! And they told me all about dragonfire and how it changes cutie marks! Also, we did a hoof-reading and ate ponycorn and did horn decorating and" Misty said listing off what we did "Hold on. Misty. "Horn decorating"? "Ponycorn"? And "hoof-reading"?! Did you have FUN with these puny ponies?!" said Opaline angrily "No, no, of course not. It was strategic hoof-reading for gathering intel But seriously, have you ever tried ponycorn before?! Because it's the best! I mean, the best way to trick the ponies into thinking I'm one of their friends! I'm telling ya! They were gabbin'! I was grubbin'!" said Misty Zipp woke up and heard Misty talking to herself "Hmm..." thought Zipp something was defiantly up with Misty and Zipp was going to find out what

A/N: I know this Chapter's short but I've decided to make each episode a least 3 Chapter's it just easer for me so that way this chapter was short also I've decided the this book will end after the Winter wishday Special that will be the end of arc one then a second book will come out after Chapter 4 of make your mark comes out so the series is not finished this book is just I have another stories I want to get out so that way so see next time

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