Chapter 30 Enter Misty Brightdawn

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Out in the Community garden Sparky was eating some flowers Izzy rushed in to stop him "Oh! Sparky, save your snacking for food, not flowers!" she said Sparky whined "Aww, it's okay. You didn't know any better, and you're just getting your sillies out" she giggled Sparky babbled then ran out toward town "Oh, no, no, no! I didn't mean to "silly-out" even more! Sparky, stop! Sparky, slow!" yelled Izzy rushing after him Sparky slammed on top of Toots head then in a circle around Sprout causing him to lose his balance and fall over "Oh... Sparky, wait!" cried Izzy Sparky came in a stop next to a ally and Izzy skidded to a holt Sparky! "Okay, enough running for today" she said Sparky whined and acted scared "What's wrong? You're acting like there's some mysterious and scary presence lurking in the shadows directly behind me" said Izzy behind her was the dark silhouette of a pony right behind her Izzy looked behind her and gave an existed gasp "Hi, friend! What's your name? I'm Izzy Moonbow!" she said the pony then shyly answered back and started to speak very nervously "Uh, Misty. I, um, just got into town. And now I'm gonna leave! Bye!" "Wait, wait! I remember when I was new in town! Where ya going?! Do you want me to show you around?" said Izzy she was trying to be nice but Misty kept trying to get away "Uh... I..." she said trying to find the right words Sparky then growled at her "Aw, don't mind him. He's probably just excited to see another unicorn like me— Wait a minute! Unicorns! You! Me! Us! We can be... Unicorn friends!" yelled Izzy hugging her  "Oops! Sorry. I've been told by Xavier that my hugs can be pretty heavy-duty" she said letting go Misty didn't know what to say and tried to ran away but Izzy appeared in front of her  "This is incredible! I can't believe I've made a new unicorn friend! Poof! Just like that! I mean, I've known a lot of unicorns, but I dunno, something about you feels... different" she said  "It does?" panicked Misty "Mm-hmm. It must be... because you're my first official unicorn friend here in Maretime Bay!" said Izzy her voiced echoed "Yes! That must be it!" said Misty "Yes! This is such perfect timing because I have been missing Bridlewood so much lately! The trees! The teas! Even the jinxies! I bet we could spend hours bonding over Bridlewood experiences, having both grown up as unicorns, right?" said Izzy moving around her "Yeah— I gue— I, uh, well..." stuttered Misty Sparky continued to growl "What's gotten into you, little Spark-Spark? Misty's our friend" said Izzy "We'll celebrate us meeting with a... traditional unicorn sleepover!" said Izzy "What's that?" asked Misty "Uh, it's the unicorn tradition for whenever you make a very special, new best friend. You've never heard of it?" questioned Izzy "Oh! Yes! Of course! I thought you said "weepover"! Which is when you, like, cry over not having any lunch! Like me! Which is why I thought of it just now! I'm really hungry!" Misty bluffed "So, it's official! You're gonna sleepover at the Crystal Brighthouse toniiiight!" pointing towards it Misty started to panic "Oh, uh, tonight? But I can't really— And there's something I have to—" she began but Izzy ignored her "I'm gonna have snacks! And streamers! And tea lights for ambiance! And those hay pillows over there! Okay, gotta go get ready! See you later, Misty!" she said running back to the Brighthouse Sparky gave Misty one last growl and ran after Izzy
                         (Opalines Dark Castle)
Misty told Opaline that she had been invited to sleepover at the Brighthouse Opaline thought this was perfect "So... I get to go to the party?" asked Misty "Oh, Misty, you're going to party it up, all right. You're going to party all night until you steal Sunny's precious magic lantern" said Opaline "I'm not really sure that's how parties work. I've never been to one" said Misty Opaline gave her a menacing glare "But you're the expert!" said Misty with a nervous laugh "Get in that lighthouse and—" began Opaline but Misty cut her off "Brighthouse" she corrected her "Whatever! Get there and find... that... lantern!" she yelled at her
Izzy was telling us about the new friend is made early today "And she had a horn just like me! And hooves just like me! And a face! Just like me" said Izzy "She sounds like a unique unicorn" laughed Sunny "And you said Sparky was growling at her?" asked Zipp we looked around Hitch was playing with Sparky "I wonder why." I said "Ahh, you know. Sparky growls at everypony and every twig, bug, and critter!" said Izzy "He's just a curious baby dragon. It's what he does" said Izzy "Speaking of, it's time to get this little guy back to the station and start his bedtime routine" said Hitch picking him up "That's the time?! I've gotta get moving! There's so many great treats and traditions to get ready! This is gonna be the best sleepover anypony's ever been to in all of Bridlewood! I mean, Maretime Bay! I mean, Equestria!" yelled Izzy "Well, I thought my birthday party last year was pretty epic, but guess the bar's always rising" said Pipp "It's not the same Pipp" I said Izzy made a trumpet sound "Roll out the yarn balls!" yelled Izzy we and the floor was cover in balls of yarn "Whoop, whoop! String up the tea lights!" Izzy said to Zipp "Hang lots of colourful scarves for... ambiance!" she said we coved every comer of the room in scarves the door bell then rang "Sweet sauce horseshoe toss! She's here!" squealed" Izzy she opened the door revealing Misty who was holding a pillow "Welcome to the Brighthouse, Misty... Misty, uh..." began Izzy she the whispered "What's your last name?" she asked Misty "Ah, uh... Brighthouse!" She said we just stared at her with a confused expression "I mean Bright, um... Bright..." stuttered  Misty she then looked at the stain glass and saw a rising sun  "Dawn? Uh, Brightdawn!" she finished Welcome, Misty Brightdawn, to the best unicorn sleepover of your unicorn life!" said Izzy "So nice to finally meet you, Misty. Izzy's told us" began Sunny "Told you?! Told you what?!" gasped Misty "When did you say you got into Maretime Bay?" asked Zipp "Oh, I didn't" said Misty "In town just for a visit? Or staying permanently?" asked Zipp "Zipp, Zipp, Zipp, Zipp, Zipp. Buddy, you're hoofing it up the wrong hill here. You don't need to "detective" her. Misty's our friend. Ooh! We're already way behind schedule! Come on, "unicorns"!" said Izzy Misty then saw me her mouth hung open everypony stopped and looked between us I just thought she was surprised to see another Alicorn which she was but she had heard Opaline talked about an Alicorn stallion in the past that fought her along with Twilight Sparkle I smile "I know it's a lot the mane the bod when your staring at basically a deme -god" I said Misty gulped

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