Aurora's P.O.V

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January 2020

I wake up stretch and check my phone

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I wake up stretch and check my phone. I see text messages from Omari, I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face then hop in the shower. After a ten minute shower, I get out and get dressed then head to the kitchen. I walk in to see B feeding Bree at the table while Nau'Jour cooks.

"Wats up cuz." Nau'Jour says to me.

"Good morning."I say to them."

I walk over to the counter, pour me a cup of coffee and Nau'Jour sits a plate in front of me.

"Thank you" I say to him then walk over to B and sit down.

"Wat time did ya get in?" She ask me.

"Six this morning." I say while putting a spoon full of grits in my mouth.

"And you're up already?" She ask me.

"It's eleven and I can never sleep in for too long." I say while eating a piece of sausage.

"Shidd I be in da bed until two in da afternoon if I was you." Nau'Jour says walking over with his plate and sitting down.

"Wat time you gotta go back in?" B ask while wiping Bree face off.

"I have today off so not until tomorrow afternoon." I say while drinking my coffee.

"You wanna go to da mall wit me today?, I need to get Bree some stuff and me another bed frame." She says lookin at Nau'Jour.

He winks at her and she blushes. I look between the both off them and stand up.

"Nasty asses." I say while putting my plate in the sink.

"Your ass sound like East." Nau'Jour says with food in his mouth.

"Babe dats nasty and speakin of East he was trynna get in touch wit you yesterday." She says looking at me.

"Okay." I say while washing out my dish.

"Aww shyt, wat East ass done did?" Nau'Jour ask me.

"Nothin, I just don't feel like being bothered today." I say while drying my dish off and putting it away.

"You lyin, everytime somebody mention his name you blush but you didn't just now." B says to me.

"I'm going to check on the apartment but I can meet you at the mall after." I say ignoring her comment.

"Did she just dismiss me?" B ask Nau'Jour.

"Like a school assembly." He says laughing.

"I'm not trying to dismiss you, I just don't feel like talking about East." I say to them.

"Oh yea she mad cause she just called his ass East." Nau'Jour says shaking his head.

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