Aurora's P.O.V

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March 2020
Atlanta, Georgia

I wake up to the sunshinimg in my face

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I wake up to the sunshinimg in my face.

"I thought I closed those last night." I say to myself.

"You did."

I jump up and look to where the voice came from

I jump up and look to where the voice came from

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"Mom." I say holding my chest.

"Rise and shine darling, breakfast is ready and the table is being set. I'll see you down stairs in five minutes." She says standing by the door.

"I'm still tired. I'll get something to eat later." I say turning over in bed.

"Oh no honey, you only have a few more hours with us and we want to spend as much time with you as we possibly can before you leave." She say to me.

Dr. Warren thought it would be a good idea for me to take some personal time off from work after the scene at the hospital. Omari tried balancing me and Paris but it started to be too much for him especially wit her milking this whole bed rest situation. So I thought it would be a good idea for me to come visit my parents. I was only suppose to be here for a weekend but ended up staying a whole week.

"Fine, I'll be down In a bit." I say sitting up in bed.

"Good, don't take to long." She says walking out the door and closing it.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After doing my morning routine I sit on my bed and check my phone. I see text messages from Brooklyn, Sabrina and Chris. I also see that I have a missed call from Mama King and Omari.

"Aurora!" My Mom yells.

"Coming." I say sitting down my phone.

I walk out of my room, down the hall and the steps then go into the kitchen.

I walk out of my room, down the hall and the steps then go into the kitchen

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