Aurora P.O.V

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Los Angeles, California
February 2021

I wake up to the door creek in open. I put my hand under my pillow taking the safety off my gun. I hear footsteps approaching and I pretend like I'm still sleeping. The foot steps get closer and I pull my gun out aiming it at the person.

"Chill out G.I Jane." He says looking at me.

"You must have a death wish." I say muggin him.

"No I don't." He says lookin confused.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him putting the safety back on my gun sitting it on the dresser

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"What are you doing here?" I ask him putting the safety back on my gun sitting it on the dresser.

"A better question is wat are you doing here?" He ask me while handing me a Panera bag.

"Business." I say to him while opening the bag.

"So you ain't running away?" He ask me.

"No." I say taking a bite of the food.

My phone goes off and I look at it to see Omari calling for the hundredth time. I hit the silent button turning the phone face down and look up to see Breeze staring at me.

"I'm not running." I say to him.

"Then why didn't you answer?" He ask.

"I need time and what the hell happened to your face?" I ask him while eating.

"Me and your fiancé got into a fight." He says.

"Why?" I ask him confused.

"You." He says.

"I didn't tell you what I heard on that phone so you can go defend my honor. I don't want y'all fighting each other over me. Y'all been best friends way before I came into the picture, y'all family." I say to him.

"He already knew I was steppin when it came to you cause I told him when he first started goin after you. I told him not to go after you if he wasn't goin be all in cause we was goin go to war." He says.

"Thank you but y'all need to make up. It don't need it to be bad blood when the baby comes or in the circle period." I say.

"We good, dis ain't da first time we done fought each other." He says.

"Really?" I ask suprised.

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