Aurora P.O.V

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Atlanta, Georgia
December 2020

I'm in the bathroom taking a hot bubble bath before getting my day started when the bathroom door opens and Omari walks in.

"Hey baby." I say cutting off the water.

"Hey, you okay?" He ask me.

"Omari I told you stop asking me that." I say looking up at him.

"I know but..."

"No buts, it's been two weeks I'm fine. Nothing happened, I woke up in time before he could do anything. I was just in shock because I've never been in a situation like that before." I say to him.

"P, I'm sorry I wasn't here." He says.

"Omari please stop aplogizing, you did nothing wrong by going there. You and Alexis have a child together, you're going to be around each other whether I like it or not. I wish you would've told me before going and I'm not okay with her kissing you but I'm glad you pulled away." I say to him seriously.

Two days after the situation and me fully getting back to myself he sat me down and told me everything that happened between him and Alexis and the text messages from Scar.

"Is there some room in there for me?" He ask.

"Of course." I say.

He takes his shirt off and I look at him biting my lip.

He takes his shirt off and I look at him biting my lip

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"Don't start Penelope." He says shaking his head while taking off his shorts and boxer briefs.

Ever since that night Omari hasn't touched me intimately. He gives me sensual kisses but it doesn't go past that.

"Scoot up." He says.

I move up and he steps inside the tub behind me, he sits down then pulls me onto his lap.

"How's the hunt going?" I ask.

"We haven't been able to find him yet. We went to see if Bones could maybe try to trace the number but he wasn't at da spot he been stayin at." He says.

"You still think he's the rat?" I ask.

"I never did, all the evidence is dere but my gut is tellin me it ain't him." He says.

"What do the guys think?" I ask.

"Toosii ready to catch and kill, Chris head ain't really in da game. You should try talkin to him." He says.

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