East P.O.V

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October 2020
Atlanta, Georgia

I wake up to Aurora laying on my left side while kissin and suckin on my neck

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I wake up to Aurora laying on my left side while kissin and suckin on my neck.

I wake up to Aurora laying on my left side while kissin and suckin on my neck

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"You're ass must not be trynna walk today." I say while pullin her on top of me.

"Good morning baby." She says kissin my jaw.

"Mornin, how long you been up?" I ask her.

"Not that long." She says runnin her hand over my chest.

She starts kissin her way down my chest and I stop her.

"Wat you up to?" I ask lookin at her.

"Nothin." She says lookin at me confused.

I don't say anything I just kiss her lips then slide her back onto the bed and get up walkin to the bathroom.



"East." She says.

"Don't get fucked up." I say walkin out da bathroom.

"But you heard that." She says rollin her eyes.

"I ain't sayin shyt cause I don't want us to argue." I say walkin to the stand to check my phone.

"You better not pick up that fucking phone." She says starin at me.

"Watch ya mouth." I say to her.

"Then don't piss me off." She says.

"Tell me what you up to?" I say foldin my arms.

"I'm not up to anything, I can't just wanna have sex?" She ask.

"No not lately, lately you been fuckin and suckin me real good just to knock my ass out so you can be on some James Bond shyt. You were ready to walk away from me a couple of months ago because of the shyt that you doin now but I'm not suppose to feel no type away about it but you can." I say to her.

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