Prolouge: Meeting

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(Hello this is the author. You don't have to read this, as it has some triggering scenes. This is just some background info but I will add warnings here and there. There are some racist slurs in here used at the time of the chapter and also used now. Please do not use these irl even as a joke as these are hurtful. They will be boxed like this [hi].

Also the above chart is what I am using for Beetlejuice's hair colour. Yn's eye colour is a generic colour chart, aka red=angry, blue=sad, purple=scared etc. Credits to the creator of the chart.

Thank u  😊)


Running. Running. Screaming. Crying. Running. That was all I could do at the time, minutes before my death.

"Get her!"

"She's evil!"

"She's a [coon]!"

"Get the [nigger]!"

So how did this start?

My name is Y/N L/N. I live in Winter River, Connecticut, USA. It's currently the year 1940. The reason I'm running is because I've been framed for a crime. And because I'm colored, it is likely I will die today. (If you are Caucasian, or white, just pretend you've been framed for a serious crime and your family is a notorious crime family)

And in the most humiliating way. Not shot, stabbed, not even electrocuted. No. It's lynching. That's basically being hanged but not by the law, but by other people. Neighbors who befriend you, then hang you the next second as soon as they suspect you for a crime. Let's get back to the scene.

An alleyway! Instinctively, I ran in. I don't know why, I just did. After running and running, I reached a dead end. Shoot. I heard voices behind me.

"She ran in here!"

David. My best friend. I trusted him. Well clearly not anymore. I quickly hid inside a dumpster, firmly closing the lid with me inside, trying to preserve my survival for a little longer, if at all.

It stank badly. The amount of food people waste is seriously atrocious. Rotten eggs, spoilt yogurt, bad fruit, and I SWORE I saw rats running around the dumpster. And it was extremely squashed too.

I don't know how long I was in there when I heard the lid of the dumpster open up and light filled the disgusting place. A hand grabbed my hair and tugged sharply.

" We got her! She's here!"

I struggled and kicked and squirmed, but the man who was holding me (I confirmed by his voice) must have had a grip of iron.

"Let me go!" was followed by some punched to my face, and I blacked out. I felt my right eye getting swollen and blood from my forehead running down my face. All I could remember was a tightening around my neck, a snap, a sharp pain, and the feeling of being yanked up neckwards, then nothing.

I was 18 years old when I died.

I guess I finally lived exactly 18 years of my life. To the dot.l


I woke up. I was hanging from a tree, my legs dangling precariously. A girl passed by. She looked under my age, around 15. I waved at her. I guess she didn't notice me, because she continued walking forward. Strange.

I started staring at the clouds, trying

A man waved up at me. He was the most strangest sight I ever saw. He wore a black and white striped suit. He had an extremely pale face and from what I could tell, yellow teeth and a striped tongue. He also had green hair and was covered in mold and dirt. I assumed he was a drunk hobo.

Just then, a book appeared next to me, then fell crashing down to the ground.

"Hey sir? Is it possible for you to pass me that book please? I can't reach it."

The man simply took the book and ripped it up. I stared in horror. What did he have against that book?

"OI! Why'd you rip up the book?"

He then shouted in a rather gravelly voice, "You don't need that book! Just come down!"

I stared in confusion at what he said. How am I to get down? I'm literally stuck up here.

And with a snap of his fingers, I was off the tree and next to him. He smiled profusely, showing off his teeth. Yes, his teeth were yellow. And extremely pointy.

"Can't say it babes." Gonna ignore the fact he said 'babes'.

"That complicated to say?"

"Something like that."

He produced a pen and some paper from his pocket, then started writing. Finally, he handed me the paper.



"Like the star, Betelgeuse?"

"Yeah! Finally! Someone gets it!"

"No offense, because you have a cool name, but who names their child 'Betelgeuse'?"

"... That's my middle name. My name's Lawrence Shoggoth."

"What do you prefer?"

"Beetlejuice, or daddy, your choice."

"Damn are you always this flirty?"

"Always babe. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He seems friendly enough.

He stretched out his hand and I shook it.

"What's your name?"

"Y/N Rigel L/N."

"Oh Y/N, we're gonna have so much fun!"

(Hello! It's the author again. I'm sorry this one was so short. In the future they will be more longer.

Thx 😊 )

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now