Chapter II: The Deetzes

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(Hiiii! I should really not start all my chapters like this. But did you know you can't wink and wiggle your eyebrows while smiling?


Have a good day y'all! Also I'll try to stick to the official script as much as possible)

Y/N or Y/n or y/n (bc I am lazy) = your name
n/n = your nickname.
f/d = your favorite drink
f/f = your fav food

"Mmm yes. There's very good energy here." Said the red-haired woman who was dinging a triangle.

A broad-shouldered man follows her into the living room. Or in the Maitlands' case, the dying room. Just a pun I threw in there.

"I'm glad you like it. It took a very big risk to buy this place."

They droned on about how they were gonna change the house. Then they started making out. Whatever. I was the only one downstairs apart from the Deetzes. The other ghosts were upstairs, apparently learning how to scare people. If there was one thing I knew about Beej, it's that he's a terrible teacher. I'd be surprised genuinely if they don't feel insulted or freaked out.

I am not!

One thing that caught my eye is the way the Deetzes teenage daughter entered. She lay on the sofa as the movers hoisted it in. In a coffin position. My girl's lucky if she gets a coffin when she dies.

"Hey dad, does this couch make me look dead?"

I snickered. The girl turned her head abruptly. Did she hear me?

Ah no. She probably didn't. I poofed upstairs to see... Beej singing?

Hey I sang beautifully!

Beej shut up!


"Why God/Satan did you send these bed wetters?

Even like a tax attorney coulda been better!

Someone with gravitas, someone to fear whoooo-"



"Y'know they can hear you right?"

"Dang it." He muttered.

"Well Y/N, Adam and Barbara, that was a SOLILOQUY. So you're the one being rude."

This is taking forever.

"Whatever it takes to make them go crazy!"

"Turn all the lights off!"

"Dress like a baby!"

"Adam, what the hell?"

"Get your heads in the game!"

"Let's hide their phones!"

"Screw their phones!"

"Beej, these peeps are hopeless."

"How will we surviveeee."

"Unless they get the fright of their lives!"

"There gonna get the fright of their liIiIIIIIiiives~!"

"They'll never get the fright of their lives!" Ugh. Beej eventually gave up and poofed away, while I tried to tutor the Maitlands a bit more. I can see why Beej was frustrated. They were just too, nice.

"What makes you angry? What fills you with rage? And don't say 'beInG mEaN tO a PeT' because that's not ragey enough."

"When kids call me dude." Said Adam. Aha!

"Ok, dude, how are you doing, dude?" Adam stared at me weirdly, then annoyed.

"Don't call me dude."

"I'm sorry, dude, but I can't help it. Maybe we can make up a compromise, dude."

"Stay calm, stay calm."

"Dude, your wife's really hot," I said, jesturing towards Barbara. I could tell Adam was getting pissed off. Good. "Maybe I'll take her for myself, dude."

"NOW WAIT ONE DAMN MINUTE!" Adam shouted, then clasped his mouth in shock. I put my hands above my head in fear. Aka, I flinched. Guess we know one thing I'm scared of. People shouting at me. Adam and Barbara looked at me confused but worriedly. I dusted myself off, even though I wasn't dusty.

"That. Was. Terrifying. Great job Adam!" Adam beamed.

"And Barbara, do you like overly glutinous food?" I pulled out some cakes that I knew had way too much gluten in them.

"Get away! Get away!"

"Barbara, try some! It's amazing!" I pushed some towards her.

"I said GET AWAY!" God, are screams scary. In an ornate mirror propped up on a box on the floor I saw my eyes were a deep violet colour. I was terrified. I quickly tried to recover from the shock, while A and B stared at me curiously but sadly.

"Yn, you good?"

"Yeah," I said, shaking my head vigorously, "I'm always ok! That's such a silly question, Adam. Barbara, you did wonderfully. I mean, I got terrified. And I never get scared."

"Thank you!" There was a knocking at the attic door. Out of shock and habit, I poofed myself out of the room. Stupid PTSD.

I had teleported myself outside the attic. I was on the roof. I trod carefully to where I saw a flash of black and white.


"Y/N?" His hair was purple, and I knew he hated it. I sat closer to him on the roof, hugging him. He put his head on mine, and we looked at the sky, it slowly becoming dusk.

"I taught them to be scary, and they did well, so we have a chance," I said in hope of cheering him up. It did. Some hair strands changed from purple to green, but it was still majorly purple. Wait... it wasn't just purple and green. There were strands of pink and blue too. If he removed the green then he would be cosplaying the bisexual flag 🩷💜💙. I wasn't fully tutored on his hair colour, but I brushed it away.

"Hey, why are you so sad?"

"Those dopes are hopeless." Beej answered sadly.

"It will be ok Beej, we'll figure it out."

"Promise?" He held out his pinky finger.


"You cannot break a pinky promise y/n/n."

"I won't Beej."

He put his head on my shoulder as we looked at the stars. After a while I said:

"Hey Beej? Look at the stars. Ooh! There's Vega! And Bellatrix! (Not the Harry Potter character) Ooh, and Capella. Oh look!"I suddenly yelped in excitement.


"It's our stars! Betelgeuse and Rigel!"

And then I started ranting about them when Beej finally shut me up.

"Shut up nerd." He said jokingly.

"Hah. Look! A shooting star! Make a wish!" Beej and I closed our eyes tight, and made a wish. That's when I did something embarrassing. I yawned, and fell asleep on Beej's shoulder.

(Beej pov)

"Psst y/n?" I whispered. Then I suddenly heard a quiet snore. She fell asleep. Wow.

And from what I could tell, my hair had gone a light, cotton-candy pink. Great. I magiced, or juiced, as I prefer to say, myself a hat on my head in hopes of covering all my hair.

I failed.

I gently lifted her up, carried her to the attic and juiced her a bed. I gently lowered her in it and tucked her in. I know she looks around my age but she sometimes looked so innocent.

I whispered to her, "Good night y/n, sweet dreams."

And out of the corner of my eye, I saw her smile.

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now