Chapter XIII: Help

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(In the following chapter, Beetlejuice will not be able to talk as a narrator during anyone but his pov, similarly for YN, as this is their thoughts and perspectives only.

Also there is self harm in here, so if you don't feel like reading that, skip the chapter. No pressure.

Happy reading.)

(YN pov)

I could feel today was gonna be a bad day. Well, bad evening. Storm clouds were outside, brewing up thunderclaps and lightning.


I snuggled up on the blankets that I slept on (I slept on the couch), when suddenly Beej poofed behind me.

"Boo." He said. I turned around, unamused.


"Two things."

"Shoot 'em at me."

"1) The Maitlands went out for a walk and some shopping. Don't worry, their wearing red.

2) Lydia isn't feeling so good."

"Aww, why?"

"The snakes."

"No way, she actually ate them?"

"Yup!" He said enthusiastically.

"Respect. Did she get a cold from weakend immunity?"

"Yup." He said... less enthusiastically.

"Anyway, I'll go make her soup, go get her some blankets, extra pillows and some entertainment. Maybe a hot water bottle if it was a python."

"It was a rattlesnake, don't worry."

"I see. Just make her comfy and warm. I'll make chicken soup and some lemon tea."

"K." And with that he poofed away.

I started to cook. I boiled the chicken, added vegetables and spices like cardamom, star anise and ginger, and got it all served for Lydia, with a complementary drink: hot water with lemon juice, honey and raspberries.

The ultimate cold home remedy.


I grabbed a fancy metal tray of Delia's and placed the food carefully on the tray.

I started to walk up the stairs when I heard yelling.

Carefully balancing the tray in my hands, I reached Lydia's room; the source of the sound.

I was about to knock, when I heard something.

"I don't want her food!"

"Lyds, it's good for-"

"I don't want HER food!"


"I don't trust her!"

"Why not? You've eaten the food that she's made before."

"And look at me now! I'm sick!"

"Lyds, that's not her fau-"

"Shut up!" Well that was strange. I started to walk into the room, when suddenly-


"WHAT?" Woah. She's angry.

"You cannot talk about YN like that! What is wrong-"

"I'll tell you what's wrong! YN IS USELESS. SHE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING!"

What? What about the cleaning, cooking, feeding? Is that not important? I was starting to feel a little hurt.


Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now