Chapter X: Donuts and Gunshots

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We arrived at Griddy's. (Yes, Elemental takes place in the same timeline. (Elemental is my TUA fanfic.))

We seated ourself in one of the booths, and Lydia ordered us donuts and some drinks. Hot chocolate for me, unsweetened iced te-

Iced tea unsweetened. Not the other way around.

What's the difference?


I'm not sure about that.

Iced tea, unsweetened and unsweetened ice tea are completely different!


Iced tea, unsweetened is superior in every way.

Whatever. As I was saying before I got RUDELY interrupted, Beej had tea and Lydia had some Coke.

By the way, drinks don't affect us. Only food. Apart from smoothies. And melted ice-cream. If it fully originated from a food, terrible consequences.

Beej and I squeezed into one of the seats, Lydia facing us, and Beej started his river of jokes.

Stream of jokes?

When I say river, I mean river. It was endless. We laughing our heads off. Well, Lydia was stifling her laughter while I howled.

There were a few people still in the café, even though it was nearly night. There was a middle-aged man sitting near two school kids, around Lyds age.

Oh yeah, they were those Umbrella Academy kids. They would have been 29 around now, right?

Well, the girl kept on staring at us weirdly. She looked like me when I was a kid, which was strange. I mean, there's only one of me, right?

Right? (I love breaking the second wall)

Anyway, we munched on our donuts happily, when suddenly armed men came into the room. The coffee shop door was locked. My maternal instinct came in and I hid Lydia under the table. The armed men came up to the two kids and pointed their guns at them.

Another death in USA. A shootout. This time, in a coffee shop. All time low.

Wait. These are the Umbrella Academy kids. They are highly trained assassins. They're gonna be fine.

They started talking to the gunmen. The whole time I was figuring out escape plans.

I decided to distract the gunmen. I walked across the room, grabbed the metal cutlery holder (with steel cutlery in it) and threw it on the floor. The men snapped their head around to locate the source of the sound.

That's when the kids fought back. The boy stabbed the closest gunman to him in the eye, while my clone stabbed three people with a shard of ice she created with her powers.

Like I said, they were highly trained assasins. Still, it was impressive watching little 'me' fight.

Also, looks like she has a crush on the boy. But that's just my opinion. It was the heart eyes she was giving him earlier.

I started to help them fight, because they needed all the help they could get. I started punching the men, while the boy was distracting them and the girl was stabbing them.

I made eye contact with the girl at one point, I can't remember when, when I realised something.

We're the same person.

At least, probably.

Doubt it.

Yeah, you're right.

The boy disappeared for a bit, which is when I heard a scream. Female screams.


A stray bullet hit her in the stomach.

I ran up to her.

"Lydia, it's ok. Breathe. We'll get help. Beej, protect her. Don't let her fall asleep. Imma finish these bitches off." I said, glaring at the gunmen.

Her eyes were red with rage.

Descriptive. Nice. I knew working on your writing was a good idea.

No I mean they were literally red.


Can I tell this part?


For one, you looked badass.

Aww thx Beej.

Anyway, she grabbed the gunmen's necks, lifted them of the ground, strangled them and then ripped their heads off. Blood splattered everywhere, and YN looked hella scary.

Aww, did I scare you Beej?

No! ....maybe a little.

Don't worry. I will only do that to people if they hurt people I love.

"C'mon YN!" I heard from outside. The boy was talking to the girl.

Her name was YN too?

Yeah, strange how we look the same, and have the same name.


(Lydia POV)

Beej kept on trying to calm me down and breathe slowly while fumbling with the phone to call 911.

"Am I going to die?"

"No no no. I'm not letting you die. Stay with me Lyds. Stay with me. C'mon Lyds." He was crouched next to the table, trying to keep me awake.

"Beej, if I die, please delete my search history."

"You won't die. You won't. Promise."

"YOU BITCH!" We heard YN screaming at the closest gunman, grab his neck, strangle him, fly him up into the air, and ripped his head off, and did it repeatedly.

"Beej, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep for a little..."

The last thing I saw was Beej tapping my face for me stay awake, before I fell asleep.

It takes a matter of seconds to kill someone.

Just a few seconds.

Spoiler: Lydia ain't dead

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now