Chapter XI: Hospital

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(Y/n pov)

We had made ourselves visible. I found a way for us to look more humanly, masking our strangest features, but the neck scar was still visible.

The ambulance came. Those kids had kindly called 911, so it wasn't a long time before they came.

We were driven to the hospital. Lydia was rushed to the ER, while Beej and I waited outside. I sat in one of the waiting room chairs, bouncing my right leg frantically. Beej sat next to me, and put a shoulder around me. I cried into his shoulder, and he hugged me tighter.

The hospital always gets me nervous. I never went in much alive, but as a ghoul, we used to visit other

After a few hours, they called us in. Lydia was propped up on the bed, seemingly unharmed.

"Lydia!" I rushed up to her, and hugged her tightly.

"Easy on the hugs, I just came out of surgery, y'know."

"Are you ok?"

"I've been better." She smiled weakly at me while Beej came to join us, and the doctors left us in peace.

We sat in the very, VERY uncomfortable hospital chairs, each of us holding one of Lydia's hand.

We didn't say anything for a while, until Lydia broke the silence.

(Lydia pov)

"Y/n, you are a terrifying person."


"You killed those people with your bare hands!"

She chuckled through her tears.

"If this happens again, I'm not holding back."

"That was you holding back?" I jumped up, then winced at the pain. "Owww."

"Easy there." Y/n put a comforting hand on my shoulder. That's when I realised, Beej hadn't said anything. At all.


"Mhm?" He didn't look us in the eye, he just stared at the floor.

"What's wrong?"



"IMSORRYITWASALLMYFAULTISHOULDHAVENEVERTAKENUSTOGRIDDYSIMATERRIBLEPERSONIMSOSORRYHDGIWVDNKAGS!" He broke down, tears were streaming down his face, so Yn went and hugged him. I have never seen him so sad.

"Hey hey hey, it's not your fault. If it weren't for you, Lydia wouldn't be alive. You made sure she was awake for long enough, you tried to call 911, you kept her safe, you're not a terrible person. You're amazing."

A doctor in a white lab coat came in. "Well, because the wound wasn't that deep, and because we gotta keep this story going, Lydia Deetz, you've been discharged." Story? What story? Ooh, I wanna know the story. (Goodbye second wall! We'll miss u!)

Anyway, I got wheeled out of the hospital, where Beej held our hands and teleported us home. Meanwhile, I got magically healed. (✨️Magic✨️)

We stood in the doorway, still shaken up.

"How was the trip to Gri- OH MY GOD!" Yeah, Barbara saw us. And the bandage.

"It was all good, don't worry Babs."

"What happened?" She ran up to me, hugging me gently, like how Mom did.

"Shootout." Said Yn. She sounded tired.

"Why is YN covered in blood?"


"Are you ok YN?"

"Shootout. I mean, yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you still alive, Lyds?"

"I think."

At that point, YN slapped me. It was painful. "Yeah, she's alive."

"Oww. Rude."


"By the way, you're all past your curfew. All of you are grounded."


"To bed, now."

"I'm 20!" (Tbf, he DIED at 20, so he has the mentality of a 20-year-old.

Well, he SHOULD have the mentality of a 20-year-old.


(Apologies, YN hijacked my system.)


"It's 6 in the mor-"


(Barbara pov)

Don't judge me, I was having fun.

(Sorry if that was short. I lost inspo)

Mors Non Es Finis: A Beetlejuice x Female YN fanficWhere stories live. Discover now